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mouth came down to worship the side of her neck, feeling hot and insistent on her prickly, sensitized skin. But we should talk about this& oh God& or& at least, wait until later, when we have some& ah, that feels so good& but& privacy& yes, privacy& and& He raised his head. No. N& no? 51 Beth Kery No. I ve waited for longer than you ll ever even be able to imagine, honey. I m tired of second-guessing myself on this. We ll wait to have intercourse later, if that s what you want, but I am going to touch you, Sophia, my flesh to yours, right here, right now, he said in a harsh, desire-bitten voice. Shh, he forestalled her when he sensed that she was about to protest and why. I told you earlier tonight that I d always protect you when I m making love to you. The others won t hear or sense or see anything. Now hush. Hold still while I suck on your pretty nipples. Sophia s gasp of shock that he d just admitted that he knew about her erotic, seemingly hallucinatory experience from earlier segued to one of stunned pleasure. He had deliberately moved her thick, warm flannel shirt off her right nipple, exposing the sensitive flesh to the cool night air before he bent over and encapsulated the tip in his hot mouth. The abrupt contrast in temperatures, the sensation of him tugging on her nipple erotically, alternating with the sensation of his wet, rough tongue lashing at her flesh created a churning meltdown in Sophia s core. She practically choked at the enormity of pleasure that rocked her body. The sounds of Sophia s surprised, honest arousal gratified him like nothing ever had. He leaned back slightly after a moment, as if to inspect her breast in the pitch darkness. She sighed unevenly as he used his encircling hand to move her wet, stiff nipple across his closed lips in an erotic glide. Che was intoxicated by the sensation, letting just the tip of his hungry tongue join in on the experience. He kept himself immobile and gently manipulated her nipple against him. He felt her shiver and instinctively knew that the cool night air mixing with his own heat was amplifying the sensation for her. Do you like this, Sophia? he asked distractedly as he brought her turgid flesh against his slightly opened teeth and rubbed her ever so gently across the rough upper and lower ridge. She trembled like a leaf in a brisk wind. Yes, she panted. Oh, yes. Let s see how much. He carefully pulled her insulated shirt over her taut, damp nipple, protecting her from the bite of the cool air. Sophia felt an electric thrill run through her when he straightened and reached for her pants. She wanted him to kiss her again, to stroke and suck her nipples until she was mindless and thrashing with need. But he didn t. He didn t speak or caress her as he deliberately unfastened her jeans and peeled back the opening, granting him access to her. And his single-minded intensity made her even more hot and anticipatory than if he d been encouraging her submission with his mouth and hands. The crisp, cool hair seemed to tingle on the moist, exposed lips of her outer sex. She felt his tension, too, like a tangible pressure, a power coiling incredibly tight but a force equally as strong, urging it to spring free. He slowly pushed her jeans down a few inches over her hips, letting his hands linger to caress the upper globes of 52 Subtle Touch her partially bared ass. He raised one hand and held her at the waist while the other worked its way under her shirt and spread across her belly. For a moment, he didn t move. Their awareness of each other in the darkness was so exquisite that Sophia imagined their life forces throbbing and pulsing in tandem. The heat from his palms vibrated into her. She had the strange sensation of being sandwiched between his big hands, held immobilized, helpless& indescribably cherished. You shaved, he said quietly, his volume pitched just above the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. When he sensed her surprise, because he hadn t yet
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