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primitive exercises of senseless, meaningless compositions of letters, and he then turned to the well-defined, meaningful nomina sacra. He recommended this to his students, not only as the means to change the mood, but as a direct key to transmute the character and for spiritual rebirth. With respect to this, Kerning writes the following: "The external Human Being cannot obtain with his knowledge and his activities, positive immortality. It is therefore absolutely necessary that in his Innermost, in all the organs of his body, his "I" speaks his Name and that he can perceive these organs, speaking again, to him. When the Soul and the Spirit remain in our Flesh and Blood, and they do not become alive to a free "I", then they are still buried in the Earth, and when the corruption occurs, they must out of necessity, dissolve into atoms. However, as soon as we deliver them from their imprisonment, and we get them to speak, they incorporate the outer "I", then they also become Lord and Ruler over the earthly life, and they will lead us, since we became one with them, in Triumph to Immortality. It is therefore imperative and our duty to have our Soul speak, so that we can have a dialogue with her and receive from her the infallible Laws for our real reason for being." -(Kerning, Briefe ber die knigliche Kunst) And Kerning continues: "Each and every Brah'min, who has reached a certain level, receives from the higher Brah'min his "own Word," which must serve him as a means of disposition in all matters of life i.e. when speaking, prayers, helping and comforting the ill and those in need. The first christian Churchfathers made use of these means with great success. But this is dependent upon learning and feeling such a word within yourself, then its effect is certain and infallible, like no other word in the whole of creation ... The manner, to tune yourself with words, is the final stage of thinking, the Crown of Freedom, the inextinguishable Light of the Philosophers, and it is the often falsely understood Philosopher's Stone A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com Alchemy Unveiled Page 34 who has made out of many unwise, fools; it is the key to the true recognition of God." (Kerning, Die Missionre). When it comes to such means of tuning or means of changing feelings, only certain words or names can be considered and not just any senseless combination of letters that has been proven by Kerning through many examples in his writings. At this point, we will mention another statement Kerning made in regards to the subject, to clearly show that you can find two totally different Systems of Teaching in his writings. Kerning also said this: "Whosoever is not afraid to make the effort and possesses perseverance, will come to the conclusion as to how far distant the Human Being is from his spiritual "I", and what he will gain when finally, in the Innermost of his Heart, he will again learn how to call himself. The greatest part and focal point of these instructions is regarding this "Inner Calling". It is, however, after the bark has been broken and divided into several steps, because Human Beings consist of many different energies, but they, each and every time, give the "I" another name to elevate it to its highest honour." -(Kerning, Wege zur Unsterblicheit) It is Kerning's intention, as aforementioned, to lead his students to the point where they not only think certain sacral words spiritually, but they should learn to feel them with their whole heart as well. That means, astrally; yes, even perceive them through the whole body. In this connection, Kerning conceived the Human Being (the external appearance) as a ladder, a gradation which the student should climb spiritually, from the bottom to the top, by means of the letter-exercises; namely, the Freemason-Apprentice is in three steps, the Journeyman is in five steps, and the Master is in seven steps. This is probably one of the oldest, somewhat misleading masonic concepts of Kerning s. According to this, it seemed possible to him, in this manner, to learn to perceive particular words on a purely physical basis. In regards to this speculation, Kerning went as far as dividing each and every step of the seven steps of the Master into seven additional steps. On account of this, he complicated the Human Form into 50 divisions and even more. Then, all of them had to be dealt with accordingly, "letter by letter"; that means, to vitalize them to the degree that they become able to perceive. It seems however, obvious, when Kerning drafted this speculation, which he considered to be free-masonic, that it became apparent to him, that it was uncanny. At the end of his elaborations, he wrote with unmistakable skepticism: "I do not know how you will get out of the labyrinth, into which I led you." Alchemy Unveiled Page 35 The last sentence allows you to look deeply into this matter, and it cautions you not to make haste and to think first, to avoid taking any unwise steps in this direction. It is fairly easy to lead someone into a labyrinth, but it is considerably more difficult to guide them out, safe and sound. Even though you will find such profound truth in certain parts of Kerning's Writings, that does not mean you should not be very skeptical when it comes to some of his statements, especially those which deal strictly with the Letter-Exercises; the latter are the ones which Weinfurter constantly refers to. Here he gives proof that he imitates Kerning thoughtlessly; he copied the writings of Kerning, of which Kerning himself was very uncertain and most problematic. . There is not one person known to us that became a better Human Being, or was spiritually reborn through such psychotechnic hokuspokus; you shall recognize them by their fruit! It seems that the followers of the psychotechnic Letter-Exercises have not come to the realization that the Word of God should not only be contemplated and perceived, but most of all, it should be learned. Be Doers of the Word, not Listeners alone! With GOD, we shall do mighty deeds; that is what is written in Psalm 60-14. When the
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