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Indeks Eddings_Dav D20021169 arteuza

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don t you?
He tensed again.
 Relax, I m not asking you to go steady. Even for oral. You use
a lot of condoms. We had, for everything but the first time, but
there hadn t been any contact.
 I m always safe, he said, voice more guarded than I d ever
heard before.  Is that going to be a problem?
 No, not at all, I said. I arched my back.  I ll just be requiring
you to finger fuck me more than you re probably used to.
He slid his finger back inside me. He had probably added more
lubrication, because it slid in even easier. The same sizzle returned,
going from slightly annoying to just right after the first second.
 Yes, oh, I said, and then put my mouth over my forearm so I
could groan properly. Patrick slid a second finger, and that worked
twice as well. My whole body felt twitchy, and as good as it felt, I
didn t feel quite hard enough to really ride out the sensation into a
full-blown orgasm. Not yet, at least.  That s very good.
His cock brushed past my ass.  I d really like to fuck you
now. After a second, he added.  Please.
I sighed, feeling more put on than I should have. I fucked
myself back on his fingers.  Can t you see I m in the middle of
something here? I just wanted one little orgasm, not too much to
ask. And the sparks inside me were getting bigger and hotter. I
wanted to pant. He didn t stop moving his fingers in and out, but
he started to do it faster, just exactly right. I closed my eyes, letting
the sensations build inside me. If it was just me jerking off, I d let
myself come right about now, but I liked letting someone else
build up the pressure just that little bit past the comfort zone.
 Afterward? he asked. His thrusting redoubled. He obviously
used both hands now, to push his fingers harder inside me. And
that felt oh-so-nice, too.
 Afterward, sure. Fine, great, I managed between thrusts. I
didn t know there would be an afterward. My brain came very
close to exploding along with the rest of me. I just needed a little
bit more.
Patrick put his whole weight into it. I needed that. My eyes
were closed, but I swear I saw sheet lightning flash from the
receding banks of fog. The orgasm ripped through more, bigger
and more rounded, but still perfect in every agonizing detail.
Patrick had reached around me at some time, because I began to
realize his hand still gripped my cock, letting me ride out the last
of the orgasm, and then the snapping of electricity all at once
became too much, and Patrick pulled away.
 Wow, I said.
Patrick rubbed my shoulders.  Now? he asked.
I nodded.
He pushed inside me. I didn t think I could get off again, and
the condom protected me from the snap-crackle-pop. That felt
good, too. He thrust fast, almost too fast if I hadn t already come
selfishly first, but I had to remind myself that he would age well,
like wine.
The pool felt slightly cooler than the shower room had been but
not cold enough to be brisk. We didn t stay in the water too long
because the butler served lunch. I got out first and went to where
the robes waited. The soft terry cloth felt blissful against me. The
chicken on the bone tasted moist and the vegetables crisp. The
simple meal tasted better than anything I could do.
Patrick kept poking the chicken.  This doesn t even taste like
any chicken I know.
 It used to always taste like this, I said.
We couldn t hide away on the fifth floor forever. Others had
tried. I had a new pair of slacks and a clean shirt ready for me, and
Patrick s clothes had been pressed. I took the shirt off the
cardboard backing when Patrick picked up my portfolio and took
out Scott s picture.
He stared at it for a very long time. Far longer than anyone who
didn t know the person.  Do you know him? I asked.
 No, Patrick said.  Yes. Maybe. I don t know. I might know
his older, better looking brother. Patrick gave me back the picture
and the portfolio.  He was a model. The brother, I mean. He
worked on a commercial shoot for my father s company a couple
weeks ago. I saw him when I had my dad s lawyer look over the
contract for here.
 That s him, I said.  I hope. He doesn t photograph well. I
think I need to talk to your father. Scott has gone missing and I
need to find him.
Patrick didn t look convinced.  My father divorced my mom
when I was like three. He hasn t been around all that much, but I
think I d still be upset if you killed him.
 I just need him to answer some questions. I promise there
won t be any bloodshed.
Patrick still looked like he had a burr under his saddle. If he,
you know, had a saddle on.
 Also, we had sex. Scott and I, if that s his name.
 Just sex? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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