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Sliding her hand under his arm, down the hard curve of his waist, his hip and to
his groin--MacTavish pride, virility, eminence--hers for the taking.
Her eyes closed, she submitted to his power, guiding him to her, and at her
urging, her permission, and guidance, he pushed. Farther, deeper, his virility more than
she had imagined. A moment in time she barely believed could exist.
A sharp intake of breath and his hips lifted, only to fall back again. Instinct.
Desire. Love. A moan, uttered from the depths, vibrated from him into her neck, its
primeval sound coaxing her to throw her hips into him. She writhed and with the motion
he clutched her breast, pawing fingertips to her flesh. Stunned between the sharp pain and
the immense pleasure, she shrieked sharply, burying the sound into the neck that now
glistened with a thin film of moisture. Her fingers scratched the vast muscle of his
buttocks, pulling him ever deeper and inviting the thrusts to quicken.
He complied.
Kate s face was smothered into the wet hollow of his throat. His biceps wrapped
firmly around her shoulders, she was indeed his. His scent melted into hers, his moans in
unison with her clipped gasps, their bodies joined as one. And his power grew. Knees
bent he writhed deeper, his whole body bouncing rhythmically with a growing climax.
 Ceitag, he cried through longing, as though in pain.
All misgivings vanquished, she succumbed to not only the acceptance of her new
name, the name he had christened her with, but to the ecstasy he drew from her. Back
arched, she threw her body to him and succumbed to the instant wave, one that filtered
through her being and danced to his song of passion.
Bliss. She understood her life could never be the same.
And at her moan he thrust and broke within her. Fulfillment. Commitment. His
heavy moan issuing a peace she had never experienced. His weight collapsed and she
cradled him, clutching damp hair that clung to his skin in curls, and kissing the saltiness
that seeped from hot flesh.
Slowly, his rocking subsided, but she would not let him go. She refused an
Pulling the coolness of the sheet over his shivering back she clung to him,
keeping his heartbeat within her body. And sought his lips for another kiss. She found
instead words.
 Tha gaol agam ort, Ceitag.
 I love you, too, Ailigean.
And now the world was a different place; they truly belonged to one another.
Chapter Eleven
Kate woke slowly. She willed it to be that way. Curled beneath the covers with
an unlimited supply of heat radiating from the sleeping body pressed against her, this was
a cloud, and she had to float within it, just a little while longer.
Finally the call of the coffeemaker grew too strong. Kate eased carefully from
beneath the limp arm that had embraced her most of the night. Thinking her escape
successful, she was about to put her feet on the floor when a huge hand caught her waist
and tugged her back under the covers.  Where do ye think ye re going? One eye was
focused on her, the other pressed into the oversized pillow.
Kate slid into the naked chest, and using her fingers as a comb, stroked the dark
strands that had been jostled into odd angles.  I was going to make coffee, she
answered, although now that he was awake the idea seemed secondary in importance.
 Coffee sounds good, he mumbled, pressing a kiss into her hair,  But a cuddle
sounds better.
She was suddenly captive to the arms that squeezed her cheek into a sea of muscle
and skin. A willing prisoner, she rubbed her hands up the expansive back, massaging his
flesh while luxuriating in his embrace.  Um, he murmured.  That feels nice. Ye are
verra clever with your hands, aren t ye?
Kate could feel the blush crawl into her face. Not wanting him to see her flush
she pressed her cheek harder against his shoulder. When he wiggled closer, he reminded
her with his body why she had suddenly been shy.  Alex? she whispered, her lips
teasing the velvet earlobe.
He squirmed slightly at the tickle.  Aye?
 Despite the fact that you and your friend are both awake, I really do think we
should get straightened around and go.
Alex over-exaggerated a groan of regret.  I m okay with that, but the wee lad
willna understand. A broad grin erupted into a flash of white teeth and then a hearty
laugh. When he took her into his arms again, she noticed for the first time a malevolent
purple blotch soiling the soft tone of otherwise perfect skin on his right shoulder. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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