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no.5 of Regulation 1997 of the Ministry of Education. It must be stressed that the
choice of form depends on the substantive aspects of managed objects and the skill
that the student should have after its completion. Pretty obvious it seems in this
situation the thesis that education only in the form of e-learning does not in any way a
guarantee of obtaining the competencies. In addition, an important element of a
certificate of completion of the course tutor .it is purely formal right skills. Thus, the
Authority should endeavour to ensure that the information contained in this document
were consistent with the facts.
4. Conditions for conducting the course
Under the concept of the terms and conditions of the course tutor to be
understood colony material-technical conditions (such as the appropriate tools, the
facility in which activities will be conducted, possession of electronic tools, where
classes will be conducted using the methods of distance learning), human resources
requirements (suitably qualified staff ensuring the implementation of the faculty of
education78), legal and procedural conditions (settlement agreement to conduct such a
See §12 rozporzÄ…dzenia ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 21 stycznia 1997 r.
 Wychowawcami w różnych formach wypoczynku mogą być:
course). Possession by a person of a permission to conduct courses for educators,
recreation is also subject to any conditions that allow completion of the program set
out in Annex 5 to Regulation 1997 of the Ministry of Education. The authority
issuing the consent under §14 of the Ministry of Education of 1997, the
superintendent of schools in the investigation should examine whether the conditions
for conducting the course are met. This regulation does not specify, however, that
local conditions are sufficient to conduct the course and what are requirements for
teaching staff. Legislature to evaluate the measures available to the organizer of the
course left the curator of education equipped with the right to consent to conduct the
course and the supervisory powers. The legislator did not specify the relevant
procedural issues. Not in fact pointed out in what form is to be given permission to
conduct the course. This case is so important , it shapes as a consequence the powers
of certain categories of entities to run an instance of an administrative control, and
after exhausting the administrative measures by judicial review of administrative. In
this case, the absence of clearly defined form in which the curator should express
their will should use the doctrine of administrative and indicate that here is
presumption forms of administrative decisions, wherever we are dealing with an
imperious, unilateral formation of the administrative bodies of the legal status of
individuals79. Consent should be given only by the superintendent of education,
because only he has the status of the authority competent to handle such
administrative matters. Administrative decisions can not seem to not having the status
of public administration. This follows from Article 106 of the Code of Administrative
Procedure80. The deputy, or another worker employed by the board of trustees as a
clerical does not have such rights under the law. Other people who seem to blame
1) nauczyciele,
2) studenci szkół wyższych kierunków i specjalności, których program obejmuje przygotowanie
pedagogiczne, po odbyciu odpowiedniego przeszkolenia,
3) słuchacze kolegiów nauczycielskich i nauczycielskich kolegiów językowych, po odbyciu
odpowiedniego przeszkolenia,
4) osoby posiadające zaświadczenia o ukończeniu kursu dla wychowawców kolonijnych,
obejmującego program określony w załączniku nr 5 do rozporządzenia,
5) instruktorzy harcerscy w stopniu co najmniej przewodnika,
6) przodownicy turystyki kwalifikowanej oraz instruktorzy Polskiego Towarzystwa Turystyczno-
7) trenerzy i instruktorzy sportowi.
2. Osoby wymienione w ust. 1 pkt 4-7 powinny spełniać następujące warunki:
1) mieć ukończone 18 lat życia,
2) posiadać co najmniej średnie wykształcenie, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 3.
3. Warunek określony w ust. 2 pkt 2 nie dotyczy instruktorów harcerskich, o których mowa w ust. 1 pkt
5, pełniących funkcję wychowawcy w formach wypoczynku prowadzonych przez organizacje
See. J. Jendrośka, Postępowanie administracyjne, Wrocław 2007, p. 89 and also E. Ochendowski,
Prawo administracyjne. Część ogólna, Toruń 2004, p. 179.
I.e. Dz.U. z 2000 r., Nr 98 , poz. 1071 as amended, hereinafter called the Code of Administrative
decisions demonstrate their legitimacy. Information on the mandate should be clearly
the result of the decision. However, practice shows that the issue of consent is not
expected by the doctrine of the form81.
5. Supervision
Supervision of the curator of colonial courses for educators includes both
natural persons and legal entities operating under the Law on freedom of economic
activity, as well as schools and public institutions. The scope of supervision are
subject to all the elements affecting educational activities and relationship to conduct
the course. Curator of the supervisory powers are to watch over the quality of
education. This is the result of the Regulation of the Minister of Education dated 7
October 2009, on the pedagogical supervision82. Should therefore use the supervisory [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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