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lovely company. They have forgotten their manners." "Are you not married?" Jane asked them. "Surly strong handsome men as yourselves have devoted ladies?" A look of sad anguish crossed their faces. "She is from another world. She does not know." "What don't I know?" "They were all murdered, little Star, by our enemy the Drac." Jane gasped, her heart felt for them. "I am truly sorry for your loss," she said softly. "How could such a thing happen?" Jane wanted to understand. "Please tell me." Some of the men sat down as Anyon told the story of the war, the battle, the surprise attack. After they were all silent, she could see they all blamed themselves. "Where I am from," Jane broke the silence, "the women are not all helpless, some are strong warriors. We are brave. We go wherever we like, do whatever we like and without fear." They all looked at her with great interest. "A woman's place is in her man's bed, not wandering about." It was Saraid who spoke. "Well, if your woman was out learning how to fight, she'd still be here now," Jane snapped. He jumped from his chair with rage in his eyes. "How dare you!" "Saraid!" Anyon grabbed him. She had said the wrong thing. These men were hurting. "I am sorry. My words were thoughtless," she apologised, smiling softly at him. He nodded, relaxing. "Let us just say, things are as they are in my land and in your land." They all agreed. "You fellows are being terrible hosts. You have yet to offer me anything to drink or eat." She smiled as they scrambled to attend to her wants. Jane watched in amusement as the men tripped over themselves to play doting hosts. "I like this." She held the fruity wine in a crystal goblet. "What do you call it?" "Kell wine." Jane grinned. "How dull. In my land our men are like wine." "Why is that?" Anyon asked. "They all start out like fruit. It's the women's job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something with which you'd like to have dinner." There was a pregnant pause before the entire room erupted with laughter. Jane giggled. "I like this girl, as skinny as she may be." Jane laughed at his comment. "You're a funny man," she told him. "In my land the more slim and petite you are, the more you are deemed attractive." They all looked shocked. "Surly not? Little star, in Kell, the larger the lady, the more she is desired." It was Jane's turn to be surprised. "But I say you would be a nice size for me." Anyon gave her a look, making her nervous. Jane shrugged, trying to make light of his comment. "Well boys, it's been lovely meeting you, but I must be going." She stood up. "Little Star, there is something else you should know about our customs." Anyon glanced at the other men. "If a girl is of age and allowed to wander free, any man has right to make a claim on her, to be her Protector." A sudden fear shot though Jane. She hid it by trying to look disinterested. But she had heard those words before. Drystan had said something about her protecting. She suddenly wanted his protection when faced with the hungry looks these men were giving her. Jane resolved not to let them get the better of her. "I saw her first." Saraid jumped in. Jane groaned. "You will stop such talk at once!" Jane snapped. "I do not want a protector, nor do I need one." "You are in Kell, you must," Saraid countered. "We need women here. You are as womanly as I have ever seen, even in Turrets." Anyon was about to reach out to touch her. "The woman belongs to me!" They all jumped at the sound of a deep, angry voice- one which Jane recognised. Drystan was standing in the door, arms crossed over his chest, and a dark scowl on his face as he glared at the men. "Back off now or I will have each one of you skewered to a spiral spike and put out front of the palace on display." Jane felt the blood drain from her face. They all backed away from her as if she was diseased. "Commander, we did not know, and she did not say," Saraid stammered. "Silence!" He barked. "You are all on the first mountain patrol before dawn break." His eyes were like a black storm of jealousy and rage as they looked at her. He strode into the room, taking hold of her wrist and pulling her out. Jane was too frightened to protest, even with the warm tingles moving though her arm. "Drystan, let me go." She tried to yank herself free. He did not relent, marching her back though the corridors. "Do you realise how much jeopardy you put yourself in by leaving my chambers?" he growled. "I just wanted to go home." Jane winced as her voice sounded like a whining child. "Drystan, you're hurting me!" He released her wrist. Rounding on her, he backed her against the wall. Gently he lifted her wrist and kissed her where he had gripped her to tightly. God, his sudden changes of moods were giving her whiplash. "Jane, Jane." He chided softly. "Hurting you is not my intention." Her body heated at the touch of his lips on her skin. "Do not touch me, I...I don't want to be touched by you!" She blurted out. He stepped back, dropping her hand his gaze roamed over her from head to toe. "Did any of my warriors touch you?" Although his voice was calm, the rage in his eyes was evident. "Well, Saraid tried but I broke his nose," she said, hoping the knowledge would appease Drystan. "You broke one of my warrior's noses?" His lips twitched up at the corners in amusement. "Yes, the others were nice to me." She had to come to their defence. Jane felt Drystan would carry out his earlier threat of putting their heads on pikes. "They told me what happened to the women of Kell." The look in Drystan's eyes changed again. Jane could almost feel his anguish and guilt. "I cannot even begin to understand. I'm sorry for what you have gone through. It must be hard," she said softly, genuinely wishing there was something she could do to help these people. "Then please understand this, Jane. You can help us. Help the people of Kell have a future." Jane was confused. "I am no one special; I'm just a plain ordinary woman, Drystan. I don't see what I could possibly do to help." "In the morning we will see the sorcerer, Tuathal. He will tell us. You, Jane, are the key to it all." Jane blinked in disbelief at his words, wondering when she would wake up. Kings, drop dead gorgeous Warriors, Sorcerers, and Crystals. All Jane needed now was a dragon to top it off. The old movie saying, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," seemed to apply here. "Come back to my chambers now. We need to rest before the 'morrow. Before our future and fate is decided." He offered his hand to her. Jane gave a sigh and relented, placing her hand into his. He walked her back through the corridors to his chambers. She sat down by the table. Jane noticed that someone had come in and cleaned up the mess she had made earlier. Her shoulders sagged, suddenly feeling very tired. She watched him stride over to the first of his trunks. Unlocking it, he removed something small before
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |