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Then ye best get busy. This from Graeme. Page 21 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Euan lifted one dark brow. Graeme grinned, then bowed mockingly toward his elder siblings. Your comely wenches? Aye? they asked in unison. Graeme jerked his head toward the tent where even as he spoke two women were emerging, making efficient beelines toward the thick of the forest, dashing off into it at top speed. I dinna think they ken the honor ye give tae them, making them Donald brides. He chuckled. In fact, looks tae me as though they are getting away. Chapter 5 Janet glowered at the giant brute standing beside her, one bulging and vein-roped arm plastered about her waist. So much for her ill-fated escape attempt, she thought glumly. The only thing it had garnered her washis undivided attention, not to mention being forcibly separated from Morag as though they were two naughty girls being grounded from playing with each other by their fathers. So now she stood beside her captor who, much to her disgruntlement, looked extremely handsome now that he d cleaned himself up a bit. Frightening, but handsome nevertheless. He was wearing a clean plaid of muted blue and green with a white tunic beneath it. His plaid was draped over one arm and held together by a large emerald jewel at one shoulder. The garment fell just above his knees, showing off legs too well muscled to belong to a human. Janet s lips pinched together. It wasn t fair that a man so dastardly should look so good. Men who had the look of soldiers began to gather in on all sides. At first Janet thought it was to make certain she didn t try to flee as if she could with Euan s tree of an arm clamped around her! but now she wasn t so sure. They didn t seem to be paying her much attention in fact. Their interest seemed to lie with the short little man standing in front of she and Euan wearing a scratchy looking robe with a hooded cowl and speaking in some other foreign tongue she couldn t make heads or tails of. Janet sighed. It had been a long day. It felt like days ago that she and Morag had attempted to fly the coop so to speak, but in reality it had only been what was probably ten to twelve hours. After they had been recaptured, Euan and the fair-haired man that had stolen Morag had separated the women from each other s company. They d been within seeing distance of the other at all times, but not within a range that allowed for conversation. Janet had managed to scrape up her knees even worse while on the run, tripping over the fallen branch that had eventually permitted the big oaf at her side to catch up with her. Damn branch. Page 22 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Following her rather ignominious capture, Euan had recleaned her knees in private then shut her cloak. He had pointed and growled at her clothing, making it apparent that she wasn t allowed to remove her outer wear for any reason whatsoever. Not that she would have. She hardly wanted to show off skin to any of the men surrounding her. Following his grunts and stern finger pointing lecture, Euan had placed her atop a horse and jumped up to sit behind her on the mount. They had ridden that way hour after hour, stopping only briefly to eat and care for the animals. If there had been any lingering doubts in her mind as to whether or not she and Morag had managed to do the inexplicable and travel through time, they had quickly been vanquished. There was no evidence of the modern age anywhere to be found. Nothing but horses, non-English speaking peoples, shabbily dressed villagers, the occasional man or woman hocking crudely made foods and wares, and wild animals galore. Then they had come to this place. This hole in the wall village that boasted a few thatched huts and little else. Morag had been the first to be swept from her horse and squirreled away into the very forest clearing Janet stood in right now. When Morag had emerged from the clearing a bit later, her face had been white as a ghost s. She had been trying to tell Janet something with her eyes...something, but what she hadn t any notion. Janet s gaze had fallen to Morag s clothing. The cloak she wore hadn t looked torn or bearing any evidence of a man trying to rip through it to force himself on her. That had been Janet s primary concern. When that fear
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