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 Then three blessed days to lie around in bed and touch you whenever I want to.
Sammy gave a dramatic sigh.  I hope I can last until then.
 I ve faith in you, Leo said with a chuckle in his voice.
 Nice sign, Neil said, walking across the dewy grass to meet them.
 Thanks, Sammy answered.  You re here early.
Neil shrugged and fell into step beside them.  I got up early to get my chores done. I
volunteered to help Leo set up the booths.
 That s nice of you, Sammy told the younger man.
Neil rubbed his stomach.  I have an ulterior motive. Leo said if I helped set up, I could
be an alternate judge.
Sammy glanced up at Leo.  Alternate? So like if one of the judges keels over from the
chilli, you re going to send Neil in to risk his life?
Leo laughed and smacked Sammy s ass.  We ve got four judges. I think we need a fifth
in case of a tie.
Sammy looked at Neil and poked Leo in the ribs with his elbow.  That s why I keep
him around. He s the smart one.
They were all still laughing when they arrived at the big gazebo in the centre of the
park. Sammy set his box on the step.  I thought I d set the check-in up there so it ll be easily
 Good thinking. I m not the only smart one of the family.
Although he said it in a joking manner, the sentiment nearly stopped Sammy s heart.
He felt the sting of tears and quickly blinked his eyes. Giving away his suddenly emotional
state wasn t an option. He was sure Leo hadn t meant the statement like it sounded, so he
tried not to read too much into it.
Sammy gestured to the area already coming together.  I m gonna go make sure Jakob
doesn t need my help.
Before he had a chance to get away, Leo set down his box and pulled Sammy into his
arms for a kiss. When they broke apart, Leo stared down at Sammy.  You okay?
Sammy nodded.  Yeah. I ll catch up with you later.
Leo watched Sammy walk away. He d realised he d made a slip-of-the-tongue, but it
wasn t the time for personal revelations. He had a job to do, one that was important to do
right. He clapped his hands together and turned to Neil.  Okay, let s get the booth areas
marked out.
Leo pulled a can of bright orange spray paint out of the box along with a folded sheet of
paper. As they walked over to the area he d determined would be the best space for the
booths, Leo unclipped the tape measure from his belt.  Okay, each one needs to be nine by
nine. That ll give them enough room for their eight-foot table.
Neil nodded and took one end of the tape measure, stretching it out.
Leo couldn t seem to get his mind off the expression on Sammy s face when he d made
the slip about them being family. Why did I say that?
Leo gave his head a slight shake and glanced up.  Sorry. I let my thoughts get away
from me. He glanced at the tape measure.  That s nine.
He marked the grass with a line of orange paint before moving over to measure the next
 Leo? Neil prompted once again.
 Shit. I m sorry. Leo made another mark.
 What s going on? Neil asked.
Leo shook his head, hoping Neil would drop it.  Nothing.
Neil let go of his end of the tape and walked towards him.  I know that s not true.
What s going on between you and Sammy?
Leo rubbed the back of his neck.  I ve been figuring a few things out lately, and I guess
it s starting to consume my thoughts.
 You like him. What s to figure out?
It was strange confiding his deepest fears in someone so young, but Neil had become a
good friend despite the vast age difference between them.  I more than like him and it scares
the shit out of me.
 Because he s young. It wasn t a question. Neil shook his head, getting the same
disgusted look on his face that he d had on the bluff weeks ago.
 No. That s just it. I think I used that excuse to keep him away, but I ve realised the age
difference is only an issue if I make it one. Sammy doesn t seem to have a problem with me
being older. If one of us should be complaining about the age thing, it s him.
 So what re you scared of? Neil asked.
Leo bit the inside of his cheek, trying to put his finger on the real issue.  I guess Sammy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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