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had fallen asleep in the car, he'd called ahead to warn the housekeeper of his arrival, but she probably hadn't had the time to get most of the house ready. He didn't mind. He doubted they'd use more than eight of the rooms while they were here. The housekeeper closed the door behind him and smiled at the sleeping woman in his arms. "It's good to see you two finally together, she whispered. He sighed and looked down at Kim. Not finally yet. It's still more of a maybe. She doesn't know." "She'll understand. I've got a feeling about it." "You and your feelings, he said with a smile. Give her anything she wants, understood?" "I've already called and arranged all the necessary food. It will be arriving tomorrow morning. I'll make sure she's not left wanting anything." He nodded and carried Kim up the stairs. She stirred a little again, looking up at him with sleep-filled eyes that said she wasn't quite aware of what was happening. "You need some rest. It's been one hell of a day. He kept his voice low and soothing, almost purring the words at her. She smiled slightly and yawned, her eyes roaming the corridor they were walking down before coming back to meet his. They seemed to ask a silent question, and if he was reading it right, she was going to be disappointed by his answer. Setting her down in front of the door to her bedroom, he opened it for her and waited for her to walk in. He followed her, watching her yawning and taking in the large room. When she looked at him, he could see she was waiting for an answer to her question. He walked over to her and looked at her for the longest time before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I'll see you in the morning, he whispered against her mouth and then drew back, adding quietly to himself that he'd see her in his dreams too. It was probably best that she had a night without him, a night alone with only their visions to link them. It would help bring out the bond between them again and hopefully remind her of how good they could be together. She gave him a tired but confused look as he backed away from her. He wanted to give in to her, but even if he did, he wouldn't give her what she really wanted. The only place he could give her that right now without feeling terrible inside was in their visions. If he got into bed with her, all he'd want to do was hold her. She stepped towards him. He smiled, brushed the rogue strands of her hair back into place and touched her cheek. "Night, he said, and turned and walked out of the door, closing it behind him. Tomorrow, he'd see just how open-minded she was and just where their relationship was going to go. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Chapter 16 Kim stretched as she woke, feeling relaxed as she sank into the soft mattress beneath her and vaguely recollected her dream. Two things stood out in it. One was the incredibly powerful feeling of connection between her and Erik. She'd felt as though they'd been entwined right down to their souls. The second was the handcuffs. It hadn't been kinky, not like she'd expected it to get when he'd pulled the handcuffs out. It had been intense and had shown her a different side to this strong man. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling above her, realising that it wasn't a ceiling at all. It was a canopy. She sat up and yawned as she looked around the room. She was in a four-poster bed in the middle of what looked like a very expensive room. A very big expensive room. Not really the kind of room you'd find in a little place in the country. She got the feeling that Erik had an odd impression of what was little. This looked like a big place in the country. She didn't have a clue whereabouts they were. The moment they'd hit traffic on the motorway, she'd been out like a light. The cool air and calming music had seen to that, and the comforting presence of Erik. Something about him made her feel safe, as though he'd defend her and protect her from anything. There was something sexy about that. A knight in shining armour. And his steed? That car was incredible. When she'd pictured the type of car he'd probably drive, she'd done a good job. It was definitely sleek, curvy and irresistible. She'd never been in an Aston Martin before. She'd give anything if he'd let her drive it. She could just imagine the thrill of being behind the wheel of something so powerful and eye-catching. Getting out of bed, she investigated the room, pulling the drawers in the dresser out and looking inside them only to find them empty, peering in the cupboards and eventually finding herself in the bathroom. It
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