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escape from the valley itself, if a favourable chance should offer. Now their
way was barred, and they could only wait. Unless -- would Bruno keep close
guard over his tongue?
Yes. Anything, rather than remain wholly idle, like this.
Adding a few minor cautions, Ixtli took Gillespie by a wrist, and stole
noiselessly forward, climbing upward, over and into a contrivance which Bruno
vainly sought to recognise by the sense of touch, but giving a thrill of
amazement when his guide paused long enough to whisper in his nearest ear:
"Dis war-god body. Stand up in teocalli, look on kill-stone. Wait; you see,
hear, all dat, now!"
Thanks to the close association of that night, with all its attendant perils,
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Bruno was growing fairly skilful in interpreting the broken sentences of his
copper-hued chum, and he now knew they were moving about within the hollow
image of the Aztecan war-god, Huitzilopochtli, while --
He caught sight of several small apertures, through which yellow light came
dimly, and, almost without thinking, applied his eyes to the one most
convenient, peering forth upon the broad sacrificial stone, with its foul,
blood-stained surface, the little channels intended to drain off the
superfluous hemorrhage, together with the gloomy, repulsive surroundings. And,
too, a most abominable stench appeared to rise from the altar of death, and
Bruno shrunk back with a shiver of disgust.
"No talk loud!" softly breathed Ixtli, gripping an arm with force. "Dey kill,
if find now. Look, dat one
Tlacopa; big priest, you call.
Dem help paba fool all people; so!"
Although his meaning was not fully apparent, -284-
Bruno caught renewed interest, and once more peered forth upon the scene,
weird and impressive enough,
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The Lost City even from a Christian point of view.
Headed by Tlacopa, a ceremony of some description was taking place, lesser
priests and other acolytes performing their various parts, the incantations
rising now loudly, now sinking to a hollow monotone, the whole affair being
none the less absorbing when Bruno remembered that, perhaps, it might have
some connection with the vile plots against the Sun Children, if not
endangering life itself.
Gillespie likewise took note of various other graven images; among them one of
the not less hideous war-goddess, Teoyaomiqui, or "divine war death," fitting
consort for the mighty "humming-bird" himself.
Meanwhile, Ixtli, who appeared to look upon the whole affair as a more or less
jolly good jest at the expense of his superstitious people, took occasion to
give his white brother a few pointers, letting him see how easy it was for
false oracles to be manufactured to order; how certain the lightest wishes of
the head priest were to find speedy fulfilment at all times.
While thus divulging part of the mysteries of the temple, that ceremony
reached a finale, and the little
crowd slowly melted away, leaving but Tlacopa and a select few of his trusted
henchman. And Ixtli certainly caught enough of their talk to alter his manner
most materially.
"Come, quick!" he fiercely whispered in Bruno's ear, gripping an arm, and
fairly forcing the young man to accompany his retreat.
Not another word was spoken before the lower level was reached, and then
Gillespie broke the ice, asking what was the matter.
Dark though it was all around them, Bruno could tell by sense of touch that
his guide was powerfully agitated, and, though Ixtli clearly hesitated before
imparting the asked-for information, persistence won the point; and then --
Imperfectly though that discovery was set forth, Gillespie contrived to gather
this much: Tlacopa decreed that the Sun Children should be brought to trial,
if not to actual execution, when the morning sun arose!
"Never!" fiercely vowed Bruno, all on fire, as he recalled that more than fair
face. "Never, -- while I
live and draw breath!"
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The Lost City
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Chapter 28
ONCE again Aztotl, the Red Heron, was bowing humbly before the Children of the
Sun God, but now there was stern grief impressed upon his visage, rather than
pure devotion, such as one might feel at the feet of a divinity.
And the face of Victo was unusually pale, her lips tightly compressed to keep
them from trembling too visibly, while her arm clasped Gladys with almost
fierce love in its warm strength.
Aztotl glanced upwards for a moment, then slowly spoke:
"Such are the commands laid upon thy captain of guards, Daughter of Quetzal',
the Fair God. He hath been commanded to fetch Victo and Glady to the teocalli,
there to be -- no!" with an outbreak of fierce rebellion, drawing his superb
figure erect, and gripping javelin until the springy ash quivered, as though
suddenly winning life for itself. "The gods lie! They are speaking falsely, or
-- or the paba lies, when trying to thus interpret the oracle!"
Gladys shrunk away, but her mother stood firm, seeming to gain in coolness and
nerve what this ardent servant was losing.
"It must be thus, my good friend," she spoke, in low, even tones. "The word
hath come to a soldier, and obedience is his first duty."
"Not when obedience means leading to sacrifice -- "
"That may never come, good Aztotl. We have committed no sin, in deed or in
thought. The Mother of
Gods will not lay claim to an innocent victim. Or, even then, the right shall
triumph! Tlacopa is powerful, but hath Victo no influence? Lord Hua may throw
his influence to the wrong side, but hath truth no answer?"
ity.htm (157 of 177) [12/28/2004 12:39:16 AM]
The Lost City
"If not truth, then death!" sternly vowed the captain of the body-guard. "If
Tonatiuh fails to punish the enemies of his daughter, then this right arm
shall hurl the false prince down to Mictlanteuctli, grim lord of the
under-world!" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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