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how? What are you doing? Sydney stammered and held her hand up as she backed away from the advancing Ryan. H& how did you get in here? she asked dazedly. Why, through the door to my room darlin, he drawled in an irritating cowboy imitation. He continued his steady gait with her retreating all the way. W& what are you going to do? I m going to put you over my knee and spank you! No! she squeaked as her back rammed up against the exit door. She whirled around, grabbing the doorknob. It turned and she yanked at the door, but the emergency chain kept it from opening. Her shaking fingers were scrabbling to unlock it when a hard palm landed flat on the door above her head, effectively slamming it shut. A muscled arm slid around her waist and hefted her off the floor. Let go of me, she squealed as felt herself being carried across the room. She pushed at the confining arm, her feet kicking back at his legs, but he simply continued walking calmly to the bed. Ryan kept a firm grip on his squirming baggage, ignoring the kicking feet. Reaching the bed, he sat her on the floor, taking her by the upper arm and spun her to face him. Now then, little girl, you and I have some talking to do. I m not talking to you, she screeched, infuriated at his highhandedness. She kicked out at him, landing a bruising blow on his shin. That does it, he snarled. If there was a chance in hell your bottom would have come out of this unscathed, you just shoved it down the tubes, young lady. He grabbed the waistband of her 68 leather pants, deftly opening them and yanking them down to her knees despite her protests. He sat quickly on the bed, swiftly pulling her over his knees at the same time. Sydney tried to keep from going over Ryan s lap, but her pants impeded her attempts to back away and she found herself suddenly staring at the cream colored carpet as she caught herself coming down. She couldn t believe he was actually following through on his threat to spank her. People just didn t do this, she assured herself desperately& then tried to remind him of that fact. You can t do this, she cried. Stop it Ryan, I won t let you spank me! I m not asking your permission, Miss Carstairs, he answered bluntly. You ve got a darn good spanking coming and I intend to see that you get it. With that he popped a blistering spank on her right cheek. SMAACCKK! Damn you! she hissed as the hard palm left its stinging message. She was rewarded with another one on her left cheek. SMAACCKK! Ow! Stop it! I can see a little humility is order here, announced Ryan. He quickly slid his thumb beneath the waistband of her cream satin panties. Don t you dare! choked Sydney reaching back to grab ineffectually at her sliding undies. Young ladies who swear lose their panties, replied Ryan unperturbed. He grabbed her wrist and pinned it to her lower back. I won t swear anymore, I promise, she hastily assured him kicking helplessly. Too late! he said cheerfully. That s the third time today you ve been warned about swearing at me. You have a quite a list of infractions built up here, darlin, and I m going to make sure everyone of them is accounted for. He easily slid the aforementioned article of clothing down her thrashing legs to join the leather pants, which were quickly sliding off. 69 I hate you, she raged at him, red to the roots of her hair and angry in her embarrassment. That s okay, little girl, cause I m not too fond of you right now either, he replied grimly. He raised his arm and brought his hard palm crashing down on her quivering buttocks. She kicked and screeched, but Ryan paid no heed to her protestations, his determination to teach her a lesson foremost in his mind. His shin throbbed, he was tired from the long drive into town again, he was tired of chasing this little brat, albeit a lovely one, all over hell and back and he had had enough! He was mindful however of the fact that this was probably the first spanking she had every received and so did not put his full strength into it. After a few dozen firm swats, he paused, resting his hand on the squirming bottom. Sydney was close to tears. She was afraid she
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