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on the bed, securing himself as he began riding in earnest.
 Ah yeah. Ride me. Pablo slammed up into him.  You feel amazing. Made for
me, he rasped.  That ass was made for my cock.
Dev s movements increased, as did his pants and grunts. His ass clenched around
Pablo, the tightest hold that jacked up his balls and had him teetering on orgasm s
 Gonna come, he warned with a growl.  Gonna take me there.
Dev lowered himself on his elbows and brushed their lips together.  Do it. Come
for me. With me.
Pablo grabbed his nape and slammed their mouths together, tongues wrestled and
battled, teeth nipping and drawing blood as he pounded out his orgasm into the
condom. Dev hung on to him, making breathless sounds, which Pablo swallowed.
Pablo reached between them and palmed Dev s cock. He had his pretty boy spilling
his seed with two sharp tugs, the biting scent of his seed flooding the room.
 Oh Jesus. Dev rested his forehead on Pablo s.  Jesus, Castillo. He pressed a kiss
to Pablo s temple.  I m gonna feel you. Feel you for days.
Pablo s spent dick tried to stir.
He combed his fingers through Dev s hair.  You say the softest shit, you know
Dev laughed in a burst of air across Pablo s cheek.  I m a soft kinda guy, what can I
Sinner, Savior
Pablo held him close and tried not to think about what this all meant.  You wanna
do this again?
Dev lifted his head and an eyebrow.  Do what?
Oh now he was playing dumb.  This. Pablo waved a hand at their bodies. He sure
as hell wanted to do that and more again.
Dev s mouth twitched.  I thought you didn t make love?
 What? Who said anything about making love? Wasn t him. Hell no.
Dev s eyes twinkled when he said,  That s right. I forgot. You only fuck. Hard.
Why in the hell did he look as if he was trying not to laugh?
 Damn straight. And I want to do it again.
 Another round?
 Yes. Pablo kissed his chin.  Say yes. You know you want to feel my dick splitting
you open again.
 Huh. You say the crassest things, you know that, right?
Pablo grinned.  That s who I is, pretty boy.
Dev rolled his eyes.  Uh-huh.
 So what do you say? He rolled his hips.  Wanna go another round with me
tonight? Say eight-ish?
Dev clenched around his softening shaft.  I think I can fit you in.
Pablo slapped one of Dev s ass checks.  See that you do, pretty boy. See that you
* * * * *
Dev left a little while later and Pablo couldn t go back to sleep. Instead he sat
downstairs on the couch, staring out the window overlooking the street, staring at
Not for the first time it occurred to him he might be using Dev as a substitute for
who d held his heart for so long.
Not for the first time he told his fucking conscience to shut the hell up.
He liked Dev, or what he knew about the man. He liked kissing him, loved fucking
him, and he d do it again. If he was indeed using Dev as a balm to soothe the wound
Angelo carved into his soul by jumping ship, so be it.
Everyone got used some time. That was just the way the world worked. A man in
Dev s position, under York s thumb, probably had to search far and wide to find a
He had one in Pablo for as long as either man wished. And when time came to end
it, they would. Might be sooner rather than later when York learned Pablo had found
and raided one of his stash-houses.
Avril Ashton
Either way, Pablo wasn t putting any stock in the empty ache that blossomed in his
gut the second his door closed behind Dev.
He stayed on the couch until the sun came up fully. The day was gorgeous, the
temperature comfortable and it was Memorial Day weekend, which meant a whole lot
of partying. An equal amount of drunk folk and many trips to the ER.
Happened every damn year.
He d lecture the men, tell them to play their positions and watch for  the boys as
they d dubbed the NYPD, but once they had the liquor in their system warnings went
out the window.
Lawyers made a good chunk of their money around days like those.
A couple of minutes after he d jogged upstairs to brush his teeth and get dressed,
the doorbell rang. Had to be Mateo and the guys who d raided York s place there to
report in.
Pablo let them in and they crowded into his living room, loud and hyper.
He sat quietly and watched them banter back and forth. They were comfortable
with him in a way he didn t think they d ever been with Angelo. He was always the
boss and Pablo had always been one of them.
Until he wasn t.
 You mean to tell me all you motherfuckers come up in my house this early in the
morning and no one brought coffee? He kept his tone even, his voice pitched low, but
they heard him and immediately quieted.  Not even a Goddamn bagel?
 Ah, come on boss. Reggie grinned.  You didn t tell us we had to feed you. A
unified murmur rose from the rest of the men and Pablo raised an eyebrow.
 Yeah? Well now you know. He eyeballed every last one of them.  And the next
time you all come up in here this time of the morning without some food to smooth
your way, I m shooting somebody.
 Aw man.
 Damn, boss. Why you gotta be so cold?
Pablo waved their grumbles away.  Tommy, he addressed the youngest of the
men. When a pair of wary brown eyes peeked at him from below a shock of dirty-blond
hair, Pablo jerked his chin toward the kitchen.  Go put on coffee.
 Yes, boss.
Tommy hurried away after mumbling the two words and Pablo watched him
disappear before turning to Reggie, who d been point man on the raid.  How did he do
last night?
Despite his appearance of being a teenager auditioning for some kind of punk rock
band, Tommy was in his mid-twenties and a hell of a number cruncher. People just [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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