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almost wishing she had come. Just a little bit. The embarrassment might have been worth getting rid of the tension that now made her feel desperate, slightly sick, and crabby as hell. You re an evil tease. We ll be lucky if she comes back anytime in the next hour. This place is crazy busy tonight. Putting that expression on your face would be worth waiting hours for dinner. What expression is that? Hungry. Are you ready to order now? Yes. She gave him a filthy glare that only made him laugh. He lifted his hand and the server appeared at the table less than a minute later. Of course she did. Women couldn t resist him. Betsy forced a smile to her face and ordered charbroiled oysters for them both, even though she was certain she wasn t going to be able to eat a bite, which was a damn shame. Charbroiled oysters were her favorite. She d longed for them while she was at the Culinary Academy and had even tried to make her own version for Lila and Jenna. She d never gotten them quite right and had been looking forward to eating at least a dozen of the rich treats tonight. She growled under her breath. Quin nudged her leg. Oh, settle down. You started it. At least you don t have to walk across the room with a hard-on. Where are you going? The men s room. Think there s any chance our food will arrive while I m gone, so we can eat and get the hell out of here? He wasn t smiling anymore. A muscle in his jaw jumped, and his nostrils flared. His visible tension mollified her. Slightly. Are you hungry, too? she asked, not talking about food. Absolutely fucking starving. His savage expression sent a burst of heat through her, but she schooled her features into an expression of sympathy. After what he d just done to her, she was going to enjoy this, despite her own frustration. Oh, dear. That s going to be a problem. Why is that? You wanted a tour of the city, so I booked one after dinner. She batted her eyelashes. The Midnight Special will take us through the French Quarter, an above-ground cemetery, and Bayou St. John. Then we ll finish up along St. Charles, so we can appreciate some fine New Orleans architecture. Sound good? He looked appalled. Tell me you re kidding. She gave him a sweet smile and trailed her hand down his short sleeve. Blue looks good on you blue balls, that is. You know what they say& if you can t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. That will teach you to torture me in public. He snorted. I ll keep that in mind, God help me. When he left the table, she picked up her water glass and drained it. It didn t quench the inferno inside her. Three unsatisfying encounters with him today made her ready to combust. The last thing she wanted to do after dinner was tour the city, but she d called in a favor for the last-minute reservation. There was no way she could ditch. Visions of them having sex in a cemetery, then on the Bayou, and then riding the St. Charles streetcar paraded through her head, leaving her breathless. It had all been done, she was sure, but not by her, and she didn t have any favors she could call in if they got arrested. As she watched Quin walk back toward their table, the devilish light in his eyes tempted her to risk it. & Quin took Betsy s hand as their guide deposited them in front of the Keystone. Their private tour had given him no opportunity to continue what he d started at the restaurant unless he wanted to turn it into a threesome. He hadn t been able to do anything but hold her hand and occasionally put his arm around her, and she d tormented him all night, sliding her fingers against his, snuggling closer, smiling up at him like there was no other place she d rather be. He was losing his mind waiting for Betsy to finish saying good-bye to their guide. He thrust a few bills into the guy s hand. Amazing tour thanks. They d tramped over what felt like half of the city, and he d learned more about New Orleans history than he d ever wanted to know. His nightmares had plenty of fuel now. He wrapped his arm around Betsy and hauled her into the hotel. That was rude. But she was grinning, making him wonder if she d been dragging out the good-bye on purpose just to torture him some more. If so, she was in so much trouble. He waved at the front- desk clerk and guided her toward the elevator. How much did you give him? Betsy asked, looking over her shoulder out the front window where their guide was staring after them. I have no idea. I only have hundreds in my wallet. Two, maybe three? Not enough? More than enough. We ll be lucky if he doesn t follow us thinking you made a mistake. He better not. He punched the button and steered her into the elevator, hitting their floor and taking her straight to the wall. Tell me after all that roaming around you haven t forgotten how I want to end our night. Her eyes were paler than he d ever seen them, lit from the inside, all smoke and fire, telling him she hadn t forgotten. You want to be inside me, she said. I do. He licked into her mouth. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. He hauled her into the air, still kissing her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He pressed her against the wall again. The doors shut. Her lips tasted of the souvenir candy the tour guide had given them, but the feel of her embrace was even sweeter. She wiggled closer, perfecting their fit. Her skirt bunched around her hips, and the only thing separating them was her panties and his jeans. The need to get inside her pounded in his blood so hard, taking her against the wall seemed logical, but if the elevator got called to the lobby, they d be interrupted. One more cock-block today would kill him. He stabbed the control panel with a desperate finger. When the doors opened, he carried her down the hall. With every step, she ground against him. I hope you aren t looking for a slow ride, sweetheart. I ve been hard for you for hours, and I am about to lose my fucking mind. It s gonna be fast. She clutched him tighter. Hell yes. Somehow, he found the right door, fumbled his key card out of his pocket, and got them inside. He kicked the door shut, locked it, and headed for the bedroom, dropping her on the bed and yanking his shirt over his head. By the time he stripped, she was naked, and his fingers shook with impatience as he rolled on a condom. He climbed onto the bed and settled himself between her bent knees, grasping the base of his cock and dragging it across her slick entrance. Okay? Yes.
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