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swelled tremendously in response. Sonya then yanked Jasmin's legs as far apart as was humanly possible, and kissed her, bit her and roughly squeezed and twisted her nipples. Desperately, Jasmin clawed at Sonya's back and pushed up into her. No, my slave. Lie still now, slide your hand into me and satisfy me, Sonya ordered, adjusting her thighs over Jasmin's to allow her access. Then, as Jasmin entered her, she thrust and pounded her into the bed as she sought ecstasy. Oh ... oh ... oh... Sonya grunted, very sure of her control of Jasmin, very dominant, very strong. There was no doubt in Jasmin's mind, either. Sonya would get exactly what she wanted. Mistress, yes, she moaned. Take me. Use me. Mmmmm ... PLEASE! Sonya's lusty body was banging the cap hard now, and Jasmin was loving it, arching to it, pleading for it. Be quiet. Kiss me, and suck my tongue." So Jasmin received the thrusts of Sonya's tongue and hips all at once, and caressed her as she pummeled Jasmin's body into submission, and until she soared above her in orgasm. When Sonya had finished her climax, Jasmin stroked her very lovingly, very respectfully, very lightly as she rested. That was your punishment. I am not usually so rough, Sonya informed her. Punish me again, Mistress, just to make sure, Jasmin suggested, breathless. No, now I will give you your dessert. She moved up and straddled Jasmin's head. Open your mouth, she instructed, and when Jasmin had done so, Sonya parted her own labia and released her juices to dribble down to Jasmin. When Jasmin lifted her head to lick her mistress, Sonya pushed her down. You will take what I give you the way I want you to have it." Immediately Jasmin became passive and waited for the drops to reach her, relishing each one. As she looked up, she realized Sonya was lowering herself slowly down to engulf her face. She closed her eyes in bliss and waited for contact with the lush womanhood poised above her. Mmmph ... mmmmm, she sighed, and began to pleasure her mistress once again. Ignored, her clip writhed under its cap, and Jasmin, freed from the ability to make a decision or choice, luxuriated in it. Back and forth Sonya rocked, moaning softly, using Jasmin's full range of skills. Oh, yes ... oh, yes, she whispered, engrossed. Jasmin not only licked, sucked and kissed, but she entered Sonya's anus carefully, gently and finally deeply, making her pleasure all the more intense when she shared yet another orgasm with Jasmin as a reward for her efforts. Yes, my slave, my pretty assassin. You have my leave to kill me with pleasure, she gasped. And she burst, so that Jasmin's cries were stifled, and her own rang loudly through the cabin. Recovering, Sonya slid off Jasmin to the side and split her legs hard apart. Jasmin moaned and looked at her adoringly. She said nothing. Sonya had promised her full release and a good night's sleep. She wasn't worried. Sonya said, Do you want to see what I do to get my slaves attention?" Yes, please." Sonya gripped her jaw firmly and said, quietly and intensely, Look at me." Jasmin did, mesmerized, and Sonya kissed her very softly, making her hips rise off the bed. She gasped, Is that all?" That's all I ever need." It's all I'd ever need, Jasmin confirmed. No whips, paddles, chains, cuffs?" Except the punishment for removing the cap, no. Do you feel the need for those?" No, Mistress. I am glad to obey you, and to serve you." So are they. They would die for me, come once a year for me, crawl across the Alps on their hands and knees for me. I don't need to restrain them or punish them or beat them, ever. Do you understand?" Yes, Mistress, I do, and I want to please you, so much." I was quite sure you would. Hands back under your ass now." Jasmin obeyed silently, her eyes locked on Sonya's. Boldly she lifted her hips, but Sonya ordered her, with a touch of her finger and a raised eyebrow, to desist. Ordinarily, if you were a new slave of mine, you would not come for a month or more, Sonya remarked idly, beginning to lightly stroke the insides of Jasmin's thighs. What do you mean? Jasmin shuddered, although she thought she already knew. You would serve me, and pleasure me in turn with the others, and you would wear the cap, and I would train you, but you would not come until I felt your attention was entirely devoted to me and my pleasure. Have you ever gone without pleasure for a month? Her smile was teasing, wicked. No, never, Mistress. I ... I did it myself if I needed to." Not any more, Sonya reminded her. No, that's true, Mistress, Jasmin nodded, looking chastened. But then Sonya leaned over and kissed her gently and affectionately, and Jasmin knew she was forgiven. Since I'm not one of your own slaves in training, what will you do differently? Jasmin wanted to know. How can a cap be worn for a month?" Sonya sighed and shook her head, resigned to this chatty, curious slave whom she was unable to totally control yet. The caps are changed frequently, and in any event, they are micro-perforated for health purposes. Since you must come tonight, and sleep until we land in Murmansk, I will, after a period of stimulation, remove the cap and permit orgasm. Her fingers moved into Jasmin's pubic hair and she began to tremble. How long a period?" Sonya became stern. As long as I like! Enough of your questions now. You will be still and learn to appreciate your relative freedoms under Margot's supervision." Jasmin nodded and waited for Sonya to begin. Leaning on one elbow, Sonya looked down at Jasmin and smiled, lazily passing her fingertips through the soaking wet pussy hair. Jasmin sighed and smiled back, running her eyes appreciatively over the regally sculpted planes of her lover's face. If there were such a thing as a Scandinavian Amazon, she was Sonya. In what seemed a very short time to Jasmin, she had gone from being an independent assassin and operative to a plaything batted back and forth between two gorgeous and charismatic women, and the idea of returning to where she had been held very little appeal. Mmmm ... Mistress Sonya was right, Jasmin sighed. In what way?" I already love being your slave." Sonya laughed lightly. Believe me, I am treating you much more as a lover than as a slave. Tomorrow, after the mission, things will be very different for you." Will I still be required to pleasure you? Jasmin asked. Of course. I have told you, you will serve me with complete devotion or Margot will demand to know why." I can please both of you, then, Jasmin smiled. And myself as well." Sassy slave. See how you like this! Deftly, she took the white cap between her fingers and squeezed lightly. Jasmin lifted almost bodily off the bed, moaning in sweet anguish. Oh! Oh, my God! Mistress!" You like that now, because orgasm is guaranteed within a relatively short period of time. Tomorrow, when I do that to you, you will have nearly a day until I present you to Margot again, and then she may very well wait to relieve you." Margot may do as she wishes, of course, Mistress, and so may you. If it pleases you to remind my of my condition, I will accept it."
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