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up, putting him right over one shoulder. They headed up the stairs to Ap's -- their -- bedroom. His hands slid down Ap's back, loving on his master as they went. Ap hummed for him, one hand coming up to slide over his ass. The touch made him smile, made his toes curl. Then they were in the bedroom, their door closing, and it was just the two of them, Ap laying him down on the bed. This was real. This was his life. Ap's fingers slid over his body, up his thighs, past his hips. Greg arched, legs spreading, toes curling. "Look at you. Look at my boy." Ap slid his fingers right up to the new collar. "Yours." He couldn't stop smiling. "I'm home, all the way." "We are." Ap's mouth closed over his, this kiss as breathtaking as the first had been. Greg wrapped around his master, around his lover, his heart, his happiness. His Ap. Without breaking their kiss, Ap began to undo his clothes, pulling at his sweater one-handed. Greg helped, wanting skin. Every time he swallowed, the collar on his neck moved. Soon Ap was as naked as he was, pressing all along his body. He could feel Ap's body hair against his own shaved-smooth skin. He cried out, the sensations amazing, huge where they rushed over his body. Ap's tongue invaded, tasted him, took him as their pricks rubbed, heat on heat. All the way, those hands explored his skin, touching him, making him twist. Ap found every bruise and welt that had been left on his body. Each one was stroked, pressed. By the time Ap's fingers were on his lips, his world was spinning, anchored only on Ap. Ap pressed three fingers into his mouth, the muttered "suck" the hottest thing ever. Greg pulled hard, moaning around the fingers, sucking steadily. Ap groaned, too, hips pushing into his, both fingers and body fucking him. Solitary 173 Their eyes met, and Ap smiled, nodded. "Mine, boy. Forever. I swear." Greg nodded. Forever. Then Ap's fingers pulled away, his master holding his gaze as those fingers moved between his legs and pushed at his hole. "Forever. I promise." Greg meant it. "Me, too." Two fingers pushed inside him, stretching him, the burn just about perfect. "Want you." He wanted to hold Ap inside him. Nodding, Ap pushed another finger into him. "Grab one of the plugs." There were several in the bedside table, along with lube and cuffs. He looked at Ap, winked, and said, "Okay." end Solitary 174
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