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thrusts. Oh, fuck! Adam grated, as she began to move on him, awkwardly at first but soon gaining her stride. Buffeted between the two men, the three rocked in unison, and she could feel the cocks of Mateo and Adam bumping against each other against that fragile barrier between them somewhere deep in the pit of her stomach. Fighting the tide of animal lust for as long as they could, Adam was the first to come with a thick gush, which triggered Kara s violent orgasm. Her spasms tightened her on Mateo, snapping even his iron control. Filled with come, and feeling their multiple spurts within her, Kara could imagine her body was now like a hospitable shoreline, as old as time, welcoming the waves of their essence, where they mingled somewhere within her. She collapsed down upon Adam, and Mateo came to rest across the foot of their marital bed. For a long time, there was nothing but the sound of ragged breath and the gasps of her aftershocks. Kara, Adam said once more. He smoothed her sweaty hair from her forehead, and looked at her with intense appreciation. Raising her head, she looked into his deep brown eyes, feeling a vibrancy from him that had been so long missing. I love you, she could only say again, and kissed him, loving him all the more for the gift he had given her tonight. The springs creaked as Mateo moved from the bed to recline beside Adam, and she now felt the hands of both men run down her arms and shoulders, and across her breasts. Their hands seemed everywhere, working in unison to soothe rather than to arouse. It was the most languid massage she had ever experienced, and she could feel the fingers of sleep begin to invade her mind. She watched then as Mateo placed calming lips to Adam s shoulder, tracing a shivering kiss down his arm as he reached around to fondle his lover s husband. She watched the grimace of Adam s enjoyment and she touched the hips of both her lovers. She could tell the moment that Mateo entered Adam, without even seeing the movement. Adam s eyes grew wide and then cloudy with wild sensation. Mateo pushed further. Not satisfied with entering him sexually, Mateo seemed to be melding into him from behind. A strange glow pulsated through Adam, as he smiled with unexpected joy at the union. Pressing herself to Adam s chest, feeling his embrace, Kara drifted to sleep with the sway of the two men she loved. *** The next morning broke clear and bright on the bed where Kara lay. For full moments, she just laid there, wondering at the scenes that flew through her head. Had that been real? She asked herself. Her rational self explained it away as a dream, but the aching muscles of her body told her that rationality clearly couldn t explain everything. One thing was certain. She loved her husband. And, whether fantasy or some strange reality, she also loved Mateo. Last night had shown her it was no crime to have her passionate side satisfied, and it posed no threat to her loyalty to Adam. Whatever Adam was going through, she would be there with him, and give him the help she had been denying him for far too long. Mateo had promised he would make it work, and she knew he wouldn t break that promise. Somehow, she would have both the men she needed to be happy. Mateo had shown her that they could be happy. Suddenly feeling a strong thrill of energy, Kara bounded out of bed. She could hear the faint sounds of Adam making breakfast below. Eager to embrace him and share her renewed joy, she hurried downstairs, unconcerned with the protest of her over-used muscles. Finding Adam standing at the sink, she stood to observe him a moment. Naked except for a pair of shorts, she could admire the lines of his body, as his broad shoulders sloped into a slim waist over a pert ass she had always enjoyed watching. Shockingly, there were tattletale signs of her fingernail marks on one of his shoulders, and she grinned. Coming up behind him, quietly, and standing on tiptoes, she placed her lips to the mark. Good morning, she breathed. Sleep well? Like the dead, he chuckled. Must have been really, really tired. The smug purr in his voice suggested the reason for his fatigue, and she laughed. Come here, she chuckled, wanting to kiss him. Turning into her embrace, Adam laughed with a lightness she had never heard from him. Happiness and health glowed from him as he picked her off her feet and held her against him. She was right that this marriage was valuable, she thought, sinking her forehead against his collarbone. Happy, my Kara? he asked, lovingly. Recognizing something, she snapped back her head to look into his radiant face. His face was the same, but for his eyes, which were now so black there was no difference between the iris and the pupil, and she gasped. We all deserve to be happy, he said meaningfully. Yes, Kara laughed in surprise. Yes, we all do! Feeling the joy of her husband twirling her around the kitchen, Kara knew they would be. All three of them.
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