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to plan. "He's southern. He hired me to move y'all on. Every time he asked if I'd got bit. I said no, even if I had..." "So he's trying to rid the South of vampires? Man, he's a weird one." Clay grinned a little, feeling Vance pinch his ass. "I. I think." Vance tilted his head, looked over. "Why would he care if we got bit?" "I don't know, babe. It's not like you can catch it that way..." Unless the Colonel thought so ... Maybe he thought there would be an epidemic. "I don't know. He ... He took my blood when he had me trapped, but that doesn't have anything to do with us. He just 202 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga said he wanted to move you on, to make sure no one got settled." So maybe it wasn't about him at all. Or about vamps. Maybe it was about the soldiers ... He stopped, looked at Vance for a second, comparing his lover to the others he'd seen. Stocky, shorter, scarred every single one of them shit. Shit. What was that weird son of a bitch doing with those boys? "So. So, you're his weakness, then..." Shit. Shit. What the Hell was this all about? "Me?" Vance looked confused as all get out. "You. The others like you." There had to be something about ... Jesus. What if the Colonel was doing something vamps would be able to sense? To smell. It sure made sense when he thought of his instant attraction to Vance. "Like me? I don't..." Vance stopped, frowned. "He got me in the hospital. He found me there." "After you got torn up, right?" That was it. Oh, holy fuck. It was like some kind of freaky movie with Dolph whatshisname. "After they cut me. They thought I was going to die, I'd lost almost all my blood, the infections were eating me up, but I survived." "So he filled you up with all sorts of shit. Fuck, Vance. He's been using you all this while. Like bait or something." Clay marveled at the sick logic of it. "Is that ... Oh, fuck." All sorts of shit was racing through Vance's mind, Clay could see it shame and fury and being taken for a fool again and then the what-if's started. 203 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga "No. None of that. We would never be together." He'd never be sorry for that. "Is it real?" Like it wasn't now, no matter how they started. "Mine, honey. All mine. Real as anything you can imagine." He took a hard, deep kiss, his teeth sinking into Vance's lower lip. Vance wrapped around him, needing this, needing something to fucking believe in and God knew, Clay was right there and willing to be believed in. Clay hauled Vance up against him even closer, his hands learning that strong body all over again. They needed this, needed to get settled and ready and pumped up all at the same time. He traced scar after scar, petting each one, letting Vance know how they fascinated him. His fingers pushed down, into the loose pants, cupping Vance's balls, the heavy cock. "Love how you feel." "Perv." Vance laughed at him, licked his lips and nipped them just enough to draw blood. "Don't let them take me again, yeah?" "No. Not gonna do that. Not ever." He'd kill them both first, 'cause he'd seen what they did to Vance, knew that old bastard Colonel was a mean one. "We're gonna take him down this time, honey. We got to get Remy." "Yeah. I wouldn't leave him here like this." No, Vance was a good guy, no matter what they said about him down at the jail. "Then we need a plan. Flying in with no rhyme or reason ain't working." "You go get Rem. I'll go get the Colonel. We meet back at the car and drive." 204 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga His hackles rose. "That whole splitting up thing has done us so much good..." Damn it, he wasn't going to leave Vance for love or money. "You know that your eyes get all glowy when you're pissed?" That had him snorting. "So do yours now. What did he used to do in the way of boltholes? How likely is it there's a way in underground?" "Here? Fucking unlikely. This place looks like an old campground. There'll be storage buildings, maybe some with storm cellars, but they haven't been here long enough to build shit." Vance chewed his lips, thinking. "If it was me, I'd've spent the day tearing anything and everything down that the bloodsuckers could use for shelter come the dawn. Then set a shitload of fires for the dark and wait it out. They know they hurt us. They just don't know that Rem's human and that we got us a new friend." "Well, then, we have to figure out how to use that." Damned if his brain was giving him anything. His connection with Rem was all but closed on one end. He knew Remy was still alive, but that was it. "How long do I have in the sun?" "You're stronger than most your age, but I'd say maybe a minute or so tops before you start to burn third degree. If you had eaten..." No, he was the one who would be better off braving the sun. Or that Gryphon. He was old, wasn't he? "A whole minute, huh?" The wheels were churning in Vance's head; he could see them something about sneaking down there and playing soldier, getting close. Right, like 205 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga Vance had even healed from the fucking gunshot wound, much less learned to control his eyes or his fangs in a dangerous situation. "They'll be ready for us no matter what. Man, I wish we had the Caddy." That sumbitch was like a tank. Vance's eyes lit up, shining at him from across the darkness. "Yeah, well, we went through Fort Jackson about an hour before we landed here, man. Did I ever tell you that I worked Vice?" "No..." Oh, Lord. Good Lord and butter. But it might just work. It might just. "Okay, baby. I'm with you all the way." Vance leaned forward, kissed him hard enough that his lip split. "Cool. Let's go play." "You got it, honey. Let's do it." It was crazy. Insane. And he couldn't wait for Remy to see them coming. The crazy little Cajun would love it. 206 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga Chapter Thirty One Gryphon might have gone completely mad if it were not for Remy. The sun beat at the roof of the warehouse building they hid in, and all day long they heard men shouting, working, building up stacks of scrap for nighttime fires. Remy slept off and on, waking every so often to mumble about being thirsty or hungry. Gryphon would give him small sips of blood in his sleep, and soon enough Remy had stopped complaining and started vibrating with energy. It was rather cute. "You're going to bounce us off our perch, sweet." "You the one that be feeding me the good stuff." The more hyped up his sweet became, the heavier that accent sounded. "Well, I cannot go draw you a nice cold cup of water, can I?" He grinned against Remy's throat, tongue just coming out to taste. "Nah and I ain't seein' a bit of corn liquor for us, wicked Douce. Not that I need me none. No, sir." Remy's chin lifted, throat working. "Yes, well eventually you will need real food and water." Moaning a bit, Gryph licked at the salt of Remy's sweat, luxuriating in the scent of him. "You. I ain't never knowed nothing like you, Douce." "Not even your Clay?" That warmed him deep down, made him happy. Somehow this strange little man had worked close to him, inside him. "Not even the boss. He's family. This ... This ain't family." 207 Long Black Cadillac by B. A. Tortuga "No. No, this is something else entirely, sweet. Not at all familial." He had to take a kiss. Just one. Remy's fingers tangled in his hair, the one kiss turning into two, three. Four. Remy stole his breath, had him gasping. So sweet. So incredibly giving. What a love. Gryphon wanted more and more, wanted to take Remy away and just fuck and suck until they were both exhausted. Remy groaned, nodded, eyes wide. "Please." Had Remy heard him? Impossible. But perhaps. Yes, love. Yes. Remy's eyes widened, stared at him. "Lord, lord. Tell me again." "Tell you what, sweet? How I adore you? How I want to take you with me?" He did. Too badly. "Yeah. Yeah, shit, if we're gonna die here, it's good to know you feel for me, Douce." "We will not die here." No. They would get out somehow.
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