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close, Wren didn t have to touch him to stir his arousal. The heat from the officer s body radiated forward and caused Kelly s nipples to harden underneath the coarse apron. He had to be brave today and forgo the shirt. Now the sensitive skin of his hardened nipples would be rubbed raw. Tobin would make much of that later, offering his special brand of tender, loving care. Assuming, of course, Wren didn t get to him first. Or Danae. Oh, my. The two dainty hands trained to kill a man now slipped under the loose waistband of his pants and cupped his buttocks. Kelly s cock sprang forward, tenting the inseam and brushing against Wren, who smiled knowingly. His breath stifled; he needed to get out of here. The kitchen would do, Tobin s quarters would be better Kelly still didn t think of them as his as well, despite Tobin s reassurances. Tobin would not be finished with his shift for a while, so Kelly could recover there in peace. -73- Leigh Ellwood Danae s solid, thick nipples poked his back. They were warm to the touch and sent a shiver up Kelly s neck. Have you ever been with a woman? Her voice took on a husky tone Kelly found rather charming. Yes, the mother of my child. Kelly looked beyond Wren in search of an exit, but soon found focus in a distant couple at the table where Kelly had sucked off Tobin. The man s face was obscured by his female partner, who straddled his cock and bounced gaily. Danae was much shorter, and Kelly wondered if she could see the same thing. She d have to stand on tiptoe, but the sight was worth the discomfort. That s it? Danae squealed. One woman in your entire life? That s it. Kelly didn t want to ask how many more Danae had enjoyed. Danae s hands slid around Kelly s hips to fondle his hard cock. Fingertips lightly dusted his shaft and the above nest of curls. Did you not like it? she asked, sincere. Is that why you only want men? I only want men because that s how I am. Kelly avoided looking Wren in the eyes as he said that. Wren, however, appeared more interested in helping Danae ease off Kelly s pants. The dual effort resulted in a fabric puddle ringing Kelly s ankles. I ve always liked men, Kelly added. When I was with Susan s mother, I was trying to convince myself otherwise, because I was too influenced by a society that preferred men to be with women. It wasn t until after our daughter was conceived that I realized I couldn t be everything she or society wanted. I m sorry to hear that. Danae s light kisses on his shoulders and back dissolved the painful memories. It s okay. Luckily we remained friends, and after Susan s mother died she moved in with me. -74- Taste This Why would you want to be like everybody else? Wren kissed a spot below Kelly s earlobe and cupped his hand low. Kelly loved the gentle attention to his scrotum, from both of them now. Danae and Wren s fingers twined together to support the sac, and each moved as Kelly shifted in place for better balance. With his pants still around his ankles, he feared he might topple one way or the other if he made too sudden a move. I thought it was the thing to do. Unfortunately, sometimes the thing to do isn t what sets you free, Kelly said. The strings that kept the apron fastened around his neck and back came loose. Kelly bowed his head and let the fabric join his discarded pants. Now, he was free. Was it, though, the thing to do? Tobin. Yes, having Tobin here would be the thing to do. Hopefully he would stop in the lounge after his shift. Then what? They had only done so much in private, would it be appropriate to consummate a sexual relationship in front of his crew? Was anything in this atmosphere considered inappropriate? Danae hoisted herself on the countertop, pushing aside the empty cookie plates. Her heels bracing the counter s edge, she spread her knees apart to display her bare, pink pussy. Small and inviting, her pussy lips parted on their own, yet Danae pressed two fingers in a reverse V to expose her clit. Kelly tried to remember the last time he had been this close to a woman s sex. Assuredly, Susan s mother. Few women since inspired enough lustful desire in Kelly for him to want to pursue a kiss, much less oral sex. Did you like it, though? Having sex with a woman? The question was more of a pout as Danae leaned forward and pursed her lips. Just -75- Leigh Ellwood because you re predisposed to like men, it doesn t mean women are repulsive, right? I don t think so. I think women are beautiful. You are beautiful. Slowly he drew his hands upward, sliding across his chest to cross at his heart. He wanted to still the wild palpitations that caused his heart to swell against his chest wall and stifle his breath. Danae could be his daughter, young as she was, yet the look in her eyes told of experiences that surpassed even his. I think you re beautiful, and I want you to find me beautiful, Kelly,
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