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here somewhere?" "You're a real smart-ass, aren't you? The blue eyes harden. They'll find your car tomorrow morning. Your ID is inside. When it's learned that you've vanished, that will be all the confirmation I need." "So it's only been forty-eight hours, and I've already been identified as a vampire, I say. I'm impressed. How do you get your information?" But he doesn't reply. In fact, the rest of the ride he remains silent, doesn't even glance back again. So I use the time to test the cuffs, twisting my wrists to see if I can slip my hands out. No dice. I try to wriggle myself down in the seat, thinking if I can maneuver my hands in front, I'll have a better chance to defend myself. But I can't do that without making it obvious what I'm up to, and then I'll lose the element of surprise. I remain slouched, watching his eyes in the mirror.The mirror. I can see him but he can't see me. I've transformed enough to have lost my reflection. Let's see if I can make that work for me. I've never been especially limber. I take Yoga more for the mental benefits than physical, but damned if I don't manage to get my hands under my butt, then gradually to pull one leg at a time through my handcuffed wrists. I move slowly, so slowly not even a rustle of silk gives away what I'm doing in that back seat. The cop never glances back. It's so easy, I wonder if flexibility isn't another vampire physiological anomaly. I scoot over so that I'm sitting in the corner, close to the door. So, how many vampire notches do you have on your gun belt?" He doesn't answer. I'm going to bet it's not many or I wouldn't have been able to do what I just did. I almost wish this mind thing worked with humans so I could get inside his head and tell him what a stupid asshole he really is. I'm going to enjoy springing myself on him, seeing the shocked look in those baby blues as I My thoughts are cut short as we take the turnoff toTorreyPinesState Park . The cop cruises by the gate with a two-finger salute to the ranger on duty. I almost yell out, knowing the dark tint of the windows in the back of the cruiser prevents the ranger from seeing that this cop is taking a civilian into the park. Not an everyday occurrence, I would think. But the cop doesn't slow down and the opportunity is gone before I can. Just another thing I'll have to thank this idiot for when I get out of here. I wonder what a cop's blood tastes like Page 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Wait a minute. What am I doing? I'm just going to get away. I'm not going to linger for a midnight snack, even though he certainly deserves a little bite. The car pulls deeper into the park. We're off the main road and through the campground, winding through the sparse forest of spectral shapes known as theTorrey Pines. These trees are frozen in perpetual static motion, bent as though buffeted by ghostly sea winds, even on a still night. It's a dark, creepy place and a feeling of foreboding settles in my bones. I've never been this far into the forest, but I hear the ocean pounding somewhere far below and know we must be coming to the end of the road. My recollection of a map of the park showed it dead ends at the cliffs. This would certainly be a private enough spot to perform whatever ghastly ritual this guy had in mind. I sit up straighter in theseat, prepare myself for the get away. The best time to make a run for it will be the minute he opens the door, before he has time to register the fact that I have the use of my hands. I will throw my weight upon it as soon as I hear the lock release and push it hard enough to make him lose his balance. Then I'll beat it into the trees. I remember how fast Donaldson and Avery were. I can only hope that's a hereditary trait among vampires. I compose myself. I'm immortal now, according to Avery.Kin toLestat , and Count Dracula. Hell, maybe even a cousin of Spike my favorite vampire character. And he's cute, too, to boot. Buffy never treated him right. Maybe it's not an act with JamesMarsters . Look at those cheekbones. Maybe he really is You're not taking this very seriously. The voice is sounexpected, I literally jump in the seat. What? I squeak before I realize that I've spoken out loud.
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