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will come and help you, Sloan advised. He moved forward, placed a light kiss on her lips and left, closing the door behind him. Jade gave a sigh of relief. She thought she was going to have a fight on her hands, just so she could use the bathroom by herself. She was not used to people wanting to help her out. She valued her independence, but knew she was going to have to compromise with Sloan, otherwise they would end up butting heads consistently. She was not usually so confrontational, but she knew she would have to stand up to Sloan, so he wouldn't run rough shod over her all the time. He was such a dominant, but caring man. Jade managed to wash her hair and body, using her one good hand and arm. She turned the faucets off and swung the door open. Stepping out she reached for a towel, dried her hair as best as she could. She was doing okay until she got to her back. She normally used two hands, moving the towel over her back in a side to side motion to dry off. There was no way she could do that at the moment, 37 not without causing herself more unnecessary pain. She was either going to have to deal with it by trying to wrestle into clothes still half wet, or she was going to have to swallow her pride and ask for help. Maybe she could get Sloan to ask Emma to help her dry off. That was better than having Sloan see her naked. Jade pulled the door to the bathroom open a crack and peered through the gap. Sighing with relief to see she was alone. Taking in a breath of air, she squeaked out Sloan's name. She knew there was no way in hell, he would have heard her pathetic attempt to call. She cleared her throat, took another deep breath into her lungs preparing to yell; and gave a startled jump as the bedroom door was slammed open against the wall. Sloan walked towards the bathroom door. You called, sweetheart? Do you need some help? Sloan asked as he took in Jade's red tinged cheeks. Um, well, yeah. Could you please ask Emma to come up and give me a hand? Jade asked, forgetting she hadn't spoken loud enough to be heard by anyone. I am here now, Jade. Why disturb Emma from her duties when I can help you? Sloan asked with a raised brow. Well, because she's a female, Jade answered before lowering her eyes to the floor. Sloan reached into the gap of the door where all he could see was Jade's face peering through at him. He gently tilted her face up to his. I have seen naked women before, Jade. You don't have anything I 38 haven't seen before, baby. That may well be, Sloan, but no one but my mother has ever seen me naked, I'm not comfortable baring myself to you. What seems to be the problem, sweetheart? Sloan asked trying to hide his smile of satisfaction. Even though Sloan knew Jade hadn't said so, she probably didn't even realize what she had revealed to him. He couldn't help his feelings of satisfaction and possessiveness, knowing Jade was still a virgin. I need help to dry my back. I can't do it because of my shoulder, Jade stated then felt more heat rise up her cheeks. Why don't you wrap the towel you have, loosely around you to cover as much of your body as you can; when you are ready, I will come in and dry you re back with another towel. Do you think you could handle that, Jade? Sloan asked. Okay, Jade whispered, then practically slammed the door in his face. You can come in now, she stated when she was wrapped in the towel. Sloan opened the door and strolled into the bathroom. Jade's scent of desire, was much stronger since she was naked beneath the towel. He couldn't help but breathe it deeply into his lungs. He didn't take his eyes from her, so he was aware when she spotted the hunger in them. He moved with a predatory grace, and grabbed a clean towel from the cupboard beneath the sink. He noticed his little mate was back to feeling shy and awkward as she lowered her eyes to the floor once more. He gently took her warm silky, smooth shoulders beneath his hands, turned her back towards him. He dried her back with 39 quick efficient economical movements, then waited for her eyes to meet his in the mirror above the vanity. When she finally raised her head, he studied her beautiful eyes and heated cheeks. I would never hurt you, Jade. Why are you so scared of me? Sloan asked. I'm not scared, Jade replied automatically. She saw Sloan raise one of his eyebrows, telling her
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