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VOCABULARY 2. Match these words and phrases to their definitions a. revolution spoken rather than written b. cell phone a complete change in the way people do something c. to trace something back to clear and not containing many words the past d. verbal shortened or reduced in length e. abbreviated a mobile telephone f. succinct to follow the history of something, from the present to the past © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English Keep your English Up to Date Text LISTENING SECTION 1 3. Now, listen to Professor Crystal talking about a word that has come from recent developments in communication and technology. Answer these questions. a. What word does he talk about? b. Is this word a noun, verb or adjective? c. As a verb, is it a new verb or a new use of an old verb? 4. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true or false, according to Professor Crystal. a. Text came into English because of changes in telephone technology b. The modern verb appeared before the modern noun c. To text is the same as to send an email d. In the past, to text meant to write in a special way © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English Keep your English Up to Date Text WORKSHEET 2 LISTENING SECTION 2 5. Which of the following words do you think are real words that have come from to text ? texter textive texting textation text messaging text noting Listen to Section 2 of the talk and check your ideas. Were you correct? 6. Are the following sentences true or false? a. The spoken use of the word is unusual b. Text messages use shortened forms of words c. The official name for the language used in texts is text speak . Listen again to check your answers. © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English Keep your English Up to Date Text WORKSHEET 3 - EXTRA WORK VOCABULARY 1 Look at the tape script and find words or phrases that mean the following. a. to be in the world, to be b. writing that LOOKS LIKE THIS c. to be doing something LANGUAGE 2. Look at the examples of text speak and match them to their translations a. 2DAY i. love b. B4 ii. no one c. LUV iii. thanks d. LOL iv. before e. NO1 v. weekend f. SUM1 vi. today g. THNX vii. someone h. WKND viii. lots of love 3. Text speak is formed in different ways. Find examples above of these ways given below a. The first letters of a common phrase are used to make an acronym/abbreviation b. Numbers are used to represent sounds in words c. The vowels are left out of the word d. Spellings are changed, to make the word shorter e. A mixture of two of the techniques 4. How do you think you write the following words/phrases in text speak? a. Are you okay? c. anyone e. tomorrow g. by the way b. Great d. I see f. see you later h. want to © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com
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