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he warned her. Her eyes widened and for just the briefest of moments she wished he would take control away from her. But she knew she couldn t think like that. With shaky hands she picked up her yarn and began stringing popcorn and cranberries again. It was a mindless task, and she needed that now. Everything felt awkward for only a few more minutes and then Kyla found herself laughing as Tanner joked with her, often getting up and brushing against her, but not reaching in for a kiss again. Once the popcorn and the cranberry strands were done, she brought out some white paper and taught him how to make snowflakes. The pizza arrived, and their time together couldn t have been better as her stomach filled with pizza, Christmas goodies, and wine. When they looked at their finished project, she was overflowing with pride. It was a childish tree filled with strings of popcorn, cranberries, and paper snowflakes, and it was also the most wonderful thing she d seen in a long, long while. Thank you, Kyla. I haven t enjoyed decorating a tree in years, Tanner confessed quietly. Kyla turned toward him, assuming that he was just joking, but he was staring at the Christmas tree in awe, as if surprised he d had a part in making a thing like that happen. She was feeling rather surprised herself. This stranger, this man who most likely wouldn t be in her life very long at all, was making her feel emotions that were changing her universe. He was making her forget her sadness, if only for a moment in time. It s so beautiful, she said. But she was barely able to focus on the tree instead of on him. And Tanner made it impossible. He was now looking straight at her, and she couldn t help but return the favor when she felt the burning of those amazing eyes. And she suddenly found herself on the verge of tears and in desperate need of retreat. He noticed, of course. What s the matter, Kyla? I should really get going. It s late. She knew she was running, but she didn t care. Tanner was instantly in front of her face. Why are you always in such a hurry to leave as soon as the temperature rises a few degrees or we begin to talk about emotions? He wrapped his arms behind her back and tugged her against his chest the beautiful chest she d been hyperventilating over earlier. Because I know what s happening, Tanner. She couldn t help but give him an honest answer. And what is that? You want me in your bed. Why not put it out there? Why not get the focus off her emotions? That was more like it. Yes, I do. It was hardly an earth-shaking admission. Well, then, you should know that it isn t going to happen, she said, her voice slightly breathless. Challenge accepted, he told her with a smile, pushing his hips against hers and letting her feel the effect she had on him. Her blood heated, her body softened, and her knees grew weak. She was so lucky to b sitting down. This man s voice was seductive and his body was hard. She could see why he was so confident in succeeding with her. At least she didn t feel on the verge of tears anymore. Take it any way you want, Tanner, just as long as you know it s never going to happen, she said, and she twisted out of his arms. If she decided to play games with this man, he d be the only winner. Mmm, I d love to take you any way I want. I have lots of ways I ve been planning on taking you. Gosh, he was making her melt. To be desired by such a god of a man was quite the esteem builder. Would it really be so bad to allow herself some pleasure, just a little measure of it? No, it wouldn t. The way she d feel the next morning was what she dreaded. She d never been one of those women who could give her body freely. There had to be something beyond simple sensation there had to be emotions involved that didn t come down to unmitigated lust. Leaning back into him, she initiated a kiss for the first time, allowing herself to savor him for several moments. She could feel that he was surprised, but he didn t waste any time in pulling her even more closely against him as he ravished her mouth. When she felt herself falling over the edge of sanity, she pushed off against his chest. I just wanted another taste, she said, then tugged against his hold. Why was she disappointed when he let her go without a struggle? This was what she wanted, she reminded herself. Have a great night, Tanner, she said steadily. And she walked to his door and opened it. He followed her outside and watched while she unlocked her door and went inside. The last thing she saw before firmly shutting the door between them was his unblinking eyes. He was sending her a clear message: This is in no way finished. CHAPTER FOURTEEN ARE YOU READY for work? Kyla stood in her doorway, trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes. What are you talking about? It s time for work. We re going to the same place, so why not go together? Tanner was standing in her doorway and looking far too handsome and much too perky for so early in the morning. Granted, it was nine in the morning, but still, she d been up late, so that equaled too early to be so happy while standing in her doorway. Working two jobs this holiday season had seemed like a good idea at the time, but not when it meant she was giving up sleep, blessed sleep, for just a few extra dollars. I m not ready, she told him. That s all right. I ll wait. Then, before she even invited him in, he pushed past the door and waltzed into her apartment. Kyla stood there for a moment longer as she surveyed her raggedy space with utter embarrassment. Sure, she d done the best she could on her tight budget, but the furniture was secondhand and there weren t many decorations to speak of. Plain and drab.
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