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in the cargo container. He slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her hard, prob- ing her lips with his tongue. She welcomed the depths he went to be gentle, and yet, passionate. She rolled her tongue around his savoring the texture and flavor of his flesh. His touch slid down her spine. Splaying his fingers over both halves of her bottom, he paused. Cadie rocked her hips forward and nudged the bulge of his pants. Renn groaned and grasped her ass. He kneaded with rhythmic squeezes each time he brought her firmer against him. His mouth moved faster and she turned her head to ac- commodate every lock of his lips grabbing hers. Let s go to bed. She panted the suggestion between the short releases of his mouth. He led the way. Cadie unfastened Renn s trousers while they kissed. She tipped her head one way and then the other to accommodate his breathless assault on her mouth. Dragging herself from his lips, she kissed his shoulder. Renn s chiseled contours at- tracted her lower. She curled her fingers beneath the bottom 64 Sexual Deceptions of his shirt and pushed it up to where she exposed the taut muscles of his abdomen. Circling, caressing, traveling upward, she sucked on his skin. Pushing his clothing even higher, she dragged her tongue over one of his nipples. His groan rumbled low out of his throat. She dropped his shirt and placed her hands on his face. Stubble along his jaw prickled her palms. Kissing him, she pushed her hands behind his head and held him. Renn s hands hadn t stopped moving the whole time. His fingers journeyed everywhere and he had her half undressed. Her blouse hung open, unbuttoned by his dexterity. Her skirt unfastened, drooping lower on her hips. It only remained up because his body stayed pressed to hers. She stepped back enough to gather his shirt edge again, dragging it up his chest. Renn crossed his arms between them and took over. Without effort, he jerked his top over his head and tossed it on the floor. Cadie laid her hands on his well-developed chest. She sank downward, leaving her arms stretched up. Kneeling be- fore him, she faced his open trousers. The heat of his arousal drifted under her nose. She moved her arms and held his hips as he pushed his trousers from his waist. The pant legs bunched at his knees. Grasping his shaft, she aligned his erection with her mouth. Renn made a sound, both anxious and excited. She delayed the sensation he craved with an alternative, rubbing his silky flesh on her face. Along her jaw, beneath her chin, down her neck, she glided his hard throbbing maleness. Re- tracing the route back to her lips, she wrapped him in the wetness of her mouth. Oh, God. His fingers dove into her hair. 65 Sexual Deceptions She swirled her tongue around the rim of capped flesh, tickling the underside with a massaging lick. If it weren t for his gentleness, her thoughts might have lingered on the past. However, each time she pushed him deeper into her throat, he was first to draw back. While she sucked on him, bringing about the wonderful sound of his pleasure, she explored. She took in the feel of his intimate area. The texture of his cock was like velvet sliding across her tongue. She broke free, kissing down his shaft, blowing a stream of air over his wet skin. Looking up, she saw him watching her. Hypnotically filled with desire, his eyes glazed over. She had the same lust weaving through her. Don t stop, he groaned, when she let go to get up. The serious tone captivated her. His raspy voice had an air of agitation. With his body stiffening, she had already guessed his climax had escalated near completion. It was why she d withdrawn. She wanted him in her, making her warm with his discharge. Forming a circle with her mouth, she sheathed him. She pushed as far as she could go. His cock jammed against the back of her throat. Her gag reflexes made her convulse and the first taste of Renn trickled down her throat unhindered. Swallowing hard, she made Renn gasp. He jerked his hips away and his long cock fell from her lips. He bent down, gripped her forearms, and dragged her up the front of him. You said don t stop. She smiled. Changed my mind. His mouth settled against hers and he kissed her deeply. You feel so good, Cadie. 66 Sexual Deceptions Panting, out of breath, he nuzzled his nose against hers. She felt his exhilaration. Everything is much more wonderful knowing you can feel and experience sensations I help create. He enveloped her with his arms. Then allow me to finish what I started. She rubbed her hands over his body and encouraged him to let her lower her- self to her knees. His reluctance waned as she fondled his arousal. Gliding down the framework of his muscular torso, she resumed her intent to pleasure him. She hummed against the quiver of his silky cock. Slipping her fingers beneath his cock, she cupped the firm sac. A shiver zipped through her. The unbelievable thrill in tasting his flesh drew her into the moment. Cadie. Renn stroked a hand over her head. She pulled her mouth off, sliding her lips along his shaft. Holding his cock against his belly, she puckered her lips and pressed a kiss against the taut skin of his scrotum. Nuzzling her nose playfully in the masculine scent of his groin, she took pleasure in listening to his incoherent moans. His vocal ex- pressions were rather touching and his gentleness endeared him to her heart. His arousal grew more with her incitement. He widened and stretched her lips as the length snaked into her throat. She swallowed the stimulated erection until the throbbing veins pressed on her tongue. His groan awakened her senses to the preservation of her sanity and she leaned back from him. Renn stooped to pull her up from the floor. His slowness aroused her. Men, she knew were quick in taking what they wanted, and harsh in the handling. She moved by his directing turns, putting her on the bed. He leaned over her and the si- 67 Sexual Deceptions new in his arms went taut. Cords of steely flesh held him within inches of touching her. Heat radiated from him and warmed the space between them. You are everything I ve ever wanted. He lowered and their skin met. Her nipples tingled from the brush of his hard-muscled chest making contact. Splitting her pussy lips apart, the head of his cock entered. He withdrew and drove deeper. His hips gyrated, grinding his groin against hers, caressing her insides and stimulating her outside. Cadie arched, pressing her breasts against him, anxious to feel his weight. He pushed back, forcing her down on the mattress, making the short hairs on his chest tickle her nip- ples. Renn, she murmured. His mouth covered hers. He rocked back and forth, in- creasing the stimulation taunting her body to react. You re so beautiful and sexy. His words engulfed her heart. Is there anything else? She raked her nails along the slabs of muscle on his back. Renn pulled out and hung over her. Hmmm, is there anything else? He lowered slightly, letting his cock poke at her. Her involuntary response made her try to squeeze her
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |