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grin. I know all about Peru. He began to chant: There was a young man from Peru, Who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He awoke in the night With a terrible fright To find it was perfectly true! Cherry laughed and went into the bathroom to wash the glass straw in hot, soapy water. Then she flushed it with alcohol and rinsed away the bitter taste. She taught Timmy how to drink his juice lying down. He thought it was great fun but preferred blowing bubbles. 70 SCUTTLEBUTT 71 At last Mrs. Crane took over. I ll see that he drinks every drop of it, she promised Cherry. We ve taken up far too much of your time already. I ve enjoyed it, Cherry said. Just keep at the flu- ids, will you? He should have at least four ounces every half-hour, if possible. She sighed. She didn t envy helpless little Mrs. Crane the job of forcing fluids into mischievous young Timmy. As she wearily left the room Timmy was pretend- ing he was a whale and was spouting pineapple juice through the glass straw. Back in her own little cabin she had hardly started to unpack when there was a tap at the door. A young woman in a crisp, stewardess s uniform smiled at her in the dim light of the narrow passageway. I m your neighbor in the next cabin, she told Cherry. Helenita Browning is my name, but everybody calls me Brownie. I m Cherry Ames, Brownie. They shook hands briefly. Come in for a minute, won t you? Cherry invited. Brownie took one step across the threshold and then gave a gasp as she saw Cherry s Christmas presents spread out on the bed. Oh, how lovely, she cried, snatching up the red-rose taffeta bathing suit. Yummy-yum, will you ever look lovely in this on the beach at Piscadera Bay. Piscadera Bay? Brownie nodded and draped the soft terry-cloth robe Cherry s mother had given her over her shoulders. 72 CHERRY AMES, CRUISE NURSE That s at Curaçao. It s only a few minutes bus drive from the port of Willemstad. If we can wangle shore leave at the same time, I ll show you the ropes. As Cherry hung things in the closet, Brownie curled up on her bed, rambling on: Willemstad is a fascinating Dutch city; as pictur- esque as though a bit of Holland had been lifted out of Europe and set down smack in the Caribbean Sea. There s a fabulous pontoon bridge which swings back as ships come into the harbor. You ll get a big thrill when we sail right down the canal so close to the Hotel Americano you can almost touch the people sitting out on the veranda. Sounds like something out of a movie, Cherry said. Tell me more, please. Well, Brownie went on willingly, when people on the bridge see us coming they run like anything to get to shore because sometimes it stays open for more than half an hour. They can, of course, cross in Verboot which means ferryboat; it runs while the bridge is open. The buildings in Willemstad are fascinating; you ll love the eighteenth-century governor s palace and all the churches and the little bright-colored, gabled houses, pink and yellow stucco mostly. We ll visit the market where Venezuelan natives keep shop in boats along the shore. Brownie scrambled to her feet. We d better get going. It must be time for dinner. You ll meet the other girls in this section then. They re all swell. We were wondering why you didn t show up for lunch. SCUTTLEBUTT 73 As they left Cherry s stateroom, Brownie said in a carefully lowered voice, Scuttlebutt says the purser s safe was broken into. Have you heard? What do you mean, scuttlebutt? Cherry asked. Oh, it s just a seagoing expression. Means the same as saying, Gossip hath. The Old Man doesn t like gossip, so I m not saying anything more. In fact, she admitted ruefully, I don t know anything more. I ll bet it s just one of those yarns, anyway. She tucked her arm through Cherry s as they strolled up to the promenade deck. Every now and then they lurched with the roll of the ship and almost tripped each other up. We re going to catch it tonight, Brownie said. I pity you. Seasick passengers are a pain in the neck. In the grill Cherry met three other stewardesses. They all sat at one big table and, ignoring the Captain s orders, gossiped throughout the meal. Cherry felt like a prig, but she could not violate her professional ethics and discuss Bill s accident. Nor did she divulge that she had been in the purser s office when Ziggy discov- ered the safe had been broken into. I wonder what was stolen, Miranda, a pretty young stewardess, kept asking. That safe must be crammed full of jewelry. There are signs in every stateroom advising the passengers to check all valuables with the purser. If this little bit of scuttlebutt ever reaches the pas- sengers ears, the Old Man will have a fit, Brownie said. Some of the women on this ship came aboard so 74 CHERRY AMES, CRUISE NURSE laden down with platinum and diamonds under their mink coats I don t see how they managed to stagger up the gangplank. Cherry saw Dr. Monroe dining at a near-by table with two ship s officers. He smiled at her swiftly with his eyes and then did not look in her direction again. Cherry knew that he must have heard the scuttlebutt by now and wondered if he suspected her of gossiping with the other girls. Then she realized with relief that he couldn t do that, for she hadn t even mentioned it to him. And Ziggy must have told the ship s surgeon that Cherry was with him when he found the safe had been rifled. I was tempted to discuss the mystery with him, Cherry remembered. But I m glad I didn t. Dinner over, the stewardesses hurried away to resume their duties. Cherry went down to the Crane suite, planning to stay with Timmy while his mother had her dinner in the big, al fresco dining room. It ll do you good to have a little change from these four walls, Cherry insisted when Mrs. Crane pro- tested that she could eat on a tray with Timmy. And don t hurry back. Timmy s due for another inhalation and more aspirin at eight anyway. I ll take his tempera- ture then, too. The word temperature decided Mrs. Crane. That was one thing she wasn t even going to attempt to cope with. She looked rather worn and harried after a long afternoon with a fretful little boy, and gratefully thanked Cherry for relieving her. SCUTTLEBUTT 75 Cherry noticed with amusement that in spite of her exhaustion, pretty Mrs. Crane took the time to shower and change into a lovely, clinging evening gown of pale sea-green chiffon. When she was ready to go she leaned over the bed to kiss Timmy good-bye. But he pushed her away crossly: I don t like all that red stuff on your mouth. It gets all over me and my pajamas and the sheets. Then somebody might think I was a sissy. Cherry quickly took in the fact that Timmy felt nowhere near as well as he had earlier. She laid her hand on his forehead and took his pulse. Yes, his temperature had undoubtedly gone up, but that was to be expected at this time of the evening. She called after Mrs. Crane: About what was his fluid intake? Did you manage to get a pint into him? Oh, nothing like that, Mrs. Crane admitted. He
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |