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against you?
Dee laughed and opened her mouth to speak just as Janet walked through the
front door.
 What the hell is going on?
Jake stood up.  Nothing. Where s my money?
Janet crossed the room to him.  Here, she said, shoving the tote she was car-
rying towards him.
 There s been a change of plans.
Denise Skelton
 You told me, she said, folding her arms.
 Well, I changed them again. I m going to give her back to him for five mil-
lion dollars.
 I have it all worked out. I just talked to him, and he has the money. All I have
to do is call him in the morning, pick up my cash, hop on a plane out of the
country, and I ll be scot-free, he said, displaying his even white teeth.
 No! Janet screamed.  We made a deal! You can t do this to me! I won t let
you. This bitch ruined my life. You can t just let her go. She took a deep breath
and spoke in a calm voice.  If you let her go. She ll tell them who you are.
 I don t care. I ll be long gone.
 What about me? I ll go to jail.
Jake gave her an incredulous look and shook his head.  I don t give a shit.
 This can t be happening, she said, shaking her head.  Why can t you just
kill her anyway? You can keep the money I gave you. Then you can get the ran-
som and get away.
Jake rubbed his chin.  Hmm, maybe.
 Hey, Jake? Jake? Dee called.
 Shut up! Janet yelled.
 No, you shut up, Jake said, glaring at Janet.  She s the one who gave me the
idea about the ransom. You tried to hide the fact that her fiancé was loaded, just
like you tried to hide that ring. Well, I trust her a whole helluva lot more than I
trust you right now. He looked at Dee.  Go ahead and talk.
 If you kill me, Ben will be upset so upset he will do everything in his power
to find you. With the kind of money he has, he s sure to find you.
He nodded, looking at Janet.  That s right. There s no need to kill her, he
said.  Anyway, if I let her go, I have a better chance of getting away.
 Why are you doing this? Janet cried.
 Because this is how I want it. I m in charge now. I call all the shots, and I get
to keep all the money, he said, jabbing his thumb in his chest.
Dee noticed that the veins on Janet s neck looked like they would erupt at any
 I m going to let the bitch go, he said, thrusting his thumb toward Dee.
 Wait a minute, Dee said, wagging her head.  My name is not bitch, it s
 Oh, shut up! Janet screamed, her face blood red.
Jake laughed as he looked from Janet to Dee.  I like you, he told Dee.
Denise Skelton
 You know what? Dee said trying to sit up.  I like you too. We could have
been friends, but this kidnapping thing kinda kills it for me you know what I m
He smiled at her and nodded.
 Oh, for crying out loud! Janet yelled, throwing her purse on the table.
C H A P T E R 17
I have to think of something. That fool is going to ruin everything, Janet thought as
she paced behind the cabin. The lightly falling snow stuck to her lashes, and her
cheeks were red from the cold, but she didn t seem to notice it. I ve come too far to
let this happen. I m so close to getting what I want. Just a little further.
After running through her plan one final time, she walked back into the cabin.
She looked at Jake, who was sitting across from Dee; they were chatting as if they
were long-lost buddies.
God, he s such a fool.
She went into the other room for a minute then walked back in the room
where Jake and Dee were.
 Uh, Jake, Dee said,  do you think I could get something to eat?
 Yeah, that s a good idea. I could go for something to eat.
Janet smiled. This was perfect.  Yes, she said,  that sounds like a great idea.
Let s go, Jake.
 We have to bring something back for her, Jake said, tilting his head toward
 Yes, of course, Janet said, putting on her coat and gloves.  We ll bring some-
thing back.
 Do you want to take your car? Jake asked, walking toward Janet s car.
 No, she said,  I would rather take yours.
He nodded and walked to the car.  Whew, it s cold as a bitch, he said, start-
ing the car.
- 249 -
Denise Skelton
 Yes, it is, she said, pulling the collar of her coat around her neck. After they
had driven a few miles, she turned to him.  Jake, why haven t you tried to hit on
me? He grunted.  Well? she asked.
 Not my type.
 What do you mean, I m not your type? she said sourly.
 I mean, you re not my type. You re kind of cute, but not what I m attracted
 I was hoping you would feel differently.
He glanced at her.  I don t mix business and pleasure.
 It could be fun, she said, smiling. Then she took his hand and placed it on
her leg.  When we first met I thought you were very handsome, and I was just
He smiled, moving his hand further up her thigh.  Why don t you pull over
up ahead? she said, reaching over and tracing her fingers along the seam of his
He looked her over again.  Okay, why the hell not? he said pulling the car
She pointed to a dark spot off the road where the car wouldn t be seen.  Pull
over there; we don t want someone thinking the car broke down.
He pulled in farther, turning off the headlights. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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