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“With Gareth?” He still sounded casual, but his body had stiffened as if in anger. “No!” I held his chin in my hand and made him look me in the eye. “No. I have not fed off of that scumbag in weeks. I had stores of his blood in my office, and I drank one while you were getting a table at the bar.” “But it was his blood, right?” “Yes,” I said defensively. I dropped my hands from his face and walked over toward the bed. “Do you know where else I could get my hands on Nephilim blood? You do know that I have to feed from him, don’t you? It’s not like I enjoy depending on him for anything.” “Drake,” Elijah voice was thick with apology. “Don’t.” I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up over my body. I suddenly wanted to hide from him. I had nothing to be ashamed of, but the admission of having drank Gareth’s blood made me feel dirty. “I didn’t mean—” “I said don’t.” “What are you going to do now?” he asked, sitting on the mattress next to me. “Now that he’s gone, how are you going to feed?” “Tomas said Gareth left me a six-month supply of blood here before he left. If I’m careful I can probably stretch it out to last almost a year. After that…I’m not really sure.” I didn’t want to admit that blood was one of the reasons I kept taking Gareth back after all this time. Any time my stores would run low, I would let him come groveling back into my bed out of fear of what would happen to me without him. I hated being dependant on him. “What did you do before you met Gareth?” Elijah asked as he lay down next to me. “We were friends long before we were lovers,” I said as I inched closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder and running my fingers up and down his arm. “His family and my parents were close and the Spence’s were always willing to donate to us. Plus my mother always seemed to have connections for backup supplies. I never thought to ask her how she did it. I suppose, I thought she would just always be around to feed me.” “Where is she now?” he asked cautiously, as if he knew the answer but wanted to hear me say it out loud. “Dead.” I sighed as I turned to face him. “My father was killed by poisoned blood. I’m not sure how or why. My mother never wanted to talk about it beyond telling me it had happened. After that, she stopped feeding completely. I think she just couldn’t bear to go on without him. She wasted away and died about six months after he did.” “I’m sorry,” Elijah whispered, gripping my hand in his. “I shouldn’t have pushed.” “No, it’s fine. I just don’t talk about them very often.” I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. “Watching her die like that, it’s part of why I stayed with Gareth for so long. He was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, and he always had an open vein for me when I wanted or needed it. Keeping him with me kept me safe. I knew I would never shrivel to nothing for want of blood if Gareth was in my life.” I couldn’t figure out why I was still talking. Something about this man made me want to spill every dark little secret I had. It was as if I had to spew it all out in big mouthfuls to make sure I was able to tell it all at once. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “For what?” I turned back to look at him again. The moon was bright outside and it illuminated the half of his face that wasn’t pressed into the pillow. His eyes were bright and he looked worried. “For the way I sounded earlier. If you need to feed on Gareth, that’s none of my business. Hell, anything you want to do with him is not my concern, is it?” “I don’t know. Is it?” I propped my head up on my fist. “Do you want it to be your concern?” “I like you,” he said, his voice husky in that way that made my cock twitch. “Maybe more than I should. We barely know each other but…” “But it feels as if we’ve known each other forever,” I finished for him. “Yeah. I don’t know what’s happening here. What I do know is that I like you, too. And I hate Gareth. And as exhausted as I am, as rough as tonight has been, I want to feel you inside me. I want you to tear me apart and put me back together again with your hands and your mouth and your body. Can you do that for me? Can you make me forget everything else? Just for tonight I want to believe that you and I are the only things that exist, the only things that matter. If the Apocalypse is really coming then we need to cram as much pleasure as we can into the days before it, in case we don’t have any days left after.” “I can do anything you want me to do.” “You still smell like soot,” I said with a smile as I inhaled deeply into his hair. “Just pretend I’m Santa Claus.” He grinned wickedly as he climbed on top of me, his legs straddling my hips as his hands roamed over my chest. “A very hot, skinny, Santa Claus,” I said with a laugh. “Yeah, okay, don’t pretend I’m Santa.” He laughed too. “I’ll just think you’re you if that’s all right.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. His legs slid down until his front was flush with mine. The blankets had been shifted aside, and we were pressed naked against each other, our cocks both hard against each other’s skin.
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