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Anara Bella
That didn t come out quite as playfully as she d intended, but it was the best she
could do considering she was now so wet and ready for him her brain had completely
shorted out.  Since you re the one with the big plans, what s next?
Quinn gave a lusty grin and gently pushed her back on the bed.  It s payback time.
She giggled.  Now that sounds promising.
 You have no idea.
She thought maybe she did, at least she hoped she did. But the mischief sparkling in
the back of his eyes made her not as certain as she might have been. Oh well, she d just
have to wait and see. This whole taking things slow thing was excruciating for her. She
wasn t patient at the best of times.
The first touch of his mouth on her inner thigh came without preamble. Damn, he
didn t waste any time. A rush of heat enveloped her, making her break out in a sweat and
shiver in anticipation all at the same time. Was he really going to do this?
The next swipe of his tongue on her most private center left her in no doubt and she
almost climaxed from just that one touch. After that he licked and suckled her with
obvious relish, making her writhe from the exquisite bliss.
None of her boyfriends had ever done this for her, and here was Quinn, their first
time together, going out of his way to give her pleasure. If she hadn t already loved him,
this would have done it. She tried not to think about the fact that Quinn didn t feel the
same way about her. This was about pleasure, nothing more.
Pressure built inside of her, making her feel like she was going to fly apart from his
tongue doing those wicked and wonderful things to her. She felt as if she was losing
control of her own body as her hips jerked and thrust despite Quinn holding her firmly
against his incredibly clever mouth.
He lifted his head and the desire burning in the depths of his gray eyes almost undid
her.  Don t fight it, sweetheart. Come for me now. Hard.
And just like that, she did.
It raced through her, blowing her mind and exploding every molecule in her body as
it went on and on, stringing her out as far as she could go before finally releasing her
from its grip.
Damn. They probably heard her scream on the international space station orbiting
38 www.samhainpublishing.com
Ready or Not
Falling back, limp and replete, she couldn t ever remember feeling so relaxed. Not
surprising considering she d never come that hard in her life.
She looked over at Quinn with something akin to awe filling her being. It was
somewhat squelched by the goofy grin of pride etched on his handsome features. She
managed a limp grin of her own.  If that s payback, I need to figure me out a way to get
more deeply in your debt.
His eyes twinkled with wicked promise.  Oh, we re not finished yet. We re just
getting started.
Knowing she had a pitifully eager look on her face and not caring, she said,  I was
hoping you d say that.
 Never doubt it. Now, scoot up.
Anxious to see what else he had in store, she hurried to do as he asked, enjoying the
sensation of cool cotton sheets on her still-overheated skin.
He climbed on the bed and straddled her hips, studying her closely.  You know, I ve
been terribly remiss.
 Not from my perspective you haven t.
Reaching out, he cupped one of her breasts.  Oh, but I have. I ve been fantasizing
about your beautiful breasts since last night and here I ve completely neglected them.
She gave him what she hoped was a fetching pout.  That s true, you have.
His sexy chuckle of promise was better than any aphrodisiac, causing goose bumps
to skitter up her spine and filling her head with images of all the sinful things he might do
to her.  Time to fix that omission. And the perfect place to start is right here.
With that, he leaned down and brushed a kiss across her tattoo.  You know, this
thing is so damned sexy. It s like an arrow pointing the way to paradise. What made you
get it?
She tried to focus on what he was saying. He had her so worked up already she could
barely think straight, never mind give complex explanations.  What else? A guy. He sorta
dared me to get one.
He gave the tattoo a playful lick.  And you, of course, had to take the dare.
 Of course. He actually wanted me to get his name tattooed there, but I said no way
and got the rose instead.
 Thank God for that.
www.samhainpublishing.com 39
Anara Bella
 Yeah, especially since we broke up shortly afterwards. Typical scenario, I guess. I
thought I was in love. He thought he had to move on to greener pastures.
 He was an ass. They don t get any greener than this.
He worked his way down from the rose to one already-taut nipple.  You have the
sexiest breasts I ve ever seen. Leisurely licking and nipping his way across them, he
almost drove her mad before he finally took one nipple completely into his hot mouth and
sucked hard.
A rush of heat raced from there to her very core, shocking her with its intensity. How
did he do that? Get her so hot, so fast. She should be completely burned out from the
orgasm he d already given her, but here she was, ready for another round.
When he had her gasping for breath, he lavished the same attention on the other
breast, finishing by lightly blowing on the now-wet nipples. She was burning up and the
contrast was incredible. If he thought that was cooling her down any, he was completely
He trailed kisses down from her breasts, tonguing her navel, then looked up at her.  I
just know there s a story behind this belly ring. Remind me to ask you about it. Later.
Grateful she didn t have to talk, she watched as he continued his downward journey.
Her stomach muscles twitched with anticipation and she was desperate for him to
continue on farther, but he stopped at her nether curls and kissed his way back to her
Just about ready to pathetically start begging, she felt his fingers skim her folds once,
twice, and then more firmly. She didn t need him to tell her she was incredibly wet, but it
wasn t his fingers she needed, it was him. She d go insane if he didn t fill her soon.
Enough was enough. Taking him by surprise, she knocked him onto his back and
climbed on board.  Okay, that s it. I want you inside me now.
He chuckled.  Impatient little thing, aren t you?
 Yep. Always was.
She reached over and yanked open the drawer on her night table, pulling out a
condom.  Thank goodness I still have a few of these left. Been a while since I needed
 How long s it been?
 Too long. Now shut up and let me concentrate. Don t want to damage anything.
His feigned look of alarm had her laughing.
40 www.samhainpublishing.com
Ready or Not
Wanting to make him suffer just a teeny bit, she rolled it on with exaggerated care,
pretending to check that it was on properly, making sure it was completely smooth
without any crinkles.
Quinn s low groan told her she was succeeding.  You re enjoying this, aren t you? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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