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anger. When he faced Scott, he saw no trace of annoyance. Scott took a step closer to Derek before speaking. "I'm the one who should be apologizing to you Derek. You opened yourself up to me. You allowed yourself to take a chance on me and I failed you completely. I allowed my dad to force me into a punishment I didn't deserve, and didn't fight for myself at all. It's the story of my life with him. I accept what my dad decides and believe I can't do anything about it." Derek started to protest, but Scott held up a hand. "I listened to you. Now you're going to listen to me. I lost myself over the last month and in the process I lost you too. That's not your fault Derek, it's mine. I'm the one who pushed you away. Maybe I did it by forcing you to get angry and frustrated. Maybe I created a situation to fool myself into believing you were being selfish. I needed someone to be mad at and you were the only one to lash out against. But the real loser here is me. "You say I brought things out in you. What you don't realize is you have brought things out in me as well. You welcomed me as a friend since the first day of school. You introduced me to Beck and to the guys on the team. You shared your music with me. You made me believe, for the first time, that I could count on someone to be there for 311 Wrestling With Desire by D.H. Starr good. On top of everything, you made me like being gay. You accepted me just as I am and loved me for it. No one has ever made me feel so stable and secure." Scott took another step towards Derek. "I've been miserable ever since winter break, but my dad is not the main reason why. I've gotten used to my dad being the way he is. That needs to change, but it's so not the point right now. I was miserable because I knew I hurt you. When you shut off from me completely after you drove me to school and I said I needed space, the best part of me slipped away with you. I've done nothing but think about you and miss you. I've wanted to get down on my knees and beg you to take me back, but was afraid you didn't want me anymore. I still love you, Derek. I never stopped." Derek's whole body flooded with happiness and emotion, his words barely audible, as tears began to spill down his cheeks. "I still love you, too." Scott took two steps closer to Derek. "What I'm trying to say is I want you back in my life. Not just as my friend, but as my boyfriend. Everything is better when I can share it with you." Derek's muscles began to go limp and his chest began to heave. He was sure he was going to fall over at any moment. He hadn't seen Scott close the gap between them, but was thankful he had. As his knees began to buckle, two strong arms wrapped around him, preventing him from crashing to the ground. Allowing his body to sink into Scott's embrace, all other sensations faded away, and Scott's arms wrapped tightly around him was the only thing he cared about. 312 Wrestling With Desire by D.H. Starr Derek had no idea how long they stood holding one another, but when they finally pulled apart, Derek stared at Scott's face and saw pure affection through the tears streaming down his cheeks. They both reached for each other at the same time and their hands tangled. Laughing, Scott raised his hand to cup Derek's neck in his palm. Curving his fingers so they caressed the back of his neck, he drew Derek towards him, bringing their mouths together in a gentle, lingering kiss. Scott placed his other hand on the side of Derek's head as the intensity of the kiss increased. Their mouths opened and their tongues ventured into each other's mouths, reclaiming the feelings and tastes they had been deprived of for so long. Eventually, Scott's grip on Derek eased and their kiss returned to a sweet and gentle expression of love. Pulling apart, they faced each other and Derek peered into Scott's blue-green eyes. He had forgotten how beautiful they were and suddenly realized why...the spark of mischief and seductiveness had returned. To his surprise, even though Derek's cock already strained at full mast, it grew even
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