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For the last two months, your crew change budget has shot up considerably. You have gone up from twenty-two thousand dollars per crew change to thirty-one thousand dollars. Do you have any idea what has caused the increase? Claire asked as she studied Tristan s profile while Tristan studied the data. We really don t have any more boats up north than normal. The northern crew changes are usually more expensive because we have to fly our men getting on and off the boats, Tristan replied with her brow furrowed in concentration as she scanned the data in front of her. 46 Robin Alexander Not to change the subject, but I have been meaning to ask this since I came here. Aren t there any women who work on the boats? Claire asked as Tristan turned to look her in the eyes. There are some women who do, but most of them are fleet boats that stay close to home. River towboats are really not a place most women want to work. The physical requirements are very demanding. That s not to say that a woman in good shape couldn t handle the job, but most women have no desire to spend thirty days at a time lugging rigging around and cohabitating with a bunch of sweaty, grimy men. I like to think we are just smarter than that, Tristan said with a laugh. Claire found herself lost in Tristan s intense gaze once again. She had to shake her head to clear her thoughts. Okay, so what is your theory on the conflicting travel budgets? Well, nothing against you or your employees, but I don t think they have researched the flights well enough. For example, right here, it shows our boats just south of Cincinnati on the river, but sometimes, it is cheaper to have the guys go into Louisville and drive up to the boat. In other words, it is best to research the airports all around the boat for the cheapest fare, instead of simply flying them into the closest city. I see, Claire said as she made notes. If your people can give us a time frame we can work with, I can assure you that my staff and I can save you money. Did Rhonda ever try to work this out with you? The only thing I ever got from Rhonda was attitude. Let s get our people together and meet this afternoon. We can put our heads together and come up with some parameters that we can all work with and see what happens. Claire, aside from the fact that I am tickled pink that you are going out with me, I am truly glad you re here. I think you re going to give us a fresh perspective in here and save us money. I have to admit I m truly impressed with what you have done so far, Tristan confessed with a shy grin. Shortly after, Mike and Lauren arrived. Claire got busy working with the agents, going over spreadsheets and generating the reports that Tristan needed. This alone took up their entire morning. Claire was so immersed in what she was doing she had not realized that half the day had already passed until Tristan asked her to lunch. 47 Murky Waters Both agreed on a deli about a block from the office. Tristan chose a spot in the far corner of the restaurant, so they would be able to talk without everyone in the deli being able to overhear. She kept the conversation light during the meal in hopes that Claire would feel comfortable enough to tell her what was troubling her so. When Claire didn t volunteer any information, Tristan decided to broach the topic as gently as she knew how when she saw Claire looking around nervously. Claire? Do you want to tell me what is bothering you now? Are things moving too quickly with us? Are you regretting going out with me? Claire laughed. Tris, slow down, honey. Right now, you are the one bright spot in my life. I am really looking forward to our date. As a matter of fact, that has been the one thing that has helped me hold it together. What is bothering me has nothing to do with you. I am just not ready to explain it yet. I will tell you this, though: just being around you is a comfort to me. Your willingness to listen means more to me than you know. Relieved to hear that she was not the problem, Tristan relaxed. She didn t want to push Claire into telling her anything until she was ready. Still, it bothered her that Claire would not confide in her. The next two days flew by quickly. Tristan spent a lot of time with Claire preparing her for the crew changes that would start soon. During crew change, her department was extremely busy. Fortunately for all involved, it only lasted a week, then things would quiet down until the next one started. Much to Claire s delight, Friday evening had finally arrived, and the butterflies in her stomach were working overtime. Tristan had told her to dress very casual, so she chose a short denim skirt and a sleeveless cotton top. True to her word, she had found the time to have a pedicure and was pleased with the results. She checked her makeup three times before Tristan arrived to pick her up, laughing at her nervousness each time she did. She was still looking in the mirror, putting the last touches on her lipstick, when she heard a knock at the door. Even though she saw Tristan everyday, her heart leapt when she heard the gentle tapping. Claire peeked through the blind first, then opened the door for her date. 48 Robin Alexander Standing before Claire was the prettiest woman she ever had the pleasure of going out with. Tristan stood there smiling, dressed in a pair of neatly pressed khaki shorts with a short-sleeved denim shirt tucked into them. Instead of her usual ponytail, her long dark hair hung down her back, blowing slightly in the gentle evening breeze. Claire felt herself trapped in the gaze of Tristan s beautiful brown eyes. Hey, look, we complement each other with the denim. Tristan laughed. I even got a pedicure since it seemed so important. She thrust out a foot covered in a brown leather sandal. Claire laughed nervously and invited her in. I love this apartment, Claire, especially the loft up there. I could fill that whole ledge with plants. Ralph would have a blast on that spiral staircase, too. Claire noticed that Tristan was uncharacteristically chatty. She wondered if Tristan was as nervous as she was. She gave Tristan a quick tour of her abode and offered her a glass of wine. I better wait on the wine, Claire. I m on an empty stomach, and I m afraid it will go straight to my head. I don t like to drive like that. If you would like to have a glass before we go, that would be fine with me. Claire chuckled. I think I will wait until we get to the restaurant, too. Besides, I can hear your stomach growling from here. Fine, Claire. Mock my hunger pains. I have not been able to eat a thing all day because of tonight. I may faint right here in your living room. Claire laughed at her antics. Come on, drama queen, let s get going. I don t want you passing out and drooling on the new carpet. In the parking lot, Claire looked around for the red truck she had ridden in before. Instead, she followed Tristan over to a dark blue Mitsubishi 3000gt. Is this your car, Tris? Yep. The Ford is my company truck. I don t get to drive old blue around that often. She s got a few years on her, but she s still in great shape. Tristan opened the passenger side door and let Claire in.
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