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day with the Ortiz family. Alejandro was in the hotel, and he looked pale and withdrawn, not the least the cocky kid I d had a short beer with a couple of days earlier. That morning he had attended the funeral of Luis Vallespino with a group of his friends, and the experience had obviously subdued him. I m sorry I was so rude to you the other day, Alejandro, I said to him when we had a minute alone. His eyes teared up a little. I am terribly worried about Don Hernan. I don t know what any of this is about, Alejandro. But I will remain silent, I promise you. I just wish you d talk to me about it. His mouth moved as if he were about to speak, but then he turned and walked away. Page 55 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Later Isa and I swam in the pool in the courtyard, sunned ourselves, and gossiped, supervised, in a manner of speaking, by Dona Josefina, who, in keeping with her epithet,The Empress, regally surveyed the comings and goings of everyone from the shade of the veranda. Okay, Isa, tell me about the boyfriend. He s lovely. He s a banker, but not too stuffy. From France. Fortunately for me he got posted to Mexico two years ago. We met shortly after he got here. With the Mexican peso as volatile as it is, I don t think he regarded this as a plum assignment. Now the question is what we will do if he gets called back to Paris? What kind of banking does he do? Currency, international transfers of money for large accounts. That kind of thing. He s been very helpful with my business actually. He s always giving me advice as to when to buy and sell US or Eurodollars. He s very talented. Talented and& ? Cute. Maybe even adorable, what can I say? Very French, very charming, very funny, nice dresser. And he gets along with my family; even Alejandro. But your turn. Where are we, exactly, on the subject of our two archaeologists? Actually I was thinking about Alejandro. He s rather quiet these days, isn t he? Yes, we re concerned about him. I think this is the first funeral he s ever attended. Luis, as I told you, was the younger brother of a friend of Alejandro s, Ricardo Vallespino. I didn t know they were such good friends, just part of the same circle, but I suppose at that age, death, particularly such a violent one, always seems remote. But don t try and change the subject. Back to the archaeologists! I m not sure, I guess. You know my history with men as well as anyone, Isa. I always go for the cads. So what should we think would you say? Page 56 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Well, there s no question which one is the better conversationalist. Or the better dresser. Gucci loafers, no less! That s good, is it? I asked, grinning. Isa thought I knew absolutely nothing about fashion, and I loved to tease her, and she me, about it. Isa sighed. Lara, your knowledge of fashion is appalling. I really will have to take you in hand. G-U-C-C-I. Italian, trendy, expensive. Jonathan is unquestionably the best-dressed archaeologist I ve ever seen. Even his casual clothes are Savile Row. He s also the better conversationalist. Lucas isn t exactly wordy, is he? No, but he dresses like an archaeologist. I don t suppose there is any point in asking who, where, or what is a Savile Row? Isa treated my question with the contempt it deserved. I think we can safely assume Jonathan is not living off an archaeologist s salary. He must be independently wealthy, upper-crust, Oxford-educated, old school tie, tea parties at Buckingham Palace, that sort of thing. I think we should make inquiries. Just then Norberto came over with a tray with two margaritas for us. On the house. He smiled. Mother says to just get whatever you want to eat from the kitchen. She s gone to pay her respects to Luis and Ricardo s mother. Have you heard anything more about the police investigation, Isa? I asked after Norberto had gone back inside. The police are saying it was some kind of gang war, Isa replied. That may be what they are saying officially, Isa, but as I told you, Major Martinez has hinted more than hinted that Don Hernan is involved. That s ridiculous! Try telling that to Martinez. And Luis was found on the roof of themuseo. How on earth would a gang war put him there?
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