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Josh splayed his palms against Hayden s chest. I ve got whiskey. That ll do. I m not a freak, man, Josh said, feeling embarrassed that he d been hit with such a bout of nerves. It s just my Hayden stroked a thumb across Josh s lower lip, finishing the statement. Your first time with another man. I ve been with women. Just so you know. Josh tilted his head up proudly, defiantly. I m not inexperienced in bed. Still, for tonight, Joshua? Hayden backed away, opening a cabinet, already looking for the liquor. Tonight you re a virgin. My virgin. Josh turned and retrieved two very large shot glasses, and pulled down a big bottle of whiskey. He had a feeling he was going to need it. Hayden followed Josh down a small hallway, both men silent. Yet electric expectation seemed to crackle in the quiet atmosphere between them. When Josh reached the first doorway, he nudged open the door with his booted foot and stepped back with a gesture of playful gallantry. After you, Garrett. He didn t look up or meet Hayden s eyes, but swept a hand toward the room s interior. My digs. The sacred chamber, Hayden said, slowly entering the room. And how long have I dreamed of getting in here. A fluttering sensation swept through the center of his belly. It was no time to get nervous, not tonight. Not when it was Joshua s first time. 58 www.samhainpublishing.com Bound by Nature The bedroom was plainly decorated and neat as any military officer s might be, as if awaiting inspection. The tidiness of the small room didn t shock him, but the walls of the space sure did. There were floor to ceiling bookshelves lined with a diverse selection of novels and books. He d always known Josh was smart he d learned that much firsthand in high school but somehow Hayden figured the other wolf wouldn t have much to do with books. You like to read, Hayden observed and it wasn t a question. No, let me correct that. I think you love to read. So do you. Hayden walked to the first bookshelf, running his fingertips along the row of volumes, fascinated to see how closely their tastes intersected. You have always surprised the hell out of me, Joshua. Like tonight? Josh s question was throaty, full of sexual intensity. Hayden swallowed, keeping his back to the other Alpha. Damn if he wasn t the one who d begun shaking, quite literally, in his snow boots. Especially tonight, he agreed, struggling to rein in his physical reaction. He heard the bedroom door close, and turned to find Josh leaning against it, both hands pressed behind his lower back. He stood there with an air of finality and resolve, all his earlier nervousness gone. Yet his face was even more flushed than it had been in the kitchen, red blotches high on his defined, sculpted cheekbones. Josh had deposited the whiskey bottle and pair of shot glasses on his wooden bureau, and as Hayden stared at the dresser, he thought about Josh keeping his clothes inside the damned thing. Instantly he recalled the man s fresh, earthy smell, how it was like the woods after a spring rain. Hayden was certain the flannel shirts, and jeans, and long underwear Josh kept in his bureau would carry the same delicious scent. Josh pushed off the door, and removed his stocking cap, tossing it onto the center of the bed as if it were a choice prize. As if were marking the bed as the prime circus ring& no, as if they were about to box or wrestle and that simple wool hat was the physical invitation. The front of Hayden s pants drew tight, instantly uncomfortable and too constricting as his mind provided a visual of Joshua s naked, sculpted body in the center of the bed, not his cap. Of diving forward for the true prize, the man who he d secretly loved and desired for years now. Neither spoke, but Josh moved to sit on the edge of the bed, removing first one boot, then the other. As if he meant to do nothing so much as get truly down to business. Now it was Hayden who stood, a little paralyzed by the moment, watching Josh from the side of the room. Hayden had to swallow hard as he noticed that Josh s hair was still damp from their tussle in the snow. Or perhaps it was wet from how sweaty they d gotten while making out in the truck? Either way, Hayden grew even harder realizing it was his touch, his kisses that had caused Josh to become so disheveled. www.samhainpublishing.com 59 Cooper Davis The memory of how incredibly intimate they d gotten quashed his own bout of nerves and he moved toward the bed decisively, stripping out of his sweatshirt as he went. Josh glanced up, eyes widening first, then growing bright, otherworldly. And Hayden was absolutely transfixed by the beauty of those golden- green irises, the flecks of light blue and amber and the way Josh dropped his long black lashes low as he studied Hayden s bare chest. Keeping his gaze pinned on Hayden and licking his lips wolfishly, Josh slowly removed his own shirt, stripping his chest bare. He eased back on the bed, propping his back against the headboard. Hayden had never seen a more developed physique and he had glimpsed Josh shirtless plenty of times back in high school when they d played on the same baseball and football teams. But Josh had filled out tremendously since then, especially in the past year, and now possessed cordons of muscle that knotted across his flat abdomen, as well as powerful biceps and shoulders. Josh wasn t tall compared to him, but he was strong and bulky through the upper body. Hayden let his gaze travel lower, to Josh s jean-clad lower body, and instantly recalled the feeling of the man s strong thighs about his hips. The truck with Josh had been glorious. But being in the bed with him, naked? Was going to be downright rapturous. Josh caught Hayden ogling him. Like what you see, do you, Alpha? he teased, leaning back a little farther so that his sculpted chest stood out even more sexily. Josh stroked lazy fingers across his abdomen, lingering at the waistband of his jeans with a suggestive look. No more shy guy. Interesting. I ve always liked the look of you, baby, Hayden returned, chucking his sweatshirt onto the floor. You ve always known it, too. My soul be damned, but I could never hide my feelings from you& or hide how you aroused me. Your scent always shocked me. I never knew what the hell to do about it or about you, Hayden. But I do now. With an unabashedly wicked grin, Josh patted the place beside him on the mattress. Come on, Alpha. Bring the whiskey. Then Josh growled, low and sexy right in the very back of his throat. And drop the jeans while you re at it. They rolled to face each other, the bed giving a creaking groan. It was a weathered four-poster, hardly quiet for lovemaking. Good thing Josh s house sat way off the road without a neighbor nearby, what with all the ruckus his old bed was going to make. Being silent or even quiet wasn t going to be possible, not while making love to Josh. Hayden slid a hand down to Josh s hip, took hold and urged him a little closer. Josh ran his tongue
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |