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doubted that it was good. She didn't speak and instead waited for the emperor to lead the conversation. Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 88 "My son doesn't know it, but the whole time he was on your home world I had a spy watching over him. Places like your Freedom Port think that they are not under my control, but they are wrong. You have to give your animals a little leash to make them think they are in control. Nothing is what it seems in the world, Passion. I control it all. Here try this you will like it." He shoved a round bread lathered in a thick cream onto her plate. Sniffing it delicately, she decided to take a bit. It was good. She nodded her approval. Still, she did not speak. Her silence encouraged her host to continue. "I have been watching you. I know that you know it, but I thought I would tell you before I caused my poor boy a lover's spat. He really should have you watched himself. Ah, young love, foolish but sweet. You are a surprise. I find myself regretting that I like you. I think you are planning an escape. Are you going to run away, Passion?" The food stuck in her throat and she started to choke. A servant ran up to her and started to pat her on the back. She tried to drink some water but she just choked on that too. When she had recovered, Passion decided that she had better talk. "If I am going to run away it is not because I don't care about Dragon. If I wanted a man to control me, I would be delighted to live like this forever. I want a real life. This Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 89 just does not feel real. I am sure you understand. I am a simple woman with simple desires. I just want freedom. It is so little to ask for, and yet I have never had it. Yes, I will run away, someday. Please don't tell Dragon it will only hurt him." "Don't you think it will hurt him when you leave?" His question surprised her. "I care about him, but I can't just give up on my one dream. I want to find a way to support myself and chose where I live. I want be able to go when I want to go and stay when I want to stay. If Dragon is hurt it will be the one thing that will cloud my joy that day, but I have to do this for myself. If that is selfish, then I am selfish. I do not agree with many of your rules, but I am no anarchist. The world will go on as you chose, but I want to control my little piece of that world. As a man you will never understand." He smiled and it was a genuine smile. "Passion, I was not always emperor. I fought a battle to overthrow my uncle because I too wanted to control my piece of the world. I risked my life for my dream. Others might not agree with my dream but I happily live it. I understand you girl. You are foolish, but usually the foolish are the dreamers. I will say nothing to Dragon. If he can't hold you that will be between the two of you, I will not have you followed again." Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 90 "Thank you." After her one word reply, they ate in silence. A strange understanding had passed between them. * * * * Several days later when she was in the market, she realized no one followed her. Dragon had left that morning on business that would keep him away for several days. Before she left her room she had taken her money and a picture of her brothers along with a carved animal her father had given her as a child and her mother's hair clip. She also had a jeweled necklace that Dragon had given her in memory of a particularly special night of passion. Nothing else was irreplaceable. She had worn as many layers of clothing as she could without looking conspicuous. Passion was ready for her escape. It was a long time in coming but freedom was finally at hand. A quick look behind her assured her that no one followed. With her new identification, recently purchased, she used all but a few coins on the ticket. Her last look goodbye left Passion feeling a little choked up. She was finally on her own, but she would miss the men she had come to care for. Their memory would always be special in her heart. Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 91 Eight Running left her exhausted. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the tall man who'd been on the last two transports smile at her sinisterly. Fear made her pant. Was he an agent of the emperor or just a random sicko? In the week since leaving Desmenia, and Dragon and Hawk, she'd had very little sleep and even less to eat. Those kinds of conditions could cause hallucinations but she knew her feeling about the slimy man was not just paranoia. Casually, Passion got up and left the section of the transport where she was sitting. The good thing about not having luggage was that it made switching destinations quick and she was able to board without paying. Each day she felt a little safer. Maybe she thought too much of herself. Maybe Hawk and Dragon would not go looking for her. Certainly, they could choose any woman in the galaxy. When the transport stopped in a small, out of the way mineral mining town for the night Passion got off the to explore. It seemed that the transport was going to be Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 92 staying for the night. She decided to see if this was to be her home. She would know her fated home when she saw it. Destiny had set aside a place for her; she just had to find it. Walking through the cold night, she saw poor beggars and the dirtiness of the mines. Shuddering, she knew that this was not home. Sighing wearily, Passion counted the few credits that she had left. Not even enough for a little room of questionable cleanliness. Turning she began to re-board the transport. She never made it. Suddenly rude hands had her and she was unable to break their hold. Her mouth was held completely shut, she couldn't even scream. Struggling, angry tears began to fall. Did the creepy man from the transport have her? Whoever had her was not letting go! After a few more minutes of struggling, she found herself dragged up the stairs of the transport station's tavern inn. Her attacker had obviously already gotten a room. That meant he was not from the transport. She tried to bite his hand and kick his legs, but it was no use. In a very short time with minimal effort on his part he had her inside a room. All the rooms opened from the outside. No one noticed her struggle. When he let her go Passion's Escape Ashlynn Monroe Page 93 Passion would have called for help, but his face caught her off-guard. The scream wedged in her throat. Hawk? "You are a hard woman to catch! Great job covering your tracks, but I did have the entire empire at my disposal. Dragon is in a very foul mood and so am I. What were you thinking?" "Hawk, let me go. Walk away and say you didn't find me. I just want peace and freedom. Please Hawk, be my friend and let me be on my own." "I can't do that Passion. I care about you too much. You have no money, and nowhere to go. If I let you walk away you could be killed or worse. I can't just let you go off
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