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hull of a ship.
 Is that wise, Second Voice? he asked.  What if they decide to sink us as
 They won t, she assured him.
As the man hurried away, Reivan looked at the Elai. They look more suspicious
of us than enthusiastic, she thought. They re going to take a lot of
To Reivan s surprise, the crewman returned with several chisels and mallets.
She guessed that if a ship needed repair in some isolated place, the entire
crew were expected to help in the work, and so they carried enough tools for
The two Elai had swum closer. Four more heads had appeared farther away.
 Demonstrate how they are used, Imenja ordered.
The crewman cast about, then grabbed a bucket, placed it between his knees,
and began chipping away at the wood. Imenja turned to the Elai.
 I will give you these tools. Use them to break the bottom of the raider ship.
Water will flow in and the ship will sink.
 But we d never catch up with it, an Elai protested.
 You will if you come aboard, she told them.  My ship is faster than theirs.
The two Elai vanished under the water then reappeared among the distant four.
Several minutes passed, then four of the heads disappeared and, a moment
later, reappeared beside the ship.
 We will come with you, one said.
As crew threw ropes over the sides for the Elai to climb, Reivan turned to
smile at Imenja.
 I can t believe you convinced them to come aboard, she murmured.
 They re young and, like Imi, frustrated by being cooped up in their crowded
city so much of the time, Imenja explained quietly.
 Where are the others? Reivan asked, looking out to where the two remaining
Elai had been.
 They ll follow at a distance, in case this proves to be a trick. As the Elai
reached the deck she stepped forward to greet them, drawing their attention to
the raider ship on the horizon and telling them she would catch it in an hour
or two. She then introduced Reivan to them.
The Elai warriors struggled to stay balanced on the rocking of the ship. If
they were intimidated by Imenja, they hid it well. The crewman handed over the
chisels and mallets. The Elai held them confidently and Reivan concluded she
had been right: they knew how to use them.
The ship suddenly lurched forward. Reivan hadn t noticed the sails being
unfurled. Now ropes and mast creaked as the wind in the sails increased. The
crew stopped and exchanged surprised looks, but the Elai appeared to accept
this change without question.
They won t have boarded a ship before, she reminded herself. This improbable
wind is just another bit of strangeness.
Page 237
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Ahead, the raiders were bearing down on the merchant ship, which was too heavy
and slow to outrun its pursuer. Every move in the distant struggle was
laborious and deliberate.
 Have they seen us? Reivan asked.
 Yes, Imenja replied.  They think they can rob the merchant and get away
before we arrive. And no Pentadrian ships have ever attacked them before.
The closer they came to the raider ship and its intended victim, the faster
they seemed to travel. Suddenly the raiders veered away from the merchant
 They ve realized we re travelling faster than they first thought, Imenja
murmured.  Now the chase begins.
Time stretched out. They passed the merchant vessel close enough to see the
confused and frightened crew watching them. Imenja raised a hand to them, then
turned her attention back to the raiders.
The distance between them shortened steadily. When they were close enough to
see the men on board, the raider ship abruptly or as quickly as a vessel could
manage turned about.
 They have decided to fight, Imenja said. She spun around to face the Elai.
 Now is your chance to strike your enemy. Take care. Once they realize what
you are doing they will shoot arrows in the water.
The warriors nodded, then, without speaking a word, moved to the rail and dove
out into the water.
 Stay by me, Reivan, Imenja said quietly.
The air thrummed with the sound of approaching arrows. Imenja darted to the
side of the ship and spread her arms. The arrows bounced off an invisible
 This hardly seems fair, Reivan muttered.  They can t possibly defeat you.
Imenja laughed.  Would you have me stand back and let my people die for the
sake of a fair fight?
 Of course not, Reivan replied.
 Be assured these are thieves and murderers. We do not kill innocent men.
The raider ship passed a few strides away. A few grappling hooks were thrown,
but Imenja s barrier blocked them and they fell down into the water. Reivan
looked down, but she could not see far beneath the surface.
 How are the Elai doing? she asked.
Imenja chuckled.  They re enjoying themselves. I cannot tell if they re making
any progress because they don t know themselves. The raiders are worried,
though. They can hear the tapping.
A man moved to the railing of the raider ship. He was dressed well, and gold
glittered on his hands and chest.
 The raider captain, Reivan guessed.
 Yes. A Skilled one.
The man raised his arms and the air rippled. Imenja laughed quietly.
 It does seem unfair, she admitted. She glanced at the crew, who were holding
bows at the ready.  Fire!
Before the arrows met their target the raider ship lurched in the water. A few
raiders scurried out of the hull. Their panicked shouts sent a chill down
Reivan s spine. The sea began to nibble at the sides of ship, sucking it down.
Her stomach sank as the raiders began to fight each other for a place on the
small row boat. The raider captain abandoned his magical attack on Imenja to
stake his place on the little vessel.
The ship tipped. Water spilled over the deck, then claimed it. Bubbles of air
rose as the vessel vanished into the depths. A chill ran over Reivan s skin as
she saw men thrashing in the water, clearly unable to swim. They soon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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