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Peter and Wolf had of course come armed with champagne. Peter lifted his glass in a toast: Welcome to your gorgeous, newly extended home! Cindy and I looked at each other and broke into a run toward the back of the house. There was our unpainted, unfurnished Master Suite in all its glory. The bathroom of my dreams, complete with bidet. When had Cindy found time to call Orrick s from Beulaland? I had forgotten all about it. I gave her a hug and kiss, and we turned to the sliding doors leading to our small, private deck. Beyond it was a petite trickling fountain and the beginnings of a flower bed. Mom and Aunt Mae had been busy. Was it worth all the trouble? Mom asked from the doorway. Cindy laughed. My dear Jeanne, compared to our restful bucolic vacation, it was all a very minor irritation. But you and Aunt Mae have been busy. I never imagined we d come home to a working fountain and live plants. Her look became dreamy, and she turned in a slow circle. I knew she was decorating. Choosing just the right paint, carpet, draperies, furniture. She could see the completed Master Suite oh, all right, the name kind of fit where I could not. But Cindy had a marvelous eye for color. It would be perfect when she finished. Go for it, sweetheart. Excuse me for interrupting, girls. We would never be quite adult to Aunt Mae. Your guests know you are tired and don t wish to prolong their welcome, but they and I, I must admit are dying to learn what on earth went on down there. And how on earth you survived it. I managed not to sigh, put my arm around her shoulder and smiled. Why sho nuff, honey chile, it will be our pleasure. Fortified with champagne, we gave the briefest possible account of our time in Beulaland. They were horrified, saddened, amused& much as we had been when it was going on. Only we had also been good and scared, which was difficult to put across in the safety of our living room, surrounded by relatives and friends. Even their comments sounded familiar to ones we had made. How can anyone hurt or kill an innocent animal? That poor old lady so scared she got chest pains! Bastard was sure hard to kill. Reminds one of that Russian fella& his name just slips my mind. Rasputin, Sonny supplied. Haven t I had this conversation before, or am I just groggy? That Sheriff Jeffie ought to be on TV. There was general laughter at this comment. He may soon have time to look in to that possibility, Sonny added. The State Police captain intimated that our Jeffie may presently receive several suggestions that he resign to spend more time with his family if he has one, or to pursue other endeavors if he doesn t. Everyone was laughing, but I was not especially amused, What s the matter, dear? Mom asked. You seem very solemn. I just have wondered sometimes if we weren t simply a couple of busybodies. We didn t live there or own property there, or expect to. We really knew no one, except very casually. That planned development had no real effect on us. Perhaps we should just have kept quiet. Jeffie aside, they are bright folks down there. They would have worked it out in their own time and way. I am not entirely certain we didn t just make matters worse. Maybe Rasputin the Second didn t really have to die. Listen, Sis. Sonny poked a finger at my chest. McCurry was on the fast track to disaster. If it hadn t been you and Cindy, it would have been someone else who just happened to say the wrong thing when Mickey had ingested the right amount of alcohol and drugs. Maybe he would have killed that Mildred woman, maybe Sara, or that outspoken Dermott guy or Branch himself. But it would have happened. Trust me. Choate Ellis nodded. I m sure Sonny is right. He s experienced in such matters. And I know it resulted in a terrifying experience for the two of you. But perhaps you will feel slightly better about your intervention if you remember the words of the Parliamentarian Edmund Burke: The only necessity for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. Of course. He smiled. Nowadays that means women, too. And that about said it all. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Peace. It s wonderful! And we had had a whole eleven days of it. From the Wednesday afternoon when we got home, and for the entire weekend, we simply reveled in being home. Not to mention alive and well. We finally got back to sleeping normally and eating normally and doing normal little things. Like housecleaning, getting the car washed and waxed, putting away heavy winter clothing, spading up the garden, housecleaning, planting radishes and sugar peas and housecleaning. I will leave it to you to figure out who did what. The pets were also glad to be home. Fargo was assiduous in his patrols of the yard and announcements of visitors. We had one small problem with him. The minute we turned the fountain on, he was delighted with his new wading pool. We were still working on convincing him that taking a drink from it was fine, splashing in it was not. I had the feeling it might be a lifetime project. Wells, too, was some concern. She was still a little nervous at having been left even with her favorite aunt and spent a bit too much time alternately under the bed grumbling to herself or demanding to be petted. But the vet assured us those extremes would wear off. When Monday came, we both went back to work. I reclaimed my clients from Harvey Weinberg and took him to lunch. I visited the art galleries that handle my photos and got some good, some fair orders enough to keep me busy for a while signing, numbering, matting and framing. Cindy played some catch-up at the bank, but was generally pleased with the way her department had functioned. Since we hadn t managed to get souvenirs for anyone, she did the lunch bit also, and everyone seemed happy. I was especially pleased relieved might be a better word at Cindy s manner since our return. When Sonny informed her that retired officer Edgar Fountain would be back in place as her lookout when she started work Monday, she accepted the fact almost casually.
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