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sound of the organ, accompanied by a chorus of united voices, had drifted through the autumn air, beckoning him. But considering his long estrangement from God, he d hesitated, sure he would feel almost like an impostor if he joined that faithful group. Even though he was trying to work through his anger toward the Lord and lay to rest the sorrow and sense of loss that had colored his days for too many years, his issues were far from resolved. Yes, he d taken a first, tentative step by sharing his feelings with Reverend Andrews. But he had a long way to go. On the other hand, the minister had assured him that he wasn t alone in his imperfections. As a result, Mark felt confident that the man would welcome him to his flock. Then there was Abby. She was inside those white- washed walls. That tugged at him, too though going to church because he was attracted to a member of the congregation didn t seem like the noblest motivation. Go or stay. Mark wrestled with the dilemma. In the end, Mark stopped trying to analyze his decision and took Marge s advice. He followed his heart. And he wasn t sorry. Though the place was crowded 166 A Dream To Share and the service was well under way when he ventured into the back door, several people squeezed together to create a place for him, motioning for him to join them. Mark did his best to slip into the spot without attract- ing notice, but as he took his seat, Reverend Andrews glanced his way from the sanctuary. The smile he gave Mark chased away any lingering doubts about his welcome, and he acknowledged the minister with a discreet nod. To his surprise, the hymns and prayers and readings from the Bible called up happy memories for Mark. Long ago, before Bobby and his mother died, he re- membered attending church with his parents and Rick. It had been a larger and grander edifice than this, but the spirit had been the same. Then, as now, a sense of unity, of belonging, had pervaded the walls. In that place, surrounded by fellow believers, Mark had always felt closer to God, had sensed His love in a special way as it was made manifest in his believers. He felt that again now. And only then realized what a great void its absence had left in his life. Recall the words of Matthew. For where two or three are gathered together for my sake, there am I in the midst of them. Reverend Andrews had moved to the pulpit and launched into his sermon, and Mark tried to rein in his wayward thoughts and pick up the thread of the minister s message after missing the opening. That s why we assemble here each Sunday to feel the power of the spirit, to give witness to the world that we believe, to proclaim our faith and our trust in the Lord. But for that community witness to be strong, we Irene Hannon 167 also need to know the Lord in a more personal way. To do that, we have to invest time and energy, just as we invest time and energy in developing other skills, such as shooting baskets or playing the piano or listening with an open, empathetic heart. All of those things take patience and practice and commitment to master. Pausing, he let his gaze sweep over the congregation. But I submit to you that the satisfaction that comes from refining those skills, worthy though they may be, can never match the satisfaction and peace and joy we receive when we make the effort to establish a personal relationships with the Lord and follow His call no matter the surprising directions it can lead. Our private bond with Him is what gives this gathering meaning. Sunday worship is a joyful celebration of our individ- ual relationships with the Lord and the power of our col- lective witness. My dear friends, coming to church is easy. Living our faith is hard. Both are important. But let us remem- ber that when we leave here today, the Lord goes with us. Our faith is not in these four walls, but in the spirit living within us. As we go about our everyday lives, let s remember that the Lord walks with us not only on Sunday but on every day of the week. May we live ac- cordingly so that we don t disappoint Him. Now let us pray& . As the service continued, Mark bowed his head. He supposed he d disappointed the Lord. Yet he d been disappointed, too. In fact, disappointment had been his constant companion for more years than he cared to recall. Since he d turned his back on the Lord, nothing 168 A Dream To Share in his experience had had the power to uplift him, to motivate him, to fill his life with joy and contentment. Everything fell short. As a result, he d lowered his expectations. And he d erected a thick shell of bitterness around his heart. After Bobby and his mother died, that shell had protected him from further hurt. But it had also insulated his heart from love and the healing grace of God. All these years, Mark had lived on the surface of life, a day at a time, never counting on anything or permit- ting himself to be counted on. Enjoy the pleasures of the moment, shallow though they may be, and don t worry about tomorrow. Those had been the principles that guided his life. Yet, in retrospect, he realized that he hadn t really enjoyed the so-called pleasures of his glitzy lifestyle. The many women he d spent time with had provided fleeting gratification, but left him feeling emptier than ever. The liquor had mellowed his restlessness and ennui for brief intervals but only intensified the void in his life once the intoxication wore off. The travel and parties and trips to the health club had been mere diversions, designed to keep him busy and to distract him from the cold truth of his aimless, drifting life. A life that lacked purpose and direction and meaning. A life that lacked God. In turning away from his faith, Mark realized, he d turned away from the one thing that could have stabi- lized his world and given it meaning in the midst of chaos. Because he d demanded answers when there Irene Hannon 169 were none or none that he could understand, as Reverend Andrews had pointed out his quest had been doomed to failure. He d put God to the test and, in his mind, God had failed. But he was the one who had failed, Mark acknowl- edged. By not putting his trust in God, by not placing his anguish in God s hands, he d turned away from the one true source of consolation. That had been his big mistake. And he d been paying for it ever since. Mark still didn t know how to go about mending the rift he d created with the Almighty. But here, in this place, surrounded by people of faith, he found the courage to reopen a dialogue. Please forgive me for turning away from You, Lord. I wish someone like Reverend Andrews had come into my life a long time ago so that I wouldn t have wasted all these years. But maybe I needed the years of emptiness to appreciate the things in life that really matter. It s been a long journey, Lord. But like the prodigal son, I d like to come home now. I ask You to show me the way. I suspect You ve already set me on the right path by bringing me to Oak Hill. I ask that You give me the wisdom to discern Your will and the courage to
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