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running along it just beneath the surface, and the domed head was a little red. She
had wanted it in her mouth and now that she had it, she was enjoying the helpless
groans Jake elicited above her. Sanai slurped and licked his cock gently.
“I‟m close,” Jake muttered his voice husky and deep. “I‟m so close Sanai.”
She pulled her mouth off his cock and smiled up at him. “You can cum in my
Jake‟s dick jumped at those words, but he shook his head. “No, I want to
cum in your pussy.”
Sanai nodded and accepted Jake‟s hand to pull her up. She climbed back
onto the bed and straddled him again. This time she was naked, so she lowered
herself onto his stiff dick, still shiny from her saliva. “Ohh,” she moaned as he
impaled her. Her cunt stretched around him and she moaned again.
Jake grabbed her hips and waited. It wasn‟t long before Sanai starting
moving up and down on him. “Ungh…ungh…ungh,” she chanted every time she
bottomed out.
He watched her breasts bounce wildly and concentrated on holding off his
orgasm. It wouldn‟t be long before her tight snatch milked his cock, especially
after that blow job she‟d given him. He closed his eyes and thought about how
she‟d looked up at him with those big brown eyes as she bobbed on his cock…and
the way her curls had tickled the insides of his thighs. Jake moaned loudly. Those
thoughts weren‟t going to keep his orgasm at bay.
He opened his eyes when Sanai stopped moving on his cock. Her head hung
backwards and her body shuddered as she gave a guttural moan. Jake knew she
had cum again. He placed his hand on her hips and began to fuck her as she
She began to scream and shake again from a second orgasm, just as Jake felt
the familiar clench and release in his balls. The two came together and Sanai
crumpled until her cheek rested on his sweaty chest. His dick slowly deflated and
left her as they lay together.
Jake wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug. “That was amazing,” he
mumbled into her hair.
She looked up at him and grinned. “I know.”
Jake‟s heart practically skipped a beat. There was that smile he‟d been
waiting for, the one that he‟d wanted her to give him since that Saturday they had
walked through the city. It wasn‟t polite or apologetic. It was a genuine, happy
smile. The only one he wanted from her.
“So what happened?” Sanai asked Lisa the next day. They had met for
drinks after work. Lisa had insisted on telling her friend what had happened on
Sunday night face-to-face, even if it had taken days for their schedules to match
“I told him that I had never…” Lisa‟s voice trailed off. They were, after all, in
a public place.
Sanai nodded. “What did he say?”
“He said that he had suspected as much since we had never…” again Lisa
dropped the last part of her sentence.
Sanai nodded again.
“So, I told him that I thought I was ready to take that step and I wanted to
do it with him.” Lisa‟s pale cheeks flushed a little. She wasn‟t completely
comfortable talking about sex, even with her best friend of many years. She took a
sip of her Cosmo and sighed. “Then, he says, „I‟m honored that you‟d give
something like that to me, but…‟”
Sanai gasped. “But? But what?!”
Lisa took another sip and smiled. “He said he would wait. He said that if
I‟ve saved it this long, I should wait for marriage. He said that he‟s in love with me
and when the time is right, we‟ll get married and do it the right way.”
Sanai didn‟t know what to say. She blinked hard for a few seconds before
asking, “So what did you say?”
“Well,” Lisa dropping her voice. “I gave him a blow job.”
Sanai laughed. “Nice. Is it big?”
Lisa nodded.
Impressed, Sanai finished her Appletini and pushed away the glass. “Still,
it‟s kind of strange for a man to turn down sex. You don‟t think he‟s getting it
from somewhere else do you?” There was no accusation in her voice, just concern.
“No,” Lisa said quickly. “We‟re always together, unless we‟re at work. He
calls me every night before I go to sleep and sends me flowers at least once a
“You‟re right,” Sanai said nodding. “That would be way too much effort if he
was getting some on the side. That‟s so great, Lisa.” Sanai patted her friend‟s
“I know. Now, what‟s up with you and Jake?”
Sanai hesitated, but decided to go ahead and tell Lisa that she‟d slept with
Jake. Lionel probably already told her anyway. Men were worse gossips than
women sometimes.
“We slept together last night,” she confessed.
“How was it?” Lisa asked.
“It was so perfect,” Sanai said, her eyes glazing over. “I didn‟t think he‟d be
Lisa smiled. “He‟s perfect for you.”
Sanai blinked back into reality and stared at her friend. “What?”
“I said, „he‟s perfect for you‟!”
“Why would you say that?” Sanai asked slowly. “He‟s the opposite of almost
everything I look for in a guy.”
Lisa rolled her green eyes. “Just because he‟s white?”
Sanai shrugged.
“So he‟s not a rich black professional,” Lisa said rolling her eyes again. “He‟s
nice and he really likes you. Isn‟t that all that matters?”
Sanai nodded. “I guess it should be.”
Lisa smiled and finished her drink. “It will be.”
Chapter Eight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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