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castle, who lorded over all of them. She had predicted Jacquelyn would hate living in the night. Andrew was stubborn and refuted it, saying he loved her and she would be a good child and not turn on him. Jacquelyn stared out the window. Crimson was right. Andrew should have left me to drift off into the great hereafter. Now I'm bound to the earth. Recently, Andrew had dragged her back to the castle, weak from hunger, after she'd wandered into the woods. He sliced his wrists, smothering her with it until she was made to open her mouth, drinking until she gagged. Finally, she had regained enough strength to push him away. Then he left her waiting in her room, until his temper cooled. He brought her a human, which he forced her to eat. He ripped into her veins and took back the blood she'd drunk from him. It was a vicious cycle that had been going on for decades. She was tired of it. Why won't he let me go? If he truly loves me then why doesn't he see I need my freedom even if that choice means death? "Because, beloved, I would be alone in the night and even your hatred wouldn't be there to warm me. Is that what you want? To see me all alone with no one to share forever with? You know that I chose you. You're mine. No one else can have you, not even the heaven the mortals believe in." 93 Immortal Desires by Crymsyn Hart "Andrew, please let me go. I don't want this life. If you had told me before you ever changed me into this-this thing, then I'd never have chosen it. You know that. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I can't continue living like this. If you truly love me, then let me go. Give me the freedom to choose how I want to live. I understand trying to starve myself isn't worth it. You've given me a gift and I want to explore, but I have to do it on my own. You can't be my lord and master anymore." Andrew stepped forward and ran his hand over the bedpost before he looked up at her. A look of sorrow or remorse flashed across his features. Then the feather-like flickering of his mind played against hers. She wanted to slap him so hard. She could almost feel the sting of it against her flesh. Suddenly, the tether latched onto her thoughts like a leash and compelled her to stand upright, not even allowing her to blink. Jacquelyn couldn't even breathe without him permitting it. She could barely even think. Her whole being fought to regain control of her body. There was no way she could get out from under his hold. Andrew studied her face. He even brushed a piece of stray hair away and then traced his finger over her lips. A small smile appeared on his face. He bent over and kissed her lightly, knowing full well she couldn't react. "How can I let you go? I love you! You may deny the fact, but deep down you love me, too. We are tied together, soul to soul. I can find you in another life. If we are separated by time, I can find you. We might wear different faces, but there will be something in you that will recognize me. At your time 94 Immortal Desires by Crymsyn Hart of most dire need, I will be there. I will pick you back up and save you from death. You think I stole your humanity so many years ago, but I only rescued you from years of torment. You came into my arms willingly when we first made love. I held you when you were frightened of the sensations awakening inside of you. I was there when you made your first kill. From that first drop of blood hitting your mouth, you knew you were a killer. The only thing that holds you back is that last shred of mortality. You are no longer part of humanity. We're something different. We are above them. Let go of your fears and sorrows, for they're the reason you wish to end your existence, not the woman I love. You have bottled her up and left her to die, chained to some rotting fence post, leaving me with a fragile human shell that wants to be buried in the ground. I'm tired of having this argument. I want what's best for us. Don't you know that?" The pressure eased on her mind so she was allowed to speak. "Master, you have to understand that we come from the very beings we feast upon. How can you ask me to take another life when we're living on borrowed time already? This endlessness is unnatural. I accept it because I'm afraid to find out what's beyond. Every time I try, you reel me back in. I am what I am, and you can't change that. You brought me into this hell and expected me to love you from the start. Yes, part of me will always be your slave, but I cannot continue to live the way you want me to. I don't love you. I loathe you. Let me have my freedom. Maybe we can reconcile our differences in the years to come. For now, I we cannot live like this. You resent me for not being your devoted creation, 95 Immortal Desires by Crymsyn Hart and I despise you for stealing away my humanity. Please let me go. There's no one else who can share my heart. I doubt there ever will be. You have put your brand on me. You think Trevor would pull me into his bed if I asked. He's a flirt. He tolerates me as Crimson does. I'm tired of being tolerated by you by them all. Let me go so I can find my own way. Please, Andrew." Jacquelyn forced her will and found his hold on her was not iron-clad. Through their bond, she understood he loved her in his own way. She tried to keep her mind blank so he wouldn't feel her disgust. She touched the side of his face and looked at him with kind eyes. He couldn't let her die. No matter how hard she tried or how much she wanted to enjoy her life, she couldn't do it with him. "Please let me go. Before my heart is turned to stone and ice and there's no more room for what might still be between us." "Jacquelyn, you melt my heart, but your freedom you will never have." He said nothing more, but left her to her own wiles. The leash on her mind vanished. He walked out and locked the door again, keeping her prisoner. Tears threatened, but something turned over in her. It was true, she was beyond humanity and it was time she took advantage of that. Looking around the room, she gathered what money she had stored, valuables she could sell, and her heaviest cloak. She grabbed a hairpin and then went to work on the lock. In a few minutes, she had it opened and realized it would have been easier to do that much earlier. Quietly she closed the door again and then made her way down the long hallway to the 96 Immortal Desires by Crymsyn Hart staircase leading into the Great Hall. Usually Crimson and Trevor were sparring to pass time. She was lucky to find the hall empty. She made her way down and into a side hall that led to a servant's entrance near the back. Once outside, she
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |