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behavior  such as giving her back to him  than he ever had been.
Kim wouldn t have thought he could become even more dominant, but the next month 
and even over their vacation - proved her very, very wrong.
Chapter Four
Their trip to Florida, though, was only conducted a bit more soberly than it would have
been if neither of their mates had decided that the ladies disciplinary needs should be
more fully addressed. They flew down to Florida from Manchester Airport at the crack
of dawn, and at that point neither of the women  or the guys, really  were particularly
awake, so their husbands warnings, given practically in unison as they road to the airport
made both ladies blush prettily, but there were much less protesting going on about being
reminded that they were expected to behave themselves  as if they were both five  than
there would have been if they had left later in the day.
But once on the plane, high spirits overtook the both of them despite the fact that it was
oh-dark-thirty. Brynn and Kim sat together, directly behind their husbands on the plane,
giggling and chatting excitedly while their mates did their best to try to get back to sleep.
This wasn t the first vacation they d taken together, but it was the first one in a while and
the girls were definitely looking forward to having some time off, both together and with
their husbands.
It was Brynn  as usual  who started off getting them into trouble, courting it when she
already had a spanking coming each night for the next three days. She started to bang her
leg against the back of her husband s chair, saying in an abominably whiny voice,  Are
we there yet?
Kim had the good grace to look appalled at that action, and not copy it, because she knew
exactly what was going to happen, and it did. Gray turned around and gave Brynn a look
that promised that if she didn t cease and desist immediately, she was going to be in big
Brynn was feeling so good that  even in the face of her husband s stern look  she
merely leaned forward and kissed him.  I m so excited  we re finally on our way!
 I know you are, but you also know that I expect you to behave, and banging the back of
my seat does not qualify. Am I making myself crystal clear?
Being verbally chastised in front of what was essentially the whole plane, since the close
proximity of the other travelers around them didn t provide for much privacy despite his
hushed tone, seemed to sober her up a bit. Gray didn t want to put a damper on her fun 
she d worked herself almost to a nub at a job she detested, which he knew made the work
just that much harder, and he wanted her to relax and enjoy their vacation. She deserved
But he deserved to know that his wife was going to behave herself, and he certainly
wasn t going to hesitate to do whatever it was that he thought she needed to assist her in
doing so.
So when the flight attendant came around with the drink cart and he heard Brynn order a
beer, he turned back immediately and corrected her, saying directly to the surprised
attendant,  The lady will have a Diet Coke, please. Thank you.
He watched Brynn take the soft drink reluctantly, wearing a grimace of distaste. She had
wanted to start celebrating early, but apparently that was not going to be allowed.
When the cart and flight attendant had gone several steps down the aisle beyond them, he
turned around again to say,  I suggest, Missy, that you don t push me. You should know
by now that I would have no compunction in the least about taking you by the hand and
pulling you into the bathroom for a talking to if I need to.
His demure language didn t fool Brynn. She knew that if he did as he threatened, there
would be precious little  talking going on in that bathroom, except the kind between the
palm of his hand and her cringing bottom. The impish smile fled from Brynn s face and
she adopted a much calmer demeanor immediately. She knew beyond a shadow of a
doubt that he would do what he d just said he would, because he d already done
something very close  although not quite as public as he was threatening to here  to her
several nights ago, when they were having dinner over at Kim and Hank s.
Kim had made her famous lasagna, layered high with homemade meat sauce, tons of
mozzarella, sausage and ricotta cheese, along with a big, fresh tossed salad and plenty of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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