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Syx s face. He opened his mouth to reveal the truth, but before he
could speak, the sound of a vehicle approaching cut him off.
Syx jumped up from the couch and started for the door.  I need to
talk to Vapre.
Of course he did. Why would he talk to Echo? It wasn t as though
he d been forthcoming with information. It hurt to be dismissed, but
Echo figured he deserved it. How many times had Syx felt the same
way he did over the last few days?
Before he could get himself too depressed, Syx was back, leaning
over him and plundering the depths of his mouth. His tongue licked
inside, swirling around Echo s and demanding a response that Echo
happily gave.
The kiss lasted until the sound of the front door opening and a
strangled moan drew their attention. Syx released Echo s swollen lips
Behind Closed Doors 79
and gave Vapre a quick smile before returning his attention.  I m not
dismissing you. He leaned closer to Echo s ear.  Vapre s just better
at this stuff than I am, but don t tell him I said so.
Echo snorted. He didn t think that was strictly true.
 I didn t mean I needed to talk to him alone, Syx continued.  I
got a bit ahead of myself. I m sorry.
Echo smiled up at his mate and shook his head.  Go be brilliant
with Vapre. I ll help unload the car and put away the food. You know
where I am if you need me.
Syx brushed his lips over Echo s again and sighed.  Always need
you, baby.
* * * *
 First I have to feed those ugly little water monsters, and now I
get stuck doing this?
Echo rolled his eyes as he helped Fiero put away the groceries.
 You should have stayed gone longer.
 I ve been thinking.
 I ll send Hades a jacket, Echo responded without missing a
beat. He yelped when something hit him in the back of the head.
Whirling around and rubbing at the sore spot, he looked down to find
a bag of mini bagels at his feet.  What the hell was that for?
 Implying that hell would freeze over because I was thinking. It
was rude. Fiero crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.  I think
you should apologize.
Echo snorted.  I d have to buy Hades a parka before that
 You really are an arrogant little shit.
Whoa! Where had that come from? Fiero sounded majorly pissed
off. Gone was the smirk and his easy stance. His face began to turn a
mottled red, the vein in his temple pulsed, and his hands clenched into
fists at his sides.
80 Gabrielle Evans
They d always joked around and poked at each other. Surely the
man knew he d been only kidding. Right?
 Forget it, Fiero spat. He spun around and reached into the bag
on the counter, pulling cans out and slamming them against the
Echo took a cautious step forward and placed his hand in the
center of Fiero s back. The demon was shaking so hard it was a
wonder Echo couldn t hear his bones rattling.  What just happened?
You know I was only joking.
 I know, Fiero answered tightly.  I m sorry.
 Hey, what s going on? Echo pressed closer, molding himself to
Fiero s back and nuzzled against him. Slipping his arms around his
lover s lean waist, he pressed his palms flat to Fiero s stomach and
held on tight.
 I don t know, Fiero mumbled.  I didn t mean that. Slowly, the
shaking stopped and his body began to relax.  I m fine. Just give me a
 Do you want me to leave?
They stayed that way for a long time, but Fiero eventually turned
in Echo s arms and kissed his forehead.  I m sorry. I don t know why
I got so angry, or why I said that shit. You are the least pretentious
person I ve ever met.
Echo opened his mouth to tell Fiero he forgave him, but Syn
chose that moment to burst into the room. Echo was getting damn
tired of people interrupting him when he had important shit to say.
 I m sorry, I m sorry, oh damn it! Syn breathed heavily, his face
flushed, and he wrung his hands together.  I got mad at Craze, and I
forgot, and I just let it slip, and oh, gods, don t kill me.
Echo smiled up at Fiero.  There s your answer. Then he turned
to face the distraught vampire.  What pissed you off so much that you
lost control of your power?
Behind Closed Doors 81
 Craze is leaving.
 Where the hell is he going? Fiero demanded.
 He says he has to make things right. I don t know what the
bloody hell he s talking about, but he won t listen to me or Jinx.
Stubborn fool is going to do something right stupid. I just know it.
Please talk to him.
Echo and Fiero exchanged looks, and Fiero dipped his head before
hurrying out of the kitchen.  Everything s fine, Echo assured his
friend.  Craze isn t going anywhere alone.
 Alone? I don t want him going anywhere period.
 Syn, you know as well as I do when these guys get something in
their heads, it s impossible to persuade them. Besides, I think I know
where Craze is going, and it s time we dealt with the problem
 Where is he going? Syn looked scared, as though he already
knew the answer but hoped Echo would dispute him.
 You and Jinx aren t the only vampires in the area. I guess he s
decided to finish what we started.
82 Gabrielle Evans
Chapter Ten
Fiero barged up the stairs and through the attic door without
knocking. It was his house, damn it. He could go where he wanted.
 Knock much? Craze asked casually.
 Were you just going to disappear again without telling anyone?
Fiero shoved his hand through his short blond hair and paced the attic.
Craze sat on the edge of the bed, watching him with a slight smirk
on his face. It annoyed the hell out of Fiero, and he snarled.  You
can t do this on your own. You said so yourself. There are too many
of them! His voice rose with every word until he shouted the last. He
wasn t concerned about Craze s safety. If the asshole did anything to
endanger Echo, though, Fiero would rip him apart slowly.
A quiet whimper drew his attention to the bed. Jinx huddled near
the headboard, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped
around his shins. He looked back at Fiero with wide eyes, his bottom
lip sucked between his teeth, and his entire body trembled.
Craze lost the smirk and glared at him before turning to his mate.
 C mere, baby. He stretched out the arm closest to Jinx, and the
vampire launched himself across the mattress to curl around his side.
 Jinx doesn t like it when people yell, Craze said softly as he stroked
Jinx s red hair.
Fiero felt like an ass. He hadn t even realized Jinx was in the
room. Though he didn t know the vampire s story, he d seen enough
over the past few months to know Craze spoke the truth. Jinx was
usually the first one to apologize even if he d done nothing wrong.
Unless he was defending Syn, the man barely spoke, and often
startled like a frightened kitten if one of them addressed him.
Behind Closed Doors 83
 I m sorry, Jinx. Not only had he scared the shit out of the man,
but Fiero knew he d have one unhappy little mate on his hands if
Echo found out about this. He almost wanted to ask Jinx to keep it a
secret, but that was just childish. He wasn t afraid of Echo.
 Can we talk about this later? Craze asked. He glanced down at
Jinx, then back to Fiero with a pointed look.  Maybe in the morning?
 No, Fiero answered flatly.  I almost took Echo s head off
because you pissed Syn off to the point that he let go of his powers.
I m sorry, man. I know you want to protect them from this. I d do
anything to keep Echo safe. The war is coming, though, and we can t
stop it. They can help, so let them.
 He s right, Jinx whispered.  Let us help you, Craze. I can show
you where they dumped me in the woods. I can lead you back there. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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