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f) Management, settlement and collection of judicial charges established by the Generalitat within the sphere of its powers over the administration of justice. ARTICLE 105. JUDICIAL OFFICE, AND INSTITUTIONS AND SUPPORT SERVICES In accordance with the Organic Law of Judicial Power, the Generalitat has the authority to determine the creation, design, organisation, resources, and management of judicial offices and support services for jurisdictional bodies, including the regulation of institutions, institutes and forensic medicine and toxicology services. ARTICLE 106. FREE LEGAL SERVICE. MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION PROCESSES 1. The Generalitat has power to organise free legal services and free legal advice services. 2. The Generalitat may establish the instruments and procedures for mediation and for conciliation in the resolution of conflicts in matters within its powers. ARTICLE 107. JUDICIAL DEMARCATION, ORGANISATION AND CAPITALS 1. Subject to the report of the Council of Justice of Catalonia, the Government of the Generalitat shall propose to the State Government the determination and review of judicial demarcation and organisation in Catalonia, at least every five years. This proposal, which is mandatory, shall accompany the Government bill sent by the Government to the Cortes Generales. 2. Modifications of judicial organisation that do not involve legislative reform may correspond to the Government of the Generalitat. Similarly, the Generalitat may create sections and courts, under delegation by the Government of the State, in the terms established by the Organic Law of Judicial Power. 3. The capitals of the judicial demarcations are established by an Act of Parliament. ARTICLE 108. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND JUSTICE OF PROXIMITY 1. The Generalitat has power over justice of the peace under the terms established by the Organic Law of Judicial Power. In the same terms, appointment of judges corresponds to the Council of Justice of Catalonia. The Generalitat is also responsible for their allowances and for the provision of the necessary resources for them to carry out their duties. The creation of secretarial offices and their provision also corresponds to the Generalitat. 2. In the specified towns and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law of Judicial Power, the Generalitat may demand the establishment of a system of justice of proximity, with the aim of resolving minor conflicts speedily and efficiently. ARTICLE 109. SUBROGATION CLAUSE In addition to the powers expressly attributed to it in this Estatut, the Generalitat exercises all the functions and powers that the Organic Law of Judicial Power recognises for the State Government in relation to the Administration of Justice in Catalonia. TITLE IV. POWERS CHAPTER I. TYPES OF POWER ARTICLE 110. EXCLUSIVE POWERS 1. In matters in which the Generalitat has exclusive power, legislative power, regulatory power and the executive function correspond fully to the Generalitat. The exercise of these powers and functions, by means of which it may establish its own policies, is the exclusive right of the Generalitat. 2. In matters regarding the exclusive power of the Generalitat, Catalan law is applicable in its territory and shall prevail over any other. ARTICLE 111. SHARED POWERS In matters in which the Estatut attributes powers to the Generalitat which are shared with the State, legislative power, regulatory power and the executive function are the responsibility of the Generalitat, within the framework of the basic conditions established by the State as principles or lowest common legislative denominators in rules of legal rank, with the exception of those circumstances determined by the Constitution and this Estatut. The Generalitat may establish its own policies in the exercise of these powers. Parliament shall implement and specify said basic provisions by means of a law. ARTICLE 112. EXECUTIVE POWERS In matters in which the Generalitat has executive powers, the Generalitat has regulatory power, which includes the power to approve provisions for execution of State rules, and also the executive function, which in all cases includes the power to organise its own administration and, in general, all the functions and activities that the system attributes to the Public Administration. ARTICLE 113. POWERS OF THE GENERALITAT AND EUROPEAN UNION RULES The Generalitat has the authority to enact, apply and implement European Union rules when these affect its powers, under the terms established in Title V. ARTICLE 114. PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY 1. The Generalitat has the authority to carry out promotional activities in matters within its power. To this end, the Generalitat may grant subsidies from its own funds. 2. In matters where the Generalitat has exclusive power, the Generalitat has the authority to specify the purpose for which territorialisable subsidies from the State and from European communities are used, and also to regulate the conditions for their assignment and management, including administration and award. 3. In matters where power is shared, the Generalitat has the authority to specify, in the form of a regulation, the purpose for which territorialisable subsidies from the State and from European communities are used, and also to complete the regulation of the conditions for their assignment, including administration and award. 4. In matters where the Generalitat has executive power, the Generalitat has authority to manage territorialisable subsidies from the State and from European communities, including their administration and award. 5. The Generalitat shall participate in determining the non-territorialisability of
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