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The Sportswriter, 106 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 88, 171 Sputnik: The Shock of the Century, 13 To Have and Have Not (film), 188, 191 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 89 To the Lighthouse, 107 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Tolme, Andre, 129 (film), 163 Tolstoy, Leo, 6*, 39* A Star is Born (film), 188 Toole, John Kennedy, 104, 105, 181* Staring at the Sun, 158 Top Banana, 187 Starr, Jason, 93 Toth, Emily, 27 Steel, Danielle, 27 The Tower Treasure, 107 204 INDEX nð Traffic (film), 72 Where the Wild Things Are, 108, 113, 114, Travers, P. L., 171*, 186*, 187 187 Treasure Island, 159 Whistle, 161 Treat It Gentle, 20 White, E. B., 108, 109 110, 187 Trillin, Calvin, 21, 194 White Heat, 165 Tropic of Cancer, 26 Whitehead, Colson, 106 Turner, Frederick, 177 Who ll Stop the Rain (film), 191 Twain, Mark, 40*, 56*, 150, 187 Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 140 Twelve Mighty Orphans, 50 Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (film), 157 Wilde, Oscar, 166 Ulysses, 26 Williams, Tennessee, 159* Under Siege (film), 126 Wilson, A. N., 32 Under the Tuscan Sun, 97 99 Wilson, Sloan, 26*, 175 Underworld, 103, 105 The Wind in the Willows, 187 Updike, John, 21, 97, 103, 106, 140, 175 Winokur, Jon, 44 The Winter of Our Discontent, 161 V, 140 Winter s Tale, 104, 105 Valley of the Dolls, 159 Wittgenstein s Poker, 158 Vargas Llosa, Mario, 177 The Wizard of Oz, 165 Vendetta, 82 Wodehouse, P. D., 24 The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 133, 149 Wolfe, Tom, 175 Vidal, Gore, 106, 150, 177, 188 Women in Love, 108 Vita Nuova, 84 Woodrell, Daniel, 55 Vitale, Serena, 158* Woodward, Bob, 159* Viva Zapata! (film), 188 Woolf, Virginia, 107, 161, 179 Vonnegut, Kurt, 140 Wordsworth, William, 33, 148, 189, 193 Worse Than the Worst, 187 Wahlöö, Per, 71 72 Wouk, Herman, 3, 173 Wall Street Journal, 21 Writers on the Left, 131 Wallace, David Foster, 105 Wuthering Heights, 171 War and Peace, 6 Ward, Laura, 46 A Year in Provence, 97, 99 Warren, Robert Penn, 173 Yeats, W. B., 189, 193 The Wasteland and Other Poems, 35 The Yellow Feather Mystery, 107 108 Waugh, Evelyn, 161 Youngblood Hawke, 3 Wells, H. G., 179 Yourcenar, Marguerite, 177 West, Nathaniel, 64 You re a Big Boy Now (film), 163 West, Rebecca, 179 Westlake, Donald, 15 The Zebra-Striped Hearse, 171 Wharton, Edith, 109, 161 Zion, Gene, 187 What the Dormouse Said, 186 Zorba the Greek, 118 INDEX 205 nð You may also be interested in The Librarian s Book of Quotes: Celebrate librarianship and the love of libraries with this charming collection of quotes! Tatyana Eckstrand has compiled nearly two hundred of the most insightful, thought-provoking, and inspiring aphorisms about the library profession. The Readers Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction, Second Edition: Legendary readers advisor Saricks offers a groundbreaking reconsideration of the connections between genres, providing key authors and themes within fifteen genres, an explanation of how the different genres overlap, the elements of fiction most likely to entice readers, and more. The Library: In this remarkable story, Stuart A. P. Murray traces the history of the library from its very beginnings in ancient Babylon and Alexandria to some of the greatest contemporary institutions the Royal Society of London, the Newberry Library, the Smithsonian Institution, and many others. Nearly two hundred color and black-and-white photos illustrate the fascinating progress of the institution we know today as the library. Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management, Second Edition: In this fully updated revision, expert instructor and librarian Peggy Johnson addresses the art in controlling and updating your library s collection. Each chapter offers complete coverage of one aspect of collection development, including suggestions for further reading and a narrative case study exploring the issue. Johnson also integrates electronic resources throughout the book, covering topics on organization and staffing, policymaking and budgeting, and purchasing and weeding. For more information, please visit www.alastore.ala.org.
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