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Felicitas multos habet amicos - szczęście ma wielu przyjaciół.
Indeks Eddings_Dav D20021169 arteuza

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of a chair, as if Carpathia had sat.
Simultaneous with a soft knock, the door opened and closed.  Your Excellency,
she said, to the sound of rustling.
 Sandra, Carpathia said,  you need not kneel every time you 
 Pardon me, sir, she said,  but I beg of you not to deprive me the
 Well, of course not, if you wish, but 
 I know you don't require it, sir, but to me it is a privilege to worship
He sighed without a trace of impatience, David thought.
 What a beautiful sentiment, he said at last.  I accept your devotion with
deep satisfaction.
 What may I do for you, my lord? she said.  Do me the honor of asking
anything of me.
 Merely that I want several full-length mirrors in the remodeled office. I
will leave it to those in charge of such matters to position them, but I
believe it would add a nice touch.
 I couldn't agree more, sir. I shiver at the thought of multiple images of you
in here.
 Oh, well, I thank you. Run along and deliver that message now.
 Right away, sir.
 And then you may go for the day.
 But your meeting 
 I will welcome them. Do not feel obligated.
 As you wish, sir, but you know I would be more than happy 
 I know.
The door opened and shut, and it sounded as if Carpathia rose once more. Just
loud enough for David to hear he said,  I too shiver at the thought of
multiple images of me, you homely old wench. But you do know how to make a man
feel worshiped.
Now it sounded as if he was moving chairs into position.  Akbar, Fortunato,
Page 96
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Hickman, Moon. No, Moon, Akbar, ah ... must let Leon wonder about his
proximity and access, keep him nimble. Hickman needs assurances. All right.
Back to his intercom.  Are you still out there, Sandra?
 Yes, sir.
 Before you go, get Mr. McCullum on the phone for me, please.
David froze, then chastised himself. He didn't care that Nicolae communicated
Mac. If David couldn't trust Mac, he couldn't trust anyone.
 Captain McCullum, Carpathia said a few minutes later.  How good to speak
with you. You are aware, are you not, that 10 percent of all weapons of war
were ceded to the Global Community when we were known as the United Nations? .
. . The rest were destroyed, and I am satisfied that our monitoring has
confirmed that this was largely carried out. If any munitions remain, they are
few and are likely in the hands of factions so small as to pose little threat.
My question to you is, do you know where we stockpiled the armaments we
received? . . . You had nothing to do with that? . . . Well, yes, of course /
know, Captain! The question is merely probative.
You are former military, you are a pilot, and you get around. I want to know
if the word has leaked out where we inventory our weapons. . . . Good. That is
all, Captain.
Clearly, Mac had told Nicolae he had no idea where the weapons were. As far as
David knew, that was the truth. But what a massive operation that had to have
been, and how was it pulled off without word getting out? And what might
Carpathia be planning now?
 Gentlemen! Carpathia said a few minutes later, welcoming the four visitors.
 Please, come in.
 Allow me to be the first to kneel before you, Leon said,  and kiss your
 Thank you, Reverend, but you are hardly the first.
 I meant at this meeting, Fortunato whined.
 And he won't be the last! Hickman said, and David actually heard the smack
of his lips.
 Thank you, Supreme Commander. Thank you. Chief Akbar? Thank you. Chief
Moon? My thanks. Oh, Reverend, no, please. I would appreciate it if you would
sit here.
 Here? Leon said, clearly surprised.
 A problem?
 I will sit anywhere His Excellency wishes, of course. I would even stand, if
you asked.
 I'd kneel for the whole meeting, Hickman said.
 Right here, my friend, Carpathia said, devoting much time and energy to
putting people where he wanted them.
 Sir? Leon began when they were settled.  Have you been able to sleep, get
some rest?
 You are worried about me, Reverend?
 Of course, Excellency.
 Sleep is for mortals, my friend.
 Well spoken, sir.
 I'm sure mortal, boys, er, gents, Hickman said.
 Slept like a rock last night. Out of shape, I guess. Gotta do something about
this gut.
An awkward silence.
 May we begin? Carpathia said. Hickman muttered an apology, but Nicolae was
already addressing Intelligence Chief Akbar.  Suhail, I have become convinced
that the location of our armaments remains confidential. Would you concur?
 I would, sir, though I confess it baffles me.
 Baffles is right! Hickman said.  Seems to me we had hundreds of troops
involved in this thing and oh, my bad, I'm sorry. I'll wait my turn.
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