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Indeks Eddings_Dav D20021169 arteuza

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He doesn t even acknowledge me.
 Get her out of my fuckin house, I want her gone. You take her. Cade can take her. I don t fuckin
care. Just get her away from me.
 Jackson, please, I whisper.
 Shut the fuck up, he roars.  I never want to see your fucking lying face again.
 We need to go on lockdown, Spike says.  She has to stay.
 Y-y-y-you can t go on lockdown here, I say.
Spike turns to me.  Why not?
 Hogan...he set it all up. He knows you found the junkie. He knows you know he s alive. He had it
planned all along. He knows you ll come back and put your club on lockdown, and he s waiting for it.
He s got an attack planned, one so big you won t escape. He s got double your men, and weapons you
can t even begin to imagine. He ll kill you all if you stay.
Spike nods.  You know I want to fuckin break you for betraying this club, but I know what that
man is like, so you have my sympathy for now. I don t trust you, none of us do right now, but if you re
tellin the truth, you re savin the club. If you re lyin , we will kill you.
 I wouldn t hurt anyone, I say, my voice broken.  I never wanted this. I never wanted to be
involved. He gave me no choice, but I lied to him. I gave him the wrong information to lead him away
while I figured out what to do.
Spike nods, turning to Jackson.  Put your hate aside, we need to find a safe location.
Jackson is refusing to look at me.  The hills. There s a warehouse. It s secret, we can keep it
surrounded and have watchers on at all times.
 We ride now.
 No, we can t ride, Jackson says, his voice empty.  We ride, they find us. We have to go
 Any suggestions? Spike says.
 The truck. We make out like we re goin into lockdown because I have no doubt Hogan has
people watching us. We leave the bikes out front, we close all the windows and we make it like
everyone is inside. We get the big truck, and we shove every fucker into the back and drive out the
back road. Someone might see, but they shouldn t get suspicious.
 Right, it s a plan. Serenity, turn around, Spike says.
 I m checkin you for wires.
I close my eyes, and tears leak out as I lift my arms and turn. Spike walks up, pressing his hands
all over me. I feel so ashamed, so sick to my stomach.
 She s clean.
 Cuff her, Jackson orders.
I turn shaking my head.  Please, don t.
 Cuff her, he says again, not meeting my gaze.  Now.
I stretch my hands out, and I see Muff walking over with cuffs. He gives me a sympathetic look,
before snapping them on.
 Sorry Serenity.
 Fuck you, Muff, I bark.
He looks shocked.  What?
 I said fuck you, I scream and then turn to them all.  Fuck you all! I never hurt a single one of
you. I was always nice. Always kind. I fucked up, but what would you do when the only family you
have is being threatened? He would have killed a child! A child! What did you want me to do? You
think I m proud to be the daughter of such a pig? You think I don t want to kill myself often because of
my father? Do you think he hasn t made sure I know what he is, with numerous beatings? You don t
know. None of you know. I did what I had to, and even then I lied to protect you bunch of fucking
assholes, and when it came down to it, not one of you wants to help, I turn to Muff, shaking.  You
fucked me, you fucking asshole. You saw a side to me no one has ever seen. I let you take a level of
innocence from me. You shared me with Jackson and you still stood there holding that gun to my head.
Fuck you all!
Muff looks hurt.  Serenity...
 Go to fucking hell.
 Enough, Jackson growls.  You speak to my men like that again, I ll fuckin tie you up and lock
you down until you re fuckin insane.
I glare at him.  Go ahead, Jackson. It won t matter to me.
I m so hurt. My entire body is rattling with pain. Spike takes my shoulder and gently leads me
 Get Janine, I rasp, glaring at Jackson.  The least you can do is make sure that after all this, she
doesn t get hurt.
I put my head down then, and I let them lead me inside.
I want to die.
~*CHAPTER 18*~
The truck is hot, and bouncy. I m stuck, head down, in a group of thirty, in a truck that s not really big
enough for us all. Janine and Ebony are squashed up beside me; Muff went and got both of them as
soon as I asked. Cade and Spike are driving, and Jackson is standing at the back of the truck, staring
down at all of us cramped in like a bunch of prisoners. His eyes haven t fallen on me once.
Not once.
I m shaking, and my stomach is turning violently. I m not sure if it s the sticky heat in the back
here, or if it s because of everything that went down. Maybe it s a combination of both. Either way,
I m about to lose anything I ate this morning. I would say something, but what s the point? Jackson
hates me. No, that doesn t even cover it; he despises me and no doubt wishes I would burn alive in
front of him.
My stomach turns again.
I begin rubbing it frantically with my cuffed hands, and sweat starts to pour heavily down my
head. Janine looks over to me and her eyes narrow.  Honey, are you ok?
I shake my head, feeling bile rise up in my throat. Janine shoves and pushes until she manages to
get to her feet.  You need to stop.
 Can t, Jackson grunts.
 She s going to be sick, she s pregnant you asshole. She s dehydrated, and tied up like a fucking
dog. You need to stop.
Jackson s eyes turn to me, and I begin to gag. I try to hold it back, but there s no stopping it. My
head drops, my mouth opens, and I throw up all down the front of my shirt. Tears stream down my
face from a mix of shame and the horrible aching feeling in my stomach. I hear Jackson thump the
window, as the bikers start to groan.
 Stop the truck.
The truck comes to a stop, and a moment later the back swings open. The bikers move aside, but [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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