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hang around to see the final end, wasn't his business. Besides, these things rather disgusted him. Rene moved around it, examining it a little, mostly out of boredom. Moudoca had been very meticulous with this one. It was a wonder he hadn't put a bow around his cock. It looked terrified, even in that frozen state, and he noticed that it was mind conscious, which was unusual. Usually the brain shut down altogether. Rene listened intently. He could hear its thoughts. It was if it was praying. It had been a long time since he'd heard someone pray. Rene drew a little closer to him in the water. He wondered if the thing could see him. He waved his hand in front of its eyes. If it did, it gave no indication. I'm tired of feasting on Crocodile, he said to himself, how about a little pre-zombie? There had to be some blood left in the body. He took hold of the rigid body and bit down into the neck. The blood flowed freely, diluting some with the water. He held his mouth over the wound tightly and sucked. Blood. Rene paused, looked at the frozen figure. "You want blood?" 86 D.J. Manly You're drinking my blood. Why? You have no right to drink my blood. The way I see it, you aren't in any shape to protest. Stop. Or give me some of yours. Now! You're developing a taste for blood even before you've turned. You're going to be reborn a killer, probably worse than I am. I thought it was brains your sort ate? If you take someone from someone, put it back, creep! Rene licked his lips and laughed. Fine. What the hell! He examined the thing's mouth and removed the huge weed that Moudoca had stuck in there. It floated away in the water. He bit down into his own wrist and then pressed it to its mouth. Most of the blood floated off into the water, but it seem to swallow some of it. Rene shook his head. Your last meal. Poor bastard. He moved away and floated up to the surface, considering he'd done his good deed for the day. He eyed the alligator, which sat on the shore as he reached the ground, and the alligator moved away. He could hear Moudoca chanting and dancing around his shelter now, but Rene walked on by. He'd had his encounters with Moudoca, none of them bore fruit. His wet shoes sunk in the mud as he walked in the direction of the House of Monair. This was the last night he was going to sleep in the swamp, no matter what Trace told him. 87 Louisiana Lust His hunger for blood had waned, thanks to his snack in the bayou, but he was a little miffed. The treatments hadn't worked. He was still a vampire. Trace had promised him a cure and it hadn't happened yet. At best, he was less ravenous most of the time, but still couldn't feel the sun on his face. And all these rules. He wasn't allowed to drink from anyone. Shit. That was tough. He wondered if that dead thing in the water counted? Naw. "You must be patient," Trace cautioned. "I told you this would take time." "I'm tired of sleeping with the slime, not to mention zombies." "Stop that. There are no zombies." "I bit one tonight." "You bit a zombie?" "Well, a fledging. He wasn't quite dead I don't think, yet." He grinned. "Anyway, I didn't think he counted since he wasn't human or anything. Did he?" "Technically no. But I feed you, remember? Now, pull up your sleeve. When these treatments are complete, you can sleep here." "In your bed?" He smiled. "I believe we said that& " "I paid you already with my blood. You're never sick. When I'm cured, I walk away, no sleeping in your bed, Doc." "You want to be alone?" 88 D.J. Manly "I'm a vampire, Doc, I don't believe in love." "You won't be a vampire one day. This will work." "Just give it to me all ready. And tell me why I have to sleep in the swamp again?" "Would you rather sleep in a coffin?" "Frankly, yes, especially since that witchdoctor feeds all his zombies to the crocodiles." He appeared to shudder. "Stop making up stories." Rene shrugged. "Believe me or not." "All done." The doctor pulled down Rene's sleeve. "Soon this will make you a man." "I've been told that before. Promises, promises," he teased, batting his eyelashes. * * * * His limbs were moving and so were his arms. Craven didn't know if that was a good sign or bad. His throat hurt like hell. Was he supposed to hurt? He hadn't felt anything before. Someone had bitten him and he'd tasted something going down his throat. Blood. Who or what would have fed him blood down here? He vaguely remembered someone being in the water with him. Was it a dream? Where are you? You just can't leave me here? * * * * 89 Louisiana Lust Rene glanced at Trace who lay on the bed beside him. He always insisted that they lay together like that. He had no idea what the big deal was. It wasn't like Trace would get naked with him or anything. It wasn't as if he wanted him to. Someone or something was calling him in his head, but whom? He sighed, sat up. The sun would be up soon. He had to get back. No more swamp. Trace was fast asleep. He left quietly. As he walked away from the town, he thought about how long he'd known Trace. It had been twenty years or more since Trace had tried to drive a stake through his heart in the Lafayette Cemetery. He'd paralysed him, but hadn't finished him. Trace had been young then, no more than thirty, a scientist on a mission. He offered him a cure, a cure that had never materialised. And for some stupid reason, that cure had involved him sleeping in the swamp& .something about the water purifying him. It was ridiculous. But God, you can learn a lot from sleeping in the swamp, more than he ever wanted to know. Yuck.
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