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didn't much care if anyone did see them. She was too much of an exhibitionist to mind being caught in the act, and besides, not many people in town would be likely to recognize Roy, since he and Tessie only came and visited once a year for the family outing. "Oh, the woods are pretty deserted," he said, "particularly around here, I think. Certainly doesn't look like many people come this way, except to fuck. Besides, that clump of trees and bushes should offer us pretty good shelter." Nell was the sort of girl who was always on the lookout for new sex thrills. She was more than eager to be fucked standing up in the woods. After all, it was something she'd never tried before. She'd also never tried her grandfather's cock. He told her to stand with her legs wide apart. Then he pulled off the rest of his clothes. Nell was curious to see what his prick looked like. She had her eyes riveted to his crotch as he pulled his underpants down. He had a fine prick. It looked like it belonged to a young man. The head was redder than you'd expect to find on any guy's cock. The skin of the ball-sac was more wrinkled, but the shlong was every bit as stiff as the whanger you'd find on the youngest, most virile stud. It was the biggest cock she had ever seen. The spanking, Nell's strip-tease, everything had combined to make Roy's tool as hard as one of the sheltering trees. He edged up to her, so that his prick was resting against her belly. Then he leaned forward and gave her another of those wonderful kisses. It was obvious that despite the pleasure he had gotten out of that little spanking, he was really a very gentle man. He pressed his lips lightly against hers and slid his tongue into her mouth, where it stroked her tongue. Nell was a girl who could turn on easily. She was very susceptible to tenderness. She could recognize when she was getting it, and she really appreciated it. There was no question about it, her grandpa was a really wonderful man ... with a really wonderful bone-on. While keeping his lips pressed against hers, Roy lowered his body slightly by bending his knees. This enabled him to fit his crotch between Nell's legs. Then, with excellent aim, he raised the prick again, with the tip finding its way to exactly the right place. The first touch thrilled her violently. In it slid. It felt even more virile than it looked, and that was saying an awful lot. Roy rested with his prick inside his granddaughter for a while, then started to pump. It was amazing how gentle and loving his prick action was. The thing on his mind was giving this wonderful granddaughter of his as much pleasure as he possibly could. His hands roamed over her breasts, tenderly pressing and stroking them, rubbing the swollen nipples. His tongue caressed the inside of her mouth. The lovely thing about this position, Nell discovered, was the way it allowed the guy to do so many different things to a girl at once. With a missionary fuck, the breasts are just squashed under the man's chest. If a girl top-rides a guy, she can't kiss him very easily. But with this position, it was possible to do absolutely everything. She was enjoying the fuck immensely. He was bucking pretty fast now, starting to build up to his come. Then he slowed to a stop. For a second, Nell couldn't understand why. Then she realized he wanted her to take over the movements for awhile. She liked switching for a change, so while he held his prick aloft, she slid her cunt up and down on top of it, the muscles gripping at his whanger with every stroke. In time she stopped, and he started to pump again. This alternating was such fun they tried to prolong the fuck for as long as possible. That wasn't too easy, what with the way cock kept rubbing clit so delightfully. Her cunt kept gripping at her grand-father's prick. They tried both doing the movements at once. Merrily they fucked away. They were getting hotter and hotter, and more and more crazed. Every nerve in Roy's cock and Nell's cunt told them how they needed to come. Roy's hands continued to mold and knead his granddaughter's delicate tits as the prick slid back and forth inside her. His prick suddenly gave an extra stiffening, almost seemed to go numb. He was right on the edge of coming. Then he felt a first load of juice spurt up the length of his shaft, followed by another and another. Nell was coming too, her pussy pulsating around her grandfather's fast-firing cock. Does he have a lot of come! she thought. It seemed forever till he finally ran out of spunk. Roy stood there with his prick inside her, then he slowly pulled out. "What a cunt!" he said. "Grandpa, you're one of the hottest studs I've ever come across," Nell said with a laugh. "Were you as big a stud as this when you were young?" "Men are like wine; we get better with age. There are lots of women who are like that too. Tessie, for instance. She really keeps me pretty well worn out, what with the way she wants to be fucked about four times a day." "My brother had better be careful," Nell said with a laugh. "Well, although Tessie's one of the horniest broads you'll ever hope to meet, she's very concerned about what other people think of her. She wouldn't risk making a pass at Ned. Not that she thinks there's anything wrong with sex, but she thinks it's ungenteel for a lady to make the advances, unless she knows the guy really well. Maybe an advance to her would be welcome. I don't know." "You think incest would bother her?" Nell asked. "Maybe," he said. "It doesn't bother me, not at all. You see, Nell I have fucked around an awful lot, and I've come to think that basically if something's fun and doesn't hurt anyone else, there's nothing at all wrong with it. I draw the line with fucking young kids, that's wrong. But grownups ... when they're all for it themselves ... Tessie's open-minded, not quite as much as me, but open-minded nonetheless." "Did you ever have sex with Mom when she was younger?" Nell asked. "No, and am I ever sorry I didn't. I hadn't out-grown all my inhibitions yet, I guess. I've gone through the sexual revolution during the past year." "Well, you know," Nell said, "if you'd like to, this is your chance. We all screw around with each other in this family now." "That so?" Roy said, his eyes opening wide. He was imagining what fun it would be to stick that stiff prick of his in his mature daughter. He'd long harbored a yen for Babs. As he thought about his daughter, Babs was having thoughts about further family sex entanglements. Later, Roy and Nell appeared again as if nothing had occurred, but the girl told her mother everything - at their first moment of privacy together. "Wow!" Babs said, "if I got Ned to seduce Mama, we could have an orgy together that would really be out of sight." "Well," Nell said with a smile, "what're you waiting for?" Chapter 11 There wasn't time for them to do anymore fucking or fuck-planning that day. They had to get back to town for the dinner. But after the family dinner, Nell told her brother all about what had happened with their grandfather out there in the woods. "So you see," she said, "I think you really might be able to get some cunt off of Grandma, if you played
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