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çø even though dwelling in the body as a living entity çø neither does anything nor becomes tainted, O Arjuna. (13.31) Just as the all-pervading space is not tainted because of its subtlety; similarly, the Spirit abiding in all bodies is not tainted. (13.32) Just as one sun illuminates the entire world; similarly, Spirit gives life to the entire creation, O Arjuna. (13.33) They who perceive with the eye of Self-knowledge the difference between the creation (or the file:///C|/WINDOWS/DESKTOP/GLENNS~1/KONSTA~1/Bhagavad%20Gita.htm (47 of 65) [04/11/03 01:41:25] American/International Gita Society Bhagavad Gita body) and the creator (or the Spirit) as well as know the technique of liberation of the living entity from the trap of divine illusory energy (Maya), attain the Supreme. (13.34) CHAPTER 14 THREE MODES OF MATERIAL NATURE Lord Krishna said: I shall further explain to you that supreme knowledge, the best of all knowledge, knowing that all the sages have attained supreme perfection after this life. (14.01) They who have taken refuge in this transcendental knowledge attain unity with Me; and are neither born at the time of creation, nor afflicted at the time of dissolution. (14.02) ALL BEINGS ARE BORN FROM THE UNION OF SPIRIT AND MATTER My material Nature is the womb of creation wherein I place the seed of Consciousness from which all beings are born, O Arjuna. (See also 9.10) (14.03) Whatever forms are produced in all different wombs, O Arjuna, the material Nature is their body-giving mother; and the Spirit or Consciousness is the life-giving father. (14.04) HOW THREE MODES OF MATERIAL NATURE BIND THE SPIRIT SOUL TO THE BODY Goodness, activity, and inertia these three modes or ropes material Nature fetter the eternal individual soul to the body, O Arjuna. (14.05) Of these, the mode of goodness is illuminating and good, because it is pure. The mode of goodness fetters the living entity by attachment to happiness and knowledge, O sinless Arjuna. (14.06) Arjuna, know that the mode of passion is characterized by intense craving for sense gratification, and is the source of material desire and attachment. The mode of passion binds the living entity by attachment to the fruits of work. (14.07) Know, O Arjuna, that the mode of ignorance çø the deluder of living entity çø is born of inertia. The mode of ignorance binds living entity by carelessness, laziness, and excessive sleep. (14.08) O Arjuna, the mode of goodness attaches one to happiness of learning and knowing the Spirit, the mode of passion attaches to action, and the mode of ignorance attaches to negligence by covering the Self- knowledge. (14.09) CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE file:///C|/WINDOWS/DESKTOP/GLENNS~1/KONSTA~1/Bhagavad%20Gita.htm (48 of 65) [04/11/03 01:41:25] American/International Gita Society Bhagavad Gita MODES OF NATURE Goodness prevails by suppressing passion and ignorance; passion prevails by suppressing goodness and ignorance; and ignorance prevails by suppressing goodness and passion, O Arjuna. (14.10) When the light of Self-knowledge glitters all the senses in the body, then it should be known that goodness is predominant. (14.11) O Arjuna, when passion is predominant; greed, activity, undertaking of selfish works, restlessness, and excitement arise. (14.12) O Arjuna, when inertia is predominant; ignorance, inactivity, carelessness, and delusion arise. (14.13) THREE MODES ARE ALSO THE VEHICLES OF TRANSMIGRATION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL One who dies during the dominance of goodness goes to heaven çø the pure world of knowers of the Supreme. (14.14) When one dies during the dominance of passion, one is reborn as attached to action (or the utilitarian type); and dying in ignorance, one is reborn as lower creatures. (14.15) The fruit of good action is said to be beneficial and pure, the fruit of passionate action is pain, and the fruit of ignorant action is laziness. (14.16) Self-knowledge arises from mode of goodness; greed arises from mode of passion; and negligence, delusion, and slowness of mind arise from the mode of ignorance. (14.17)
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