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 Be still, Jax. You ll have multiple orgasms now, without stimulation. You ll hurt yourself if
you re not careful. You just have to ride the orgasms out, baby, but I ve got you. I m here.
Jax was too far gone to listen to him, and when Cade stopped him from straining closer, he
moaned pitifully.  I m sorry. I don t mean to hurt you, but it s the only way. Try to be still& 
His prostate bathed in the chemicals released from the gland, Jax arched his back and cried
out as an intense orgasm made him scream hoarsely. He reared back against Cade again, seeking
66 Shannon West
help. Cade licked at the wound on his neck and held him down as his body spasmed out of
Jax thought afterward that he passed out for a while, because the next thing he remembered
was his muscles clenching on the hardness inside him, and he wasn t sure any more where he
stopped and Cade began. The orgasms were more like little aftershocks now, jolting through him
again and again, but almost pleasurable now. Cade moved behind him, and Jax realized he was
finally able to pull away. He felt glad it was gone, but at the same time he felt strangely empty.
Holding Jax up with one arm, Cade pulled back the covers, and they both crawled in the
bed. Jax felt exhausted but still dizzy and needy. He immediately scooted over next to Cade and
tried to crawl on top of him. Cade laughed softly and turned him over, spooning him, pulling his
back tightly against his chest.  Sleep now.
Jax settled in his arms, pushing his butt up into Cade s groin. His thoughts were tumbling
around in his head. He belonged to Cade truly belonged, and it was a strangely heady feeling.
He wondered if it would be this way all the time between them. He wondered too if this meant
that Cade loved him, and he turned his head back to ask Cade, but he was already breathing hard,
like he was sound asleep. Snuggling closer, he felt sleep stealing over him and let out the long
breath he hadn t realized he d been holding.
In the morning, he promised himself. In the morning, Cade would tell him. Cade would say
the words he wanted to hear. Not just that he belonged to him, but that he loved Jax too. Jax
needed Cade to love him. He wasn t sure why it was so important all of a sudden, because he
hadn t cared much one way or the other before, but things were different now. He knew that
instinctively. They hardly knew each other, despite what they d just done. But still, something
was changing inside him and he could feel it. It was as if something deep within yearned to hear
those words as if without them, he d never feel complete.
Rayce is wrong there s nothing fortunate about this. The bloodlust is unspeakable. The
words Cade had spoken echoed in his head. What would happen if Cade couldn t accept him as
his mate, despite his assurances? He d said his grandmother s body had betrayed her. She and his
grandfather co-existed through the long, lonely years. Was that all Jax had to look forward to?
Bloodlust 67
Being Cade s burden, a heavy weight around his neck, dragging him down? Had Jax indeed
jumped out of the frying pan and landed squarely in the fire?
68 Shannon West
Chapter Four
 So when is your cousin supposed to get here? Gabe asked, looking out the window of the
Zack s office and down the driveway.
Zack looked up from his desk and smiled at his mate.  Soon, I think. I talked to Connor last
evening, and they stopped in Atlanta to spend the night before driving up here. He said they
should be here by lunchtime.
Gabe smirked.  Leave it to a wolf to measure time by his stomach. How many are there?
Should I tell them down in the kitchen?
 I already handled it, Zack said absently, his gaze dropping back down to his paperwork.
Gabe had gotten into the habit of coming to his office while he worked in the mornings to drink
his coffee and work on his computer. He was taking correspondence courses from the university,
and was almost finished with his latest course in Economics. It was in his core curriculum, a
required course, and he hated the damn thing. He usually took any opportunity to distract
 Is he nice-looking? he asked. Zack glanced back up, frowning.
 Who? My cousin?
 No, the Pope. Of course, your cousin that s who we were talking about, wasn t it?
 I guess he is. I don t know and why are you so interested? You don t need to worry about
what other men look like.
Gabe laughed, swinging his chair around to gaze over at his mate flirtatiously.  Are you
already jealous? Damn, he must be good-looking.
 Yeah, well, don t get your hopes up. My cousin Cade has a mate already. A soif de sang, at
that. Good looks do run in the family, he said with a grin,  and he has a brother, but Connor s
still young enough to embarrass easily, so leave him alone. He wouldn t know how to handle
somebody like you.
Bloodlust 69
 What did you mean by that soft thing?
 Soif de sang. It means bloodlust. It s like a blood match, only even stronger. Very rare
actually, I thought it was just a myth. Our grandparents were supposed to have had one, but I
always thought it was just family lore. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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