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Krulnar shook his head. There s a wall within Chetiera that stopped us from bonding. I-I can t break through. Maybe it s good. Ulnik rose and sheathed his sword. Perhaps it is for the best that you don t know everything. Krulnar grabbed his leader s arm. What are you talking about? Ulnik turned. Chetiera s father is the one who killed my brother. No, that s impossible Why would he do something like that? The man she knew as her father was a peace-loving man. 55 Of Cheetah s Blood Charisma Knight He was a peace-loving man. Until he allowed darkness to blind him. Ulnik shook his head. If this is the case, why didn t you ever tell me? I am the clan leader, so I keep many unpleasant memories to myself. Perhaps I ll know peace once I ve learned to adjust to having a Corselene. Krulnar shifted his weight to his other foot. What s your plan? You know she ll need our help tonight. We need to locate Silhura; they ve veiled her presence, Ulnik stated. They plan to drain her of her blood. They only have part of her magick, not all. Ulnik held his head down in disappointment. Once they gain all of her magick, they will wipe out the rest of the Dulhari. At least, that is what I overheard the vampires speaking about. Did you know other Dulhari exist? Krulnar s eyes widened. But how? Only Silhura knows that. Krulnar nodded before trudging off. Apparently there s more to the story. Please remove the barrier. Ulnik waved his hand, and the shield disappeared. Where are you going? To find our mate. She s in danger. Ulnik cursed before catching up to Krulnar. You ll need my assistance. No, I don t think so. Oh, but you will, the clan leader insisted. Trust me, there are some . . . things your mate needs to know. He went silent for a few moments as they strode down the large corridor. She ll need your support in order to get over this hurdle. What are you talking about? Her father did kill my brother. This was a few months after you and I met, after the death of your father. With that, Ulnik continued telling Krulnar everything he needed to know. 56 Of Cheetah s Blood Charisma Knight Chapter Eleven Chetiera, is that you? Silhura sent a mental message to the young cheetah. She sniffed the air and narrowed her eyes. Are you all right? Chetiera asked telepathically. Where are you? I do not know. I m in a cage, but where, I am unsure. She felt Silhura pause. You are not alone? Chetiera stiffened as she became angry at the mistreatment of her Elder. I promise I will get you out of here! I m so sorry this happened to you. Krulnar and Ulnik are with me. We re going to get you out of here! She felt Silhura s joy. You mean you ve mated with the Dhampirs? Now isn t the time. Chetiera smiled inwardly. I promise to tell you more once we ve rescued you. Suddenly, there was an uproar. A large crowd charged in their direction. This is it, Ulnik said just before a smile curled the edge of his lips. Bring on the Cainen slaying. The Cainen Coven is just over this hill, Chetiera told them both. Breathing deeply, she summoned all her power within to hurl a large energy ball at the fifty or so members of the Cainen Coven who charged them with venomous fury. Teeth bared and red eyes aglow, they burst into flames, sending arms, legs, and other body parts high in the sky. As she continued walking to the place where Silhura was kept, two vampires charged her from behind. Quickly, Krulnar turned, holding up a hand. Desist and disperse! he chanted. Immediately flames engulfed the shrieking vamps until they imploded. With that, the Dhampir turned on his heel, sword in hand, and floated farther into Cainen Village. Ulnik dodged a blow from an ogre-like vampire. With a growl, he delivered a chop to the neck, knocked his feet from beneath him, and staked him through the heart. He smiled as the hideous bastard turned into a pile of sinew, blood, and gel. Another charged, and he quickly bested the fiend by slicing him in half. 57 Of Cheetah s Blood Charisma Knight Chetiera captured ten vampires with invisible bands of energy, bounding them together as one. Chanting, she raised the struggling vampires high into the air, allowing the energy bands to cut clean through their torsos. With Belladio shimmering in her hand, she took down three more vampires with several swings of her sword. She d managed to half shift, caught between human and cheetah form, when two more vampires stopped her from reaching Charig. Anger briefly in her eyes, and she hurled a large ball of energy toward them, which consumed them and their ashes floated to the ground. Krulnar instantly appeared by her side as more vampires charged her. She smiled briefly, and without batting an eye, spun Belladio as fast as she could, scissoring through a few vampires. Shredded and blooded, their remains dropped to the ground with a splatter. The Dhampir s sword caught the other two vampires. Bringing up the rear, Ulnik pounced on one of the vampires, knocking the sword from his hand. Dhampir and vampire tossed to the ground briefly in a tangled mass of fists, claws, and fangs. With an unholy howl, Ulnik lopped off the vampire s head. He rose, spitting gristle, blood, and sinew from his mouth. Chetiera rushed to his side, but was sucker-punched in the jaw by none other than Charig himself. The cheetah shifter hit the ground, rolled, and was on her feet in a heartbeat. Where is she, Charig? The vampire laughed an evil laugh. Red eyes glowing, he smiled as his fangs lengthened below his bottom lip. Ah, did we lose something, my dear? I swear, if you ve harmed Silhura in any way, they ll spend an eternity removing my foot from your ass! Her face was contorted into a raging mass of fury just thinking of the
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |