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11.) 10/30/92, in CDSP 44:44, (12/2/92), 22, cites of 1962 workers revolt in Novocherkassk; repa-
reports on Ostankino television and ABC net- triation of Japanese POWs after World War II;
Neizvestnaya Rossiya-20 Vek [The Unknown work and complains that foreign media received and church-state relations in 1984. (Isoricheskii
Russia The 20th Century], containing docu- access before Russians.) Arkhiv, Issue I, 1993.) Supplement lists and
ments from CPSU, KGB, and Kremlin archives, describes more than 1,000 declassified docu-
published by Moscow Archives Association in Analysis of newly released documents from Rus- ments released for trial of CPSU. (Arkhivno-
association with Historic Heritage publishers. sian archives on Soviet massacre of Polish offic- informatsionnyi byulleten , Issue 1-2, 1993.)
(Moscow Mayak Radio, 8/25/92, in FBIS-SOV- ers in 1940; release seen in context of trial of
92-167, 8/27/92.) CPSU and Yeltsin-Gorbachev rivalry. (Vera New findings from Russian archives presented at
Tolz,  The Katyn Documents and the CPSU Moscow Conference on New Evidence on Cold
Developments concerning effort by Hoover In- Hearings, RFE/RL Research Report 1:44 (11/6/ War History, sponsored by Cold War Interna-
stitution on War, Revolution, and Peace to micro- 92), 27-33; also RFE/RL Research Report 1:43 tional History Project. ( Soviets Sought Vietnam
film Soviet archives and finding aids. ( Rosko- (10/30/92), 71.) More on Katyn documents, Peace, AP dispatch in Moscow Times, 1/14/93;
markhiv-Hoover Project, AAASS Newsletter 32:5 including translation of March 1940 Beria memo-  Stalin Tied To Korean Invasion, AP dispatch in
(Nov. 1992), 8;  Roskomarkhiv, Hoover Con- randum requesting Stalin s approval for shooting Moscow Times, 1/15/93; Daniel Sneider,  Ar-
tinue Work on Joint Microfilm Project, Hoover of 25,700 Polish captives. (Louisa Vinton,  The chives Revise Cold-War History, Christian Sci-
Institution Newsletter, Fall 1992, 12.) Katyn Documents: Politics and History, RFE/ ence Monitor, 1/20/93; John-Thor Dahlburg,
 Sifting for Soviet Clues to Cold War, Los 93, 13-14.) sian Press Service Agency.
Angeles Times, 1/24/93; Serge Schmemann,  So-
viet Archives Provide Missing Pieces of History s Group advertises services to locate and copy Discussion of  Research, Ethics, and the Market-
Puzzles, NYT, 2/8/93, A8; Gerhard Wettig,  any Russian archival documents: Arkhivarius place: The Case of the Russian Archives, in-
 Beitraege zur Geschichte des Kalten Krieges Agency, 18 Herzen St., Vladimir, 600000, Rus- cluding contributions by Ellen Mickiewicz ( The
auf der Basis sowjetischer Geheimdokumente sia; fax: 09222/30899 (abonent 171). Another Commercialization of Scholarship ), Mark von
(Contributions to the History of the Cold Hagen ( The Archival Gold Rush ), and
War Based on Secret Soviet Documents), CWIHP BULLETIN J. Arch Getty ( Commercialization of
DA 3 (March 1993), 350-52.) Scholarship: Do We Need a Code of
Back issues of the CWIHP Bulletin are available upon request.
Behavior? ): Slavic Review 52:1 (Spring
Contents of the first two issues included:
International conference in Moscow on the 1993), 87-106.
 KGB: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Issue #1 (Spring 1992)  32 pages
adopts resolution demanding parliamen- Handover of KGB files to state archives
tary control over Ministry of Security and * James G. Hershberg,  Soviet Archives: The Opening Door going extremely slowly, scholar Arseniy
declassification of archives. (Nevskoye Roginskiy tells conference. (Itar-Tass, 5/
* P.J. Simmons,  report From Eastern Europe
Vremya, 2/25/93, 3, and 2/26/93, 4, in FBIS- 29/93, in FBIS-SOV-93-104 (6/2/93), 39.)
USR-93-049, 4/21/93, 1-4.) Documents disclosing identities of KGB
* Raymond L. Garthoff,  The Havana Conference on the
informants likely to remain closed.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Current status of KGB archives discussed (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 6/18/93, 1, in
* Steven M. Goldstein and He Di,  New Chinese Sources on
in interview with Anatoliy Krayushkin, FBIS-USR-93-082 (7/1/93), 2-3.)
the History of the Cold War
chief of archives administration of Russian
Ministry of Security. ( What Is in the KGB Russian press archive established.
* Scott Parrish,  A Diplomat Reports [review of N.V.
Archives? Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 3/6/93, in (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 6/30/93, in FBIS-
Novikov s memoirs]
FBIS-USR-93-035, 3/20/93, 1-2.) USR-93-088 (7/14/93), 43.)
* Woodford McClellan,  Molotov Remembers
New organization founded to support dip- Kiril Anderson, head of former Central
* Rachel A. Connell,  New Evidence on Beria s Downfall
lomatic archives. (Igor V. Bukharkin,  In- Party archives, hails new archives law
ternational Association:  Diplomatic Ar- passed by parliament. (Anya
* Update
chives,  Diplomaticheskii Vestnik, March Vakhrusheva,  Archive Law Opens
* Documentation: CIA Openness Task Force Report
1993, 67-68.) Doors on the Past, Moscow Times, 7/16/
93, 3.)
Issue #2 (Fall 1992)  40 pages
In wake of controversy over disclosure of
disputed 1972 Soviet intelligence report State secrecy law passed, criticized.
* Csaba Bekes,  New Findings on the 1956 Hungarian Revo-
alleging that North Vietnam held hundreds (Novaya Tezhednevnaya Gazeta, 7/23/
more U.S. POWs than it then admitted, 93, in FBIS-SOV-93-141 (7/26/93), 26-
* Mark Kramer,  New Sources on the 1968 Soviet Invasion
Russian authorities remove Rem A. Ussikov 27; Krasnaya Zvezda, 7/23/93, in FBIS-
of Czechoslovakia (first of two parts)
from post as head of the Storage Center for SOV-93-142 (7/27/93), 42-43.)
Contemporary Documentation, repository
* Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany,
of CPSU Central Committee records for Russian parliament extends restrictions
 Warsaw Pact Military Planning in Central Europe: Rev-
1952-1991, and replace him with Anatoly elations From the East GermanArchives (trans. and an- on access to external intelligence archives,
notation by Mark Kramer)
Prokopenko, formerly head of  Special Ar- to 50 years from 30. (Itar-Tass, 7/23/93,
chives containing captured from Germany in FBIS-SOV-93-140 (7/23/93), 36.)
* Hope M. Harrison,  Inside the SED Archives: A Researcher s
in World War II. (Celestine Bohlen,  A
Russian Assessment, NYT, 4/22/93, A3; Summary of holdings and research con-
Alexander Merkushev,  Russian archivist * William Burr,  New Sources on the Berlin Crisis, 1958- ditions at major Soviet military archive.
sacked over leaked POW report, AP dis- (E. Kogan,  The Russian Military Records
patch in Washington Times, 4/23/93; also from Podol sk, scheduled to appear in
* Axel Frohn,  Archives from the New German Lander
see POW-MIA section of Update.) Inter- Journal of Soviet Military Studies 6:4
(reprinted from German History Institute Bulletin; anno-
views with Prokopenko. ( The end of the (December 1993).)
tation by Stephen Conners)
special archive, New Times International
* Documentation
49 (1990), 21;  Good-bye to the  special
  In Re: Alger Hiss
archives, New Times International 11
 FRUS [Foreign Relations of the United States] Publica-
Dashnaktsutyun party newspaper cites
(1991), 46-47.)
tion Schedule
KGB documents to assail president Levon
  A Letter to Brezhnev: The Czech Hardliners  Request
Petrosian, who denied working for the
Nationalist press criticizes presence of for-
for Soviet Intervention, August 1968 (trans. and com-
security agency. (New Times Interna-
eign researchers in Russian archives, Rosko-
mentary by Mark Kramer)
tional 30 (July 1992), 10-11.)
markhiv agreement with Hoover Institu-
* Update
tion. ( When They Occupy the Country,
Parliament debates opening state KGB
They Export Its Archives. In Secret from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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    A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom
    Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne

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