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Felicitas multos habet amicos - szczęście ma wielu przyjaciół.
Indeks Eddings_Dav D20021169 arteuza

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the common heritage of all humanity.
Harold retraces his steps. He returns the knife to its place in the kitchen.
He leaves by the bathroom window, and closes it behind him.
He wanted to kill her, he muses, more than he'd ever wanted anything before.
He wanted, very badly, to be free. But something in his genome, or something
in his past, declared that it wasn't to be. Or perhaps the quantum dice simply
happened to fall in her favour. This time.
He walks home slowly, his face uplifted to the photons flooding down from the
stars, and he counts them one by one.
Originally appeared pp. 13-18, Eidolon 3,December 1990.
Copyright © 1990 Greg Egan. All rights reserved.
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